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Everything posted by Elbel1

  1. I don't rate Smith, I'm not keen on Cacapa and Butt is pretty poor. But which is the laest rubbish? Theres only one way to find out......... FIGHT Apologies to Harry Hill
  2. Although I believe that Ranger and Lua Lua (amoung others) will save the club a lot of money in the near future, I also believe that next season will be too early for them. More likely that they will go out on loan to a Championshil/League 1 side to learn their craft. Would like to see them go to a local club so that they could still train at Newcastle once a week
  3. Here is my list of players more over rated than Owen Gerrard Joe Cole Jenas K Jones Bridge (£10m!!) Jenas Defoe (£15m!!!!) Parker Jenas Lescott Jenas Terry Downing Delap (Take your long throw and f@$% off)
  4. The bit where you say 'if he was any good why hasn't a champion league team come in for him'. Or are you suggesting we go for players who aren't very good?
  5. Did he not get married in the summer? If he did then hoe is the house a mess? WTF is his wife doing all day?
  6. If you can defend well enough to keep a clean sheet you are guarenteed at least 1 point If you attack well enough to score 3 goals you aren't guarenteed anything if you can't defend Simple really
  7. Elbel1

    Stephen Carr

    Looks like I bought those shares in Greggs at the right time I could be quids in
  8. Keane has previous for streching out contract talks He is playing hard to get but this time it could go a bit wrong for him At Man Utd he knew that he was pretty much irreplaceable He seems to think that he is bullet proof in his current position but given some fans reaction to recent results he couldn't be more wrong However it does make a change to watch a north east club come apart at the seems that isnt NUFC
  9. Personally speaking, I don't think we will be relegated
  10. We are doing good mainly because our 2 strikers (Sammy & Nile) are bigger than anyone else they play against. No CB's at U18 level can cope with these 2. So really its more luck than talent? No, the pair of them are decent/good youngsters but when you watch any 11 a side game & your strikers are a lot bigger than the CB's you going to do okay. Do you rate younger Ameobi? I watched the Academy guy's assessment and he said he's really good but a bit inconsistent. He is good at U18 level but he can drift out of games. I thought he did well playing out of position at LW today. Does this refer to Sammy or Shola?
  11. Birmingham, Sheffield Utd, Reading, Millwall and Everton 45/1 shot at Ladbrokes
  12. why was he amazed if we made an offer? That we shouldn't be, because our owner wants out? f*** him. c***. I read it that Mr Bates was amazed at the size of the offer (Too small I'd imagine) rather than where the offer came from
  13. Elbel1

    Joe Kinnear

    This Apart from the last line
  14. No. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes Yes Starting to sound like a scene from 'When Harry met Sally' :colo:
  15. No great surprise He always gets injured when England play :colo:
  16. It's fairly simple for Aston Villa Either 1) Wear bright red or 2) Relocate to London. Young and Agbonlahor will be in the squad in no time. Unfortunately this would probably work
  17. I wouldn't be at all surprised if he is saving it for the next edition of his autobiography Bound to make it a best seller
  18. ''Top Of the morning to ya''!Really,didnt think that was Irish slang at all.Was actually talking to his Mom a few months back in the sports shop I work in.She had a Newcastle bag in her hand and I was laughing saying Im not the only Newcastle fan in this country so,she told me oh no my sons playing for the youth team.She was telling me he was a bit iffy at first going over to a different country at such a young age.But hes loving it now.She said he loves ye Geordies Is she a MILF?
  19. I hope that's true. Didn't SJH say similar things when MA took over? Something along the lines of only selling to him because he was certain that Mr Ashley was committed to moving the club forward
  20. I know he's good, but can he play on both wings?! He can indeed play both wings Unfortunately not at the same time!
  21. They haven't beat us at their place since the 80's so they are due to win one sooner or later. It won't be this year though. :colo:
  22. If its on talksport then it must be true
  23. Elbel1

    Mind your language

    Shame we don't play them until sunday :colo:
  24. well its quite easy to explain, the best possible care, is usually found abroad... what did you think? that all of the best doctors/physios in the world live in england? dream on m8 and its probably cheaper as well to send them abroad To be fair, there are far better medical systems abroad if you have the cash imo. I'm sure our players could afford to go private. Yes I know other countries will have top doctors/physios but come on, a shoulder injury requires a South American doctor? It's not like they're going for a new, experimental treatment. I agree to a degree, but for some things, some specialists mean you need to go abroad. I agree with what you say but isn't it funny how all these specialists happen to be in the home country of the injured player (or in Martins case, where he used to live). The likes of going to see Dr. Richard Steadman for knee injuries I can accept. Mate, you are aware Australia is a first world nation aren't you? Fancy a chat about NHS v Medicare? Besides which, it's common sense to go to a doctor you trust, with whom you have had positive results previously. But the sad truth is that the closest epithet for Viduka came from djmattis: He is indeed finished as a top class footballer - even the Arab leagues would ask too much of the big fella these days. Was he finished when he left Boro, hmmm... maybe. He put in a few good performances, but simply not enough. It was a gamble, it failed - to all the haters, who do you hate? Viduka for accepting the contract offered to him? Roeder for making the gamble? Shepherd for backing Roeder's relatively inexpensive bet? It was Allardyce who signed him
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