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Everything posted by bobbydazzla

  1. Check oot Frogstradamus owwa here
  2. They put the embalmed corpses into the East Stand on match days
  3. Its absolutely rancid to look at On telly it’s impossible to watch the blokes kicking a football about because their LED’s are so fucking massive And don’t get me started on the LED’s they’ve installed in their stairs that face the pitch LED’s are subhuman scum
  4. Which bits about Employment Contracts, Restrictive Covenants and Gardening Leave do people on here struggle to understand. If he's "working" for Man Utd whilst still employed by us, he'll end up in court for breach of contract. People operating at Ashworth's level in a business have access to all kinds of highly confidential details that need to be protected. NUFC and our lawyers will be watching him like a hawk. I've seen lawyers get involved for something as minor as a sales manager emailing a former client when they've joined a new company but are still under Restrictive Covenants. You can't sign an employment contract with your fingers crossed behind your back and claim skinchies when you want to break the terms. They're legally binding agreements.
  5. If there’s any suspicion he’s working on the sly for Man Utd then NUFC inform our lawyers and Ashworth gets investigated for breach of contract And it’s nowt to do with the FA, it’s employment law Employment contracts and restrictions exist for a reason, the employee can’t just ignore them and expect to get away with it
  6. By the time he’s fit to play again he’ll only have a few months left on his contract
  7. Definitely Mags buying tickets in the home end so they can leave early, proper massive lads fans would never leave early
  8. Should be banned And the LED’s on the stairs Fucking hate LED’s me
  9. They’ve been dogshit all season So many fluked wins League position doesn’t reflect how poor they really are
  10. A section of fans wear white tops so they spell out the T-Mobile logo in the stand during the game at Bayern What in the actual fuck Glad they’re getting beat. Daft cunts
  11. Haltwhistle outdoor pool says hello
  12. the taxi driver is dodgy because he also has a few sneaky slurps on the Jordan side so the ride back to the compound can be a bit wobbly
  13. I know someone who lives on a compound and it's dry, maybe a little bit of homemade hooch like they make in prison but you'd have to be an alchy to want to drink it Has to get a dodgy taxi driver to take him to Jordan if he wants to slurp any palatable booze
  14. All 4 would definitely get injured
  15. Are they on their way back from Dubai yet ? Boing 737 VIP private charter flight incoming from Dubz just flew low over Tynemouth and I got a stiffy
  16. Yes, we're hamstrung by FFP. But last year we were in a cup final and finished 4th in the league so we were well ahead of schedule Narrow minded to judge a multi-season plan on a single season and ambitious long term progress isn't always a linear journey
  17. People taking out bank loans so they can guzzle overpriced hot dogs and chicken nuggets in the ground, when within 5 mins walk of the ground there's reasonably priced and much better quality hot dogs, chicken nuggets, pizza, pasta, Greggs, asian food, greek food, turkish food, pub grub, burgers, £4 supermarket meal deals, hand made sarnies, french patisserie, caribbean food and dodgy vans serving questionable meat products with loads of onions If scranning is an essential part of your match experience, then eat before you go, or after the game.
  18. What was your ballot failure today ? Spurs ballot isn’t drawn till the morra
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