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Everything posted by Mattoon

  1. Tbf he did say he only had a little but of a winning mentality, obviously not enough to transmit to the team.
  2. In Pardspeak cliche is another word for football, obviously.
  3. Yourself, for expecting owt different. Yourself, for being stupid enough to watch it. Ooomph! :lol: I deserved that didn't i? I've avoided watching for most if the season, don't know why I thought we'd actually try and be any kind of competition other than a training match tonight. Bournemouth put up a better fight away at Liverpool ffs. I'm steering clear on Sunday, thankfully I'm working so don't think I'll even make the effort to catch the score at any point, this has all the hallmarks of a Pardew capitulation run right now. It'll be well into 2015 before we get any back to back results now.
  4. what's the point anymore? What excuse has the Pardcunt got tonight?
  5. He'd only have lost money if he sold all his shares when they were at their lowest. As far as I've read he didn't sell any shares. Buying shares usually involves taking a long term view. Mike Ashley can afford to wait decades for the shares to recover. He's only essentially lost millions of pounds of equity and on the proviso that the company fails to recover. Sensationalism, but I suppose not totally inaccurate.
  6. Out of the frying pan into the fire, a past time move with special dispensation, took his chances in the hope he might get an opportunity to play some actual football, unluckily ended up with mini Pardew and more anti-football. I think he was only waiting for Pardew to get the can (seemed innevitable at the time) so he could come back. Bridges now burnt has fled home. No one said he's not partly to blame for it all, but he's endured some real chinese torture this last year or two, surprised he's not bat shit now.
  7. He seems to have reverted to type, depends how seriously he takes this game, the only way I can see us setting up entertainingly and getting something from this is if he tries to throw it again and chucks the kids on! If he thinks he can win this now expect another 90 minutes from Gouffran and dire football.
  8. Not that it would bother me so much if it was just the prattlings of some half-wit journalist who gets paid not to research, or even if it clouded the judgement and caused sneers from clueless opposition supporters. What I can stand is the tired old clichés printed over and over again, the world swallows and nods in blind harmony, even our own supporters, who couldn't point out anyone who agrees with the clichés, agree with aplomb! But, oh no, poor old Liverpool, with their deep historical roots, the numba one supafans, how the mouthy have fallen, such horrific defensive football they are forced to endure, they don't deserve that. Geordies?! Pardews where you're at, hands tied, where you belong, yadda, yadda. Boils my piss!
  9. It's disgusting tbh, although it won't be long till Man City break the sequence. It's the bias of the media, hypocrisy at its finest, even with all their money City have never really reached media darling territory, like what they've done is remotely different to Chelski?
  10. Is your team red? Yes - you deserve better! No - Does your team play in London? Yes - You deserve better! No - Deal with it!
  11. Mattoon

    Kevin Keegan

    Who said anything about changing us into a really good team? It took us time to turn it around but the quality of football on display was night and day. He changed the formation and tactics to suit the players, which is what I was alluding to. Allardyce would have either been close to or taken us down, I have no doubt, it was a risk not worth taking, but as the circumstance was never played out it is what it is, a matter of opinion, you're welcome to yours. That does change the salient point I was trying to make, one man with the right philosophy, ideals and skills can make all the difference. We saw it with Keegan the first time and a lesser extent the second, we saw it with Sir Bobby too. My point being, even in Keegan's second spell, which was as already stated a lesser impact than his first spell, this club is able to do so much more under the right stewardship and should serve those with short memories all the evidence needed to quell the myths we play to the best of our "limited" ability. But of course lets get caught up on the semantics and avoid the actual point being made because I'm just talking "mongey tosh".
  12. Mattoon

    Kevin Keegan

    I think we were heading that way... We had the easiest start to a season in many a year and were hopeless Maybe not on the precipice but certainly freewheeling towards the cliffs edge if you want to be a pedantic tart about it.
  13. I'm sure we were told he gets a good cut from any transfer fee that we receive. It has been mentioned that's in his contract, which ok, whatever, but don't use it as an excuse for your shit football, plead your hands are tied and pick the greed of your pocket over the success of your business when you know said player won't be replaced. Either that or agree to let them go when someone else is lined up ffs.
  14. There's no need for that, obviously whoring out Sissoko. He does sound like a fucking car salesman he's blatantly listing off his strengths (features and benefits), gets in his age (plenty of years left in this plate) and telling the "big" clubs he's within their price range. Fucking despicable. Oh and he manages to get a Cabaye reference in there too for good measure. Hands are tied, my fuck dick they are, complicit in every way, cunt. Hope someone brings him back a dose of Ebola from the ACON!
  15. Forgot about that, yeah I changed my mind, he's a cunt!
  16. TBF we could all get behind him and there'd still be room in the shade.
  17. I concur, Blobby is a shit player, who fully supports the prick in charge, I don't hate him, I hate Pardew for not getting rid of the useless sack of shit and Ashley for not replacing him. We have a few players who are complete dogshit but they only get in the team because Pardew allows them to! It's not their fault they play and I doubt you would turn down a multi-million pound contract because you couldn't kick a ball 5 yards, if someone was to wave the money in front of you, you'll take it and laugh all the way to the bank. It's clear that brown nosers get far in our club and skill doesn't, that stands at Pardews door and his disgusting way of running(ruining?) a team.
  18. Mattoon

    Kevin Keegan

    You only have to go back to Keegans last stint before he was shafted to see what he can do for a club. On the precipice of relegation, playing poor football and he turned us around with attacking intent. For those not old enough to remember the Entertainers that should be enough to show how shit the current management team are! One day we will have a Sir Bobby or Keegan to raise the Phoenix from the SJP ashes, it's all there is to hold on to when enduring this regime.
  19. Fine. Love the guy too. So why the dickens were European clubs seemingly so unwilling to invest anything in his signature last summer? Again with this We've seen plenty of players move to 'lesser' clubs in the past, it's no indication of anything and I have no idea why people choose to cite nonsense like this over things they've actually witnessed with their own eyes. I know with my own eyes he's the kind of talented and exciting player I long to have playing for us. I'm asking the question because it's frankly baffling that nobody (including Pardew) wanted him based on what we've all seen, but they clearly have some kind of reasoning behind it and I'd like to know what it is. You say we have seen plenty of players move to 'lesser' clubs, but none that I can remember as skilfull and at such a young age. It's simple, he disagreed with Pardball, hated the ultra defensive hoofball we played, was the only one willing to task Pardew on his gameplan and was despised for it, how dare he question the King?? That's when the muck throwing began, the old adage stays true, you throw enough muck, it sticks. "He's a trouble maker" "he's lazy/doesn't track back" "he damages the harmony in the squad". I've been tarnished with lies, worked my arse off and it still haunts me at work for those higher up that don't know me personally. These things don't go away no matter how many times you prove yourself.
  20. Can't see anything but a Pardew defensive master class followed by a cricket score. Chelsea may not have beat us at home in a while and it might be Mourinho's worst ground but they're going to beast us on the way to the title.
  21. I think we could quite conceivably give him his £18m and still post profits north of £30m. They'll be lost somewhere by being accounted for in wages over the duration of contracts or something. There's no way he'll post substantial operating profits, creative accountancy at its best.
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