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Everything posted by Mattoon
Carver's only got himself to blame, Pardew was clueless as a manager, but he had enough sense not to publicly slate his own players. Without any managerial nous the players are all you have got. Except Ben Arfa
NO! His head looks like a manscaped nut.
John Carver rank? Why yes, yes he is! Which glue sniffing nut job went for 9 points from the last 3 games btw
Must have the world's worst stammer if it took them 2 days to have that conversation.
Charnley: "So John, can you stop being a cretin for 3 matches?" Carver: "errrm... yes." Charnley: "Aye, that'll do, carry on." Meanwhile let's not bother looking for a coach so all the decent ones get a job before we have chance to talk to them. "We've learned from our mistakes." Yeah alright then, bunch of fucking wasters.
This is why I seek solace in here, can't be bothered with the know-nowts and imbaciles that play into his hands time after time. My barber just said to me "your biggest mistake was getting rid of Pardew." "No our biggest mistake was not replacing him, this run of form isn't new it's just a little worse than Pardew would have done." People still genuinely haven't got a fucking clue.
You actually watch us regularly? I've only seen maybe 3 of our 7 back to back defeats. 4 at a push. So many better things to do with your weekend. You can tell as it's been 8. I have watched 1 and no highlights, no more fucks are to be given.
very much this. I'd barely class myself as a supporter these days, more someone that has a more than healthy interest for historical reasons. It's like the abusive husband beating his wife and taking her for granted crying for her to come back because he can't live without her when she finally gets the balls to walk. Too late fuckstick.
Would hope we would look to hire someone more inspiring than McClaren, can't blame the guy, he's still trying to rebuild his image after the wally with the brolly and the whole Shteeve thing. We're hardly a club he can galvanise his comeback with, poisoned chalice if ever there was one. Probably the best decision all round tbh, he'd have been hounded out pretty sharpish by the fans. Ashley has a rather large egg on his face also being turned down by McClaren, ffs.
His recent performances suggest the last thing we should do is leave things as they are. Down tools? Aye, I think that ship sailed a couple of seasons ago.
Definitely a soft 10 for me, mathematically it's not that hard a job to get clear especially with our run in, but in reality the Charvernator hasn't got a chance of picking any more points up. Even with 1 draw out of the remaining 3 matches the teams below us only need to match our tally with our horrendous GD.
Getting away from the wife?
Clearly Ashley doesn't give a monkeys chuff, if we go down he'll just add it to the debt already owed to him which will mean more money for him if/when he sells up making it harder for someone to buy us.
Bye bye Ashley you sack of shit, may your Sports Direct United swirl down the shitpan of obscurity.
I can't see Shteeve joining us in this predicament, why would he come here and risk being in the Championship next season with a worse team than the one he has at the moment? It would be in his best interest to wait and see how things pan out. At least at Derby he gets to call most of the shots, here he gets dictated to, given players to work with and left on the front line to fight all their battles with a toothpick.
One things for certain it's brought our situation to light, have had some good conversations on FB today with fans of other clubs who are now seeing what's wrong up here. Carver needs to go today and give someone a week to instill some belief and spirit into the team.
The trap door is fully opened and we're just stood over it Looney Tunes style, one look down and we're gone, it's painfully obvious now.
You need a slap. Back of the queue Twinport53
Even in this scenario I would put him second to having no manager! I suspect a monkey randomly flinging poo at a tactics board would achieve a higher win % tbf. I don't get this, so you're saying Carver would be better than Carver? I'm lost.
Even in this scenario I would put him second to having no manager!
ah thats okay then, cheers. Feel much better. I don't know what everyone was moaning about now, reading that I fully back Carver for the job!
Grow 6 inches after 17? Are we hoping he has Acromegaly, like? Just seen this, I was 5'6" when I left school, I stopped growing when I hit 21 at 6'4" so I think depending on the person he has plenty of opportunity to grow yet.
not sure anyone cares enough to explode anymore I think the best you could hope for is a couple of petulant scoffs.
I keep hearing this, same for west ham, but allardyce f***ing hates us and is 10 times the manager carver is, and Pulis is also 10 times the manager carver is. Both teams are clearly better than us if only by virtue of the quality of their respective managers, I just can't see where people think we're going to beat them from Tend to agree - with scarce little individual brilliance to bail the side out it's difficult to see Carver avoiding the 11 game losing streak. Maybe if Sissoko and Janmaat are both on form one game we can nick a 1-0 or a 2-1 somewhere against a similarly uninspired side. I'd say we might manage a point with a late equaliser or getting a goal then hanging on for them to equalise late but that'll be the extent of it I imagine, we're certainly not going to beat anyone. Ah the old, nick a goal and hang on for dear lives, worked wonders against Swansea! Cisse literally feels like the only person that could save Carver from 11 in a row. We can't score and we can't defend, we have to hope Cisse gets something from nothing like he did so many times for Pardew. I wasn't saying it was a tactic we should use or rely on like On the other hand Pardew has coached the mentality into them for years, I'm not sure they're capable of anything else at this stage. I wasn't having a pop at you, it's our tried, tested and failed approach for every game, at least Pardew was 30% effective with it rather than Carver's 0% what was that definition of insanity again? (Rhetorical)