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Everything posted by KDT

  1. He wasn't that arsed about the integrity of the National League when they started plowing money into Salford, paying ridiculous fees and wages for the level & having League 1/Scottish Premiership players playing at a much lower standard. He couldn't even do that very well either it took them a couple of seasons and a few managers.
  2. In completely unrelated news that plane that we're sending to Cluj for Tonali's medical is then flying onto Roskilde in Denmark which is a 20 minute drive from Joachim Anderson's hometown of Solrod Strand.
  3. KDT

    Plane spotting

    All seems incredibly coincidental.
  4. Apart from the London 'pull' there's really absolutely no reason to pick Arsenal over Man City if it's a straight choice between the two.
  5. KDT

    Sandro Tonali

    Tonali likely to be going up against Kone & Thuram tonight so interesting to see how he gets on.
  6. Where do you see Smith-Rowe going? Haven't they denied it repeatedly? I don't see them selling to any of the top 7/8.
  7. There's shady deals whenever big money individuals are involved, look even at teams like Wigan, Charlton & clubs who have gone bust like Bury because of not one but several incredibly dodgy ownerships.
  8. I tried to work it out the other day while I was washing the dishes & I'm sure it works out to about a 0.25% investment interest that PIF would have in Chelsea given their overall investment in Clearlake's portfolio & then Clearlakes ownership % in Chelsea. PIF aren't suddenly stepping in to save Chelsea they're trying to build their own league. Didn't a couple of Spurs players end up going to China when that was originally kicking off with the big money? I can definitely remember Paulinho going & Oscar went from Chelsea at arguably the height of his Career for nearly £50m and a reported £400k per week, Ramires as well went from Chelsea for a daft amount too.
  9. KDT

    Sandro Tonali

    Tonali & Frattesi share the same agent, Frattesi has been linked heavily with Inter. Perhaps the agent is negotiating Frattesi as a Tonali replacement and they can use the funds towards him & get one over Inter at the same time.
  10. KDT

    Sandro Tonali

  11. It's not really. Saudi are trying to give their league more legitimacy & Chelsea have a lot of 'known' footballers they need to get rid of, they're not paying Chelsea extortionate transfer fees they're just offering the players mental wages as it's the only way they'll join. They paid £45m or so for Neves and they're paying Chelsea less than that for Ziyech, Mendy, Coulibaly & Kante is on a free.
  12. KDT

    Sandro Tonali

    Mediaset: il Milan ha accettato l'offerta del Newcastle da 70 mln di euro per Tonali. Ora la palla passa al giocatore che dovrà decidere se andare in Inghilterra dove guadagnerebbe 7 mln Mediaset: Milan have accepted Newcastle's offer of 70 million euros for Tonali. Now the ball passes to the player who will have to decide whether to go to England where he would earn 7 million
  13. There's already the superb Armenian food van at the Quayside market so I assume the lad will feel right at home.
  14. Chelsea are getting £8m for Ziyech & £16m for Coulibaly, Kante left on a free. So not some astronomical transfer fees that PIF were just dishing out then.
  15. KDT

    Sandro Tonali

    Aren't Talksport sources generally just Sky sources?
  16. Was it not that they were looking for a back up for Robertson and ended up with Tsimikas instead? Speaking of Tsimikas he wouldn't be the worst signing for some left back competition.
  17. Robinson didn't play in either game against us this season which might be why he didn't impress you.
  18. Lewis did start for Howe before he was injured.
  19. I bet he's not even from the south coast, he knows even less than that Dharmesh Sheth bloke.
  20. I can see Partey doing well in Saudi Arabia.
  21. I'm happy now, no more worrying.
  22. Are you a twich streamer with approx 1m twitter followers creating dodgy links to Barcelona and great previous links such as us to sign Ansu Fati?
  23. I am worried, I can't lead a normal life until I understand why we're swapping Bruno for a Leeds reject and why PIF are bailing out Chelsea and not spending £500m this transfer window on us.
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