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Everything posted by bobbydazzla

  1. So then it doesn’t matter what we got for him cos our financial resources are so deep it’s largely irrelevant other than for FPP purposes Lot of people in here still worried about using discount vouchers in Aldi when we’re wealthy enough just get the butler to do our shopping for us in Harrods
  2. Sack the transfer team. They’re clearly shit at their jobs.
  3. Do you think there were other clubs willing to pay more ? Or we should have kept him as an unwanted squad player and not banked the £25 million ? I might think my house is worth £25 million but if no-one is willing to pay it then it isn’t. Thats how market value works.
  4. There’s a team of leading industry professionals negotiating our transfers and yet people on here know better about what we should be getting for our players. Howay man. This isn’t Charnley getting his pants pulled down cos he’s an overpromoted tea boy. If we got £25m for him that’s cos it was the best deal for all parties. And an indication of his true market value .
  5. bobbydazzla

    Shola Ameobi

    Too busy riding bikes whilst eatin apples
  6. Cos you would also get people who did want to sing and stand buying tickets in the sections where people sing and stand. Whereas if it’s now computer allocated, there’s less chance of that happening. I might choose Gallowgate and end up in an area where everyone stays seated. When where I actually want to be is Strawberry Corner. But we don’t know what the seat allocation process actually is, cos the communication from the club has been very poor.
  7. Think a massive issue is that they’ve told us fuck all about how this ballot will actually work. I’m the same as you, bought the same seat in the ground most of last season. If that seat already sold there was another a couple of rows away that was just as good. I’ve made pals with the ST’s in that area and it was just like the old days, seeing familiar friendly faces each game.
  8. Front section of the Gallowgate, almost in Strawberry Corner. Everyone stands and most are noisy and positive. View to Leazes isn’t great, but I’d rather have a sketchy view and a good group of people than the other way round.
  9. Depends if members can choose seats or not. If it’s literally a lottery and seats are allocated by a computer then I can’t see it having a positive effect on atmosphere as it’ll be impossible to have consistency with the same likeminded people being together each game, other than the ST holders obviously. Last season I found a group of people I really like being around, a mix of ST’s and members who all wanted to stand up and be vocal. So I’d buy a ticket there every game. I’ll be pissed off it that camaraderie is now over because of this fucking ballot.
  10. Cos last year they said memberships wouldn’t be capped, then they went and capped the fuckers
  11. It’ll be the JCB lot, they upload their own videos to TikTok & Youtube when they smash up Sayers related property What strange times we live in people
  12. Definitely a different breed of gangster / hard men in the North East compared to what goes on in places like Manchester, Liverpool or Leeds. Not that it’s necessarily a bad thing, would rather have some blokes shouting “spekky twat” and smashing rivals windaz with bats, than toting machine guns in the street and shooting innocent bystanders
  13. Dear Ottoman, I humbly say, I'm sorry if my words did betray. In jest or folly, I've caused you pain, I seek forgiveness, like springtime rain. Your transfer knowledge, I now perceive, And in my thoughts, I will believe The Frimpong you shared, the guidance bright, A treasure found in darkest night. With open arms I offer this plea, Lavrimento’s not for NUFC.
  14. In shadows cast, Lavrimento's plight, An ACL sorrow veiled from sight. Yet Frimpong stands, a beacon strong, To lift Newcastle up, right any wrong
  15. Could Ottoman feasibly, leave the atmosphere, they'd ask, With skies aglow, an earnest task, In daring to dream, beyond the known, A world of transfers could be shown.
  16. write a short poem about Ottoman who is not very clever and probably a Sunderland fan In Sunderland's realm, Ottoman, the fool, With playful antics, they'd ridicule
  17. Aye, mad Joe completely off his lips on Bostik getting a semi in his tracky bottoms about signing players we already owned
  18. Get yasel awwa to the Maxi thread for the answer to that one Never mind simply just coming to the Prem and shining, he's apparently become the greatest winger in world football
  19. Chelsea are so completely off their tits on extra strong glue that they'd probably sell a player to themselves
  20. He’s got Francisco in the middle We’ve signed exactly who we need Livramento at the end Valentino’s round the bend The longest name in the premier league
  21. In an era where the recruitment team are trying to keep their dealings confidential, there's naivety in someone having a decent sauce and then plastering loads of specific details allawwa the Twatter You'd probably expect it from a well networked journo, but not some average punter Chances are the sauce will decide it's too risky and dry up, or someone inside the club will tell them to dry up. Don't bite the hand that feeds you etc
  22. In the true spirit of this thread I want to see some xG stats on mice killed vs blackbirds maimed vs turds done in raised beds to truly understand whether outdoor cats should be peddled, or not And is a lazy but sometimes exciting cat better than a hard grafting but less exciting cat.
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