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Everything posted by bobbydazzla

  1. The BBC have paid Michael Macintyre millions of billions of quid to be an unfunny cunt when all they actually needed to do to achieve comedy excellence was spend a couple of quid on an old Nokia with a porno ring tone
  2. Could help Everton with their push for promotion back to the top flight
  3. Hooch for a pound and Wonderbras-get-in-free ?
  4. Think you're right, Platinum Club is either side of the directors seat section, and it was the central section which was the area with the big chunk of empty seats. But the point still stands that the section shouldn't be empty when it's a sold out 1/4 final and people are scrambling for tickets every home game.
  5. Wonder if anyone in the Platinum Club will turn up for this one, was a shame to see that section empty against Leicester
  6. I was on the other side of the ground but I spotted him over by the bench bending down to pick the ball up and toe poking it away as he did ? Was like a Chaplin manoeuvre
  7. Nah, although I’m in front section on Gallowgate side of Strawberry Corner so wouldn’t have seen anything apart from first few rows. We all stand every game and stewards never say owt.
  8. If that’s a frog then I’m the rotting carcass of a street rat
  9. You mean to say ‘is metabolic processes are now 'istory! 'E's off the twig! 'E's kicked the bucket, 'e's shuffled off 'is mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin' choir invisible!!
  10. Used to be in L7 singing section before Ashley took the huff and canned it. Atmosphere was always great up there and we’d stand all game. Nowadays I’m near the pitch in Strawberry corner and stand all game. Seems to be an acceptance that it’s an unofficial standing & singing section, have never had bother with stewards. For me it will always be noisier when standing. The physical aspect of shouting / singing loudly is easier when you’re stood up. Never mind the psychological impact of being more inclined to get involved in shouting / singing if you’re stood up in a group with like minded folk. It’s the same as when watching live music.
  11. Spotted this vermin carcass in the Gallowgate today. Gallowgate Pigeon finally escaped the net was my immediate thought. But it also looks like it could be related to Bruno Fernandes. Any budding Terry Nutkins’ able to confirm what it is ?
  12. If we’re on about how dangerous football could be back in the day then worth remembering that we chucked a firebomb at West Ham inside SJP in 1980. And have a chant celebrating it too.
  13. Never mind the piss poor shambles flag embarrassment, deeky that face at the bottom of the pic. It’s very trippy. old man with young kid face ? young kid with old man hair ? a woman with old man hair ? I don’t find them attractive, it’s just confusing
  14. Same bollocks every week about the bother in and outside the ground All kicking off by the buses, some of their lot got wide so our under 12's firm steamed in to defend the pregnant women walking past with pushchairs, our older lads were ready to go but weren't needed cos the young firm were enough to see off the Swansea top boys, on Swansea message board after they were saying we're the best and hardest fans in the whole wide world and they have total respect for us and hate the mags. Also a 6 year old lass got hit on the head by a tuppeny piece in the ground so she steamed into the away end and battered about 90 Swansea, stewards turned a blind eye cos Swansea started it. And our over 60's pensioner aggro crew chinned some Swansea youth outside the Badgers Fanny boozer cos they came in and made a racket asking for pints when the meat raffle was on.
  15. same old shite, at Old Trafford they just make the rules up to suit whatever Manchester United require on the day
  16. Doesn’t matter how worried or arrogant we are as fans, you can guarantee Eddie will have the lads hyperfocused on how they go about beating Southampton and that’s what counts
  17. Kick off after 2nd goal when Bruno was stood at centre circle sporting a massive grin singing along with the Joelinton chant whilst pointing over to big Jow, for me a little moment like that defines our beautiful team spirit. And Dan Burn’s goal, so chuffed for him, was magical.
  18. I don't have Twitter but.......he went out in his Lambo 9ish, was back in its parking spot at 12ish Read into that what you will
  19. Whoopsie. Just thought Adidas had fucked up. Fair play to the Arse, it’s a good cause.
  20. Fucks gannin on with the Arsenal kit like. Written the names and numbers in invisible ink or what
  21. Revved his Lambo aggressively in Jesmond this morning. Worrying.
  22. Be chef’s kiss transfer synergy if we peddle Shelvey and buy Balde
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