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Everything posted by Elbel1

  1. Elbel1


    No, it isn't Sunday is part of the weekend I rest my case
  2. Elbel1

    Fabio Zamblera

    That just means he didn't score, doesn't it?
  3. Corect if I'm wrong, but the people you mentioned are all managers Subtle difference between bossman calling the shots being full of themselves and players who think they are too good for us
  4. it might just be me but if Ronaldino can't get motivated for Barcelona how will he perform away to Hull/ West Brom/ Stoke/ Wigan/ Fulham etc. Can see it ending in tears to be honest
  5. After reading this thread i have seen a chance to make some extra cash I plan is to make Alan Smith effigies and sell them on e-bay for people to hang from random lamposts around Newcastle Should make a fortune
  6. i have just bought tickets to take my young daughters to their 1st away game (Hartlepool) Does anyone know cheapest place to get childrens toon tops? Home or away will do, doesn't even have to be this season thanks in advance
  7. You're being paranoid now. Everyone says so
  8. Even Peter Andre can manage that Jokes fail when you have to wiki twice just to get the punchline. I can't be held responsible for your lack of 'celebrity' knowledge I also can't believe I have refered to Peter Andre as a celebrity
  9. Nigel Clough To be fair though he was superb until Souness got his hands on him at Liverpool
  10. From his Wiki article Even Peter Andre can manage that
  11. The ultimate pundity line up would be:- Ant and Dec in the studio with Shearer, O'Neill and Al Murray (Pub Landlord) With Frank Skinner and David Baddiel commentating That's how license fee should be spent
  12. Probably the only way to get Arshavin to Newcastle would be resorting to kidnap Worth a try though
  13. How about option C. While showing Dennis Wise his holiday snaps an off the cuff remark about Mrs Keegan is taken the wrong way and leads to blows being traded. Alan Oliver happens to be passing and jumps in to seperate the warring men. Unfortunately in the process he gets tw**ted in the face with a tray. After Mr Oliver hits the floor, Keegan and Wise shake hands, make up and set about giving Alan the hiding of a lifetime. After showing that they can work together to great effect, Keegan and Wise go on to create a footballing dynasty that dominates european football for many many years
  14. i reckon option B. This is based totally on Anal Olivers latest journalistic masterclass, in which he states that Terry Mac has been 'an admirable stand-in for one of the most positive men in football.' Discuss................
  15. Not as good at centre half as Giles Grimandi
  16. And Duff KK could re create him into the 'wing wizard' we saw and coverted at Blackburn and Chelski
  17. is he arrogant like?? I seem to remember Billy Davies last season making repeated comments along the lines of 'he has to realise he still has a lot to learn, not finished article, musn't get to big headed etc'
  18. we could do with an arrogant tosser the place hasn't been the same since dyer left Really though, Barnes is an outstanding talent and if handled correctly he could well do a job at the highest level (not as a roofer though)
  19. I am struggling to understand how anybody can be either for or against this appointment as we don't know what his role or responsibilities will be within the framework of the club Let's all chill until the club releases some more revealing info Groovy man
  20. Could try e-bay You can buy pretty much anything there
  21. And zee cup for totting hum! He should take his 'trembley' legs and f$#@ off
  22. i will be pleased when the window closes It's getting a bit draughty now I'm here all week
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