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Everything posted by McCormick

  1. I think i speak for everyone when i say: "It's about bloody time"
  2. All ITK's ever are pricks... officially. i just wish people would stop giving them the attention they're quite clearly starving for.
  3. If this is to become one of the ''two more signings'', then we might have to choose between a striker and a creative midfielder.
  4. I disagree over Spurs if they lose both Berbs and Keane. You can't get rid of the best facet of your team from the previous season and expect to progress. Spurs were in the relegation zone (the REAL relegation zone, not a late-season flirtation) for a large part of last season. They will be again, and could possibly be relegated. Just like last summer, they are being so frequently and so ridiculously "talked up" - so some people are (again) actually believing it!! The power of a dedicated LONDON-OBSESSED ("national") media . . .
  5. delighted, how about you? thought mike has just went on record saying there's money to spend? no? why would that be necessary dave? I wouldn't be happy at all, considering they're two of our best players. Like Berbatov and Keane. neither would i, missed the ironic smiley if there is one care to answer the 2nd question dave? considering keane and berb have both had their heads turned by bigger clubs rather than spurs selling them to fund other things, oh and berb is still there I don't think it is necessary for us, just making the simple point that the departure of Keane and the probable departure of Berbatov - both for big money - obviously allows them to spend more money. Just like if we bin Smith we can then bring in someone else. Considering Spurs stand to lose two players responsible for nearly half their league goals (not to mention the countless assists), I just don't see why they're this great thing we should be aspiring to. If we lost Owen and Martins to Man Utd and Arsenal, you'd be kicking off that we can't keep hold of our best players. Their first 11 is a much stronger one than last year though, i mean their midfield alone (not to mention the inevitable signing of corluka) is a sight to behold. And, with murmurs that the spending isn't over, its a bit hopeful to think that they're anything but a more formidable outfit than last season.
  6. 2 or 3 weeks ago i would've snapped their hands off
  7. Yeh I think he's very good aswell, as for Matias he's got huge potential but hasn't fulfilled it yet, Fernandes is a better player at present but Fernandez could become an exceptional player, though Matias is an attacking midfielder. ?? I'm confused, for future reference could you use 'manuelle' and 'matias'- it'd be more helpful Matias Fernandez - Manual Fernandes aaah see gejon made me think they had the same last name. Clears things up a bit, ta
  8. Yeh I think he's very good aswell, as for Matias he's got huge potential but hasn't fulfilled it yet, Fernandes is a better player at present but Fernandez could become an exceptional player, though Matias is an attacking midfielder. ?? I'm confused, for future reference could you use 'manuelle' and 'matias'- it'd be more helpful
  9. Better than the everton one, out of our reach as well imo
  10. Seems like one of those dubious threads... Mods on alert for any unsubstantiated allegations
  11. Given Beye Faye Collocini Taiwo Jonas Xavi Nzogbia Cole Owen Martins
  12. Come on lads, its not going to happen. Joe cole ffs... (be extremely happy if i was proven wrong though)
  13. God another boring day in the forum! Any other news? Like when this left backs supposed to be coming and what colour Ashley's turd was this morning? Spurs ITKs are in agreement that it was brown. Be back when i've got more info on the matter.
  14. If Healy gets a damn thread....
  15. Yeah?.. f***ing GET IN!! YEAAAAAAAAAAAH OOOOH BABY!! This is sunday gossip section ... we only make gossip here, fella... my next gossip is... KAKA will be our goalkeeper next season Link? Although I'd play him outfield tbh
  16. How to shut the fuck up for starters... Was about to post the exact same thing
  17. How to shut the fuck up for starters...
  18. McCormick

    Alan Smith

    Hate it when i hear this
  19. tbf, i think pompey will have a very poor season, we should of won at their place end of last season, and they really don't have a squad at all What makes you say that? On paper their first-team are on par, if not better, than ours.
  20. Still have enough class about them to beat us comfortably 2-0, i'd say
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