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Everything posted by Mattoon

  1. Mattoon


    Brilliant, we need more of this, really feels like something is gathering momentum at the moment. Just wish someone like Shearer would come out in support to spread it to the masses
  2. "He's made you look a right nob there! " aye fuck off, wait until the house of Pards comes crumbling down, because it will.
  3. Mattoon

    NUFC finances

    This is from Ashleyout.com re: Interest on debts owed to MASH.
  4. Mattoon

    NUFC finances

    I'm sure I read somewhere that the decision to charge no interest wasn't set in stone as offset by the advertising. He'd be mental to do it like but I wouldn't put it past him.
  5. Mattoon


    Was thinking the same. Should just tweet it to them I work for GAME and we weren't even allowed to show their cover for the game or any of the strategy guides or merchandise until it officially released at the stroke of midnight. Pretty sure they would stamp this out very quickly.
  6. Mattoon

    John Carver

    This. Everything he says points towards him telling the players to go out on the pitch and "perform" no tactics, no shape or formation, just "express yourself". Like putting unarmed men on the front line and saying "go and win the war for me, you're good soldiers."
  7. Mattoon

    John Carver

    Passing the buck like the coward he is, but in admitting he's done all he can to prepare the players and what is happening on the pitch is not reminiscent of what happens in training is am admition of failure on his behalf and chronic mismanagement. He's basically admitted his out of his depth as he can't whip his players up for, as he sees it, the most important fixture of the season. Instead he stands at the side scratching his craggy head and waving his arms and doesn't change anything to affect the game.
  8. Mattoon

    NUFC finances

    Think its £3000 after 3 months and £7500 after 6 months. Chump change for fat man and bobbins. If it staves off unrest until the season is over he'll happily pay that.
  9. Mattoon

    NUFC finances

    I think they're probably waiting for the season to end in hope that the anger will burn out over the summer break. They'll take whatever pitiful fines are thrown at them as less damaging. With the current level of anger aimed at the board it wouldn't be prudent to release any provocative evidence.
  10. You should know better. We're AIMING to make 5 signings, "targeting 5 signings" you might say. By mid-July we'll be trying to "push through 3 signings" and by late August we'll be "working hard on a new striker"... (We all know the drill) Essentially we're looking at 3 in and a squads worth out making our squad depth even more scary. Think of the wage bill though, we'll be balance sheet champions next season, mark my words!
  11. Would rather see him whipped instead It seems more suitable to throw things at him in the stocks. Nah, whipped ftw. We've had too many problems trying to get objects to connect with his head iirc. Floated rotten cabbage to the back post.
  12. Mattoon


    Support the team fund the regime! We have to support the lads cuz if we protest it could upset the players and we might not play well and lose our cohesion or something.... oh wait!
  13. Mattoon


    "it just looks normal" He's going to bury that club out of pure spite, and they really won't be coming back any time soon. Annoying, as it's one of the few grounds I've always wanted to visit. Fleetwood's just down the tram like, I know where I'd go watch footy! Just made my top 5 favourite posters there unfortunately live in Blackpool, Fleetwood lad born and bred, current turn of events makes me happy! Blackpool is a shit hole, as is BFC.
  14. Pardew personified everything that was wrong with the perpetual mismanagement of Newcastle United. He needed removed as a symbol, will there be worse managers? Yes I think Carver has already proven that. Will there be more detestable characters, I highly doubt it. Pardew caused a divide in opinion and a high level of irrational hatred was brewing for some. It was imperative he was removed to create a more United front. There will be Ashley apologists against the movement, however with Pardew now gone I believe there will be less resistance.
  15. If you can't see that Pardew being gone, under any circumstance is progress then I don't know what I can say to you. He was perpetual shit in that there was no way in which he was leaving on his stupidly long contract. With him gone, there's no way Carver will be here for anywhere near the length of Pardew ' contract because Ashley won't stand for the threat of relegation and there's no way he can stave it off. Secondly, now there is a chance that what happens on the field will be of a better standard once he is removed the long term cancer is the issue and a concerted effort to remove Ashley is the only way of doing that. 50,000 Geordies moaning won't change anything, there has to be a figure head, a leader and this is it.
  16. Mattoon


    Maybe if we just all close our eyes really tight and put our hands over our ears and shout "lalalalalala" really loud, when we stop and open our eyes he will be gone. Who needs some professionally put together, targeted campaign to get him out?
  17. Just for you I'd love to see the club relegated. And if we were relegated, I'd still support the club. Completely disagree that because I refuse to run away from my club in its current state, I deserve my team to fail. Will you support us again in 40 years? Don't really understand your reasoning behind that, if we were relegated it'd be harder to sell us and we'd keep our unwanted players; hence longer Ashley/Gouff/Sammy Ameobi time. I support or did support an idea of NUFC that was representative of what the club was all about. Under Ashley this club bears no resemblance to that NUFC whatsoever, well except the no trophy thing. Therefore its easy for me not to support it and wish it burns in hell. Ashely's NUFC is to the real NUFC what MK Dons is to Wimbeldon AFC. A different f***ing entity. Thank god we aren't in Europe? f*** the cups? Mid-table? That's not even football never mind NUFC. I support and always will love the idea that is NUFC in the way it was intended to be and once was because I believe it will come back to me, but first we have to get rid of Ashley who is basically the iron curtain to freedom. Until then he and it can rot in hell, the more it burns the better so all those who support the c*** get what they deserve which is f*** all, the club we are seeing now. Me I have pride, I have principles, I have a desire to see an NUFC be more than an advertising tool, a thing for some man child and a day out for complete w*****s who go to the match and clap this s***.
  18. As if turning your back on an owner who holds all you love in complete contempt and actively tries to put one over on you at every possible opportunity is the same as disliking a player?! Like we all stopped watching because the club stood by Nile straight like a banana Ranger. Get a grip man, this is the worst state this club has been in for decades and the relentless futile feelings are draining supporters belief in football.
  19. Mattoon


    People are entitled to their opinion, but I struggle to see a way in which you can have an effective protest whilst sitting at SJP "supporting" the team. Do you have any suggestions as to how you'd carry out such a protest? The protests under the Milburn stand after games for example (not during the game inside the ground). Protesting in/outside Sports Direct stores. It is Mike Ashley we hate, not Newcastle United. Hence the reason I'd personally rather support my club but also rid my club of this idiot. One piece of salient information you missed there, this isn't Newcastle United, this is Mike Ashley's Newcastle United. The only thing that is the same is the building underneath all that tat. You're supporting am empty shell.
  20. Mattoon


    How could we get any fucking worse man? We might accidentally score if we "distract them". I detest this support the team, fund the regime bullshit.
  21. Mattoon


    Exactly, you can't emancipate yourself from the club citing Ashley's treatment of said club and then berate action taken against the man who has forced you away. What's your take on what should be done?
  22. Mattoon


    I concur, 8 years is too soon to form an accurate assumption, we don't want to appear fickle now do we? Probably best to give it a few years, change could just be around the corner. Things will change this summer, Ashley's gonna spend loads and hire the bestest manager ever
  23. Mattoon


    I concur, 8 years is too soon to form an accurate assumption, we don't want to appear fickle now do we?
  24. Mattoon


    Um no. I oppose the people who brought us the roaring success that was SackPardew having any part in it. It was successful though. He's not f***ing here anymore as a result of it The stated aim was to get him sacked, not let him leave on his own terms, leaving us in a worse state, and in the process make him look good and us look bad. The process was to get him out, it might have not been in the manner anticipated but he's gone and a great deal of the reasoning goes to "those guys" so yes, it mother fucking worked! As for who thinks what about us? I couldn't give a rats arse, I don't even care if he finishes top 6 with Palace, fact is he was no good for us and he needed to go. How about the season he took us 5th do you think West Ham, Southampton and Charlton were hiding their blushes? Nah me neither.
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