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Everything posted by Mattoon

  1. Horrible little genius b****** Didn't even tie his laces, bad mother fucker!
  2. He had his favourites and probably only spoke to them. Exactly this. Regardless what he does or where palace finish, we're well shot of him. Thank f***. I still actively loathe him. My hatred of him is still there, but I just completely avoid him in the media...just can't watch/read anything he says. Although I like the odd look in here in case there's any gems from Palace supporters who are starting to click on They are still in the delusional phase where they are believing in Pardew the myth. They'll soon see Pardew the inept egomaniac and I can hardly wait. I think you're giving them too much credit there tbh. There's still some absolute fucktards in our support that are mourning his loss
  3. I've got a feeling we'll win this one, European Player of the month to be motm.
  4. Debatable that success and expenditure is mutually exclusive, with a good scouting network and an ambitious managerial appointment a modicum of success and sustainable pressure on the top 6 is possible with a lower outlay, shame Ashley hasn't got a fucking scooby how to do that though.
  5. In other words, 'Pardew is a c***' So basically Pardew didn't speak to Abied? He threw him under the bus against City and when he came out a winner just put him in the team and let him get on with it? No performance dialogue? I suppose it's just an example of why we got stuck in ruts so often.
  6. I found it rather amusing really, he's not here anymore so fuck him, plus if they keep climbing at this rate of knots there's going to be one almighty fall when it all caves in, which it will. I'll just sit here quietly in the corner and wait for that to happen. It's going to be worth the wait trust me!
  7. Scotland is North mate I knew that was coming, top draw dad joke
  8. I always thought Bigi would come good, had something about him, it all went south very quickly.
  9. Chloe Sandersons full tweets before they were taken down if you haven't read it: Chloe, good lass!
  10. "Hi my name is Matt and I'm a recovering NUFC supporter, it's been 3 months since my last match" *small round of half hearted slow clapping* Pardew killed it for me, the whole situation was farcical! When he left there was a small glimmer of hope and I actually felt something again. But then as the weeks rolled on and it became more and more obvious that it was the same old Ashley smoke and mirrors culminating in Carver being given the nod the optimism took a nosedive again. I have to admit I did follow the Hull game more fervently than any Pardew game or the Carver games up until then, on here only and at the end I felt something in response to the win. Like I've said, I'll take the remainder of the season for what it is and Carver gets my support as INTERIM head coach. Summer is the make or break for me, there are ways and means where the fans AND Jabba can get what they want out of the club and if Ashley brings in another Pardew I'll know he's just being a vindictive, spiteful, hateful prick and the club will be dead to me.
  11. Absolutely absurd, sure the players can barely be considered fringe players. However given the inadequate squad depth at the moment, particularly in defence we need to be holding on to as many players as possible! Surely Rangers can't afford the wages of that many loans so I'd imagine we'll foot that bill, all so Ashley can get them promoted, hence getting the added exposure for his shitheap empire.
  12. Conflict of interest there, lining his pockets to tell him you don't want to line his pockets, however it doesn't defeat the object, there's nothing more impacting than 50,000 screaming abuse live on TV. An out of stadium protest would only be as devastating if the crowd didn't then pour into the stadium at 2:55pm, that would kind of defeat the object too. If it's to be done it needs to be long, loud and continuous, the way we handled Pardew was great at Cardiff but never continued, we could have broken him had we been relentless. If the sheeple finally turn on Jabba it needs to be relentless.
  13. it wasn't that long ago people were raving about his performances, people forget about players being Pardewed, he's young enough to recover. I certainly don't think he should go over the likes of Dumbshit.
  14. It's all about trimming the fat, scraping numbers off the bottom to make the NET profit that little bit healthier, same as any decision made by the club these days, what's going to get us more money? No more wages for a player that no longer features much, fuck the footballing considerations, less wages and a small fee for the accounts is all important.
  15. Santon was at least a competent premiership defender, which is more than I can say for Williamson, Taylor, Colloccini and Dummett. But think of the £'s saved, whoop!
  16. Mattoon

    John Carver

    I'm not giving Carver a clean slate, however I'm feeling in a better position to just let him get on with it and support the team than I was with he who shall not be named. I have a better feeling about the team, the style of play is less rigid and the movement has improved I.e. We have some now. Plenty of room for improvement and maybe it's just a good feeling from the win but I've not even had one of those for a couple of years. Happy to let Carver get on in his interim role and I'll deal with the permanent head coach issue as and when it arrives, it just feels good to be able to enjoy a bit of football again.
  17. Take it how it comes, save my ire for Summer when a full time coach is announced, whoever that will be, not worth speculating about right now as no one knows. I'll enjoy the win as I don't have to witness the Pardgrin to go with it. Happy days!
  18. Bruce looks like he knows his time is up. Please don't fire him until we've named a full time coach ffs!!
  19. Mattoon

    Papiss Cissé

    I dunno if he's fit like, a mate of mine watched him on the telly and said he looked alright, I think I was a but bladdered at the time? - John Carver -Coach of the year
  20. Ouch. I have done another unwittingly arseholish post, haven't I? Almost sig worthy that, scornful!
  21. Mattoon

    John Carver

    Even online polls (discounting the mackem factor) are more or less unanimous which means the tide is likely to turn quicker this time and with more gusto.
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