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Everything posted by Elbel1

  1. Elbel1

    RIP sale thread.

    Karen Brady has announced that she will leave Birmingham if they get taken over...................
  2. holland already qualified, scotland need something. i've laid scotland in my accy. I have invested £20 on all the pressure being on Scotland to win and Holland being more than capable of pulling apart teams that are much better than Scotland Text book result £42 to me Thank you very much
  3. holland already qualified, scotland need something. i've laid scotland in my accy. I have invested £20 on all the pressure being on Scotland to win and Holland being more than capable of pulling apart teams that are much better than Scotland don't think scotland will win but i think too close to call on lose or draw. If it is still 0-0 with 20 min to go Scotland have no choice but to bomb forward which will play right into Hollands hands. I hope i have just added holland on a shorter higher priced accy.
  4. holland already qualified, scotland need something. i've laid scotland in my accy. I have invested £20 on all the pressure being on Scotland to win and Holland being more than capable of pulling apart teams that are much better than Scotland
  5. The punishment for missing a drugs test MUST be harsher than failing a test Otherwise you can get smacked out of your tits on whatever you choose then simply not turn up for a test and get a smaller ban than if you actually turn up and fail the test Therefore Rio didn't have anything to hide Common sense really Right, now point out where I said that missing a drugs test should come with a shorter ban than testing positive for performance enhancing drugs? The use of the word yet suggests that you are surprised at the length of the bans handed out to Rio and Paddy. I was simply explaining why Rio got a harsher ban and that it does not make it likely that Rio had anything to hide
  6. The punishment for missing a drugs test MUST be harsher than failing a test Otherwise you can get smacked out of your tits on whatever you choose then simply not turn up for a test and get a smaller ban than if you actually turn up and fail the test Therefore Rio didn't have anything to hide Common sense really
  7. Elbel1

    RIP sale thread.

    She would probably have more than enough if she dipped into her hubbies Bank Account as well! I'm sure she could get Simon Cowell to invest as well Louis Walsh and that other bird can F*@k off though
  8. Elbel1


    Cant be bothered to post the pictures but how about Phil Brown and steaming pile of dog shit shaped like a carrot?
  9. Man U kid aye. OTB - On The Buses (Ready To Go messageboard) http://www.redcafe.net/f40/cathcart-gone-loan-213315/ The later part of the thread says sold to.... Why's it called on the buses? Cos none of them can drive?
  10. Elbel1


    Cant be bothered to post the pictures but how about Phil Brown and a steaming pile of dog shit?
  11. Elbel1

    RIP sale thread.

    Aye, I don't know why people are still clinging to the hope of there being news today. Yes, because in 2.5hrs they'll come in, appoint a manager, sanction a massive spend and be able to bring in a load of new players. Stranger things have happened. Fair enough I can't think of any, but I'm sure stranger things have happened
  12. If Stoke get Tuncay (what happened to his career?) could Kitson be a possible loan target? Also is Nugent getting a game at Pompey?
  13. If Stoke get Tuncay would Kitson be a loan target? Also is Nugent getting a game at Portsmouth now?
  14. The irony being you are? You regularly will sit and say that but never will you argue why the point is wrong, because you know you can't really. Take note from Tooj and try constructing a sentence outside of a name and a swear word. 5 year deal potential wage increase ? Dad of Peter, he could easily go back to Denmark tomorrow and stand a chance of being in the national side. That was probably enough of a deterrent for him. Do you know where Denmark are in their qualifier group? I'll let you go and check before making silly statements. I was actually thinking of Norway, who are pretty much as bad a team as Scotland are. Anyway, Denmark will be nothing more than Cannon fodder for the big teams in the world cup so the qualifying shouldn't make too much of a differance. What's your basis for this sorry? Nothing other than i can't see them beating one of the favourites in a big match on the biggest stage. Other than Larsen who would trouble a top defence at the world cup ? Even with a back line of Dan Agger and Simon Kjaer? Who looks one of Europe's brightest defensive prospects. Put them behind the experience of Tommy Sorensen, you then have a midfield of Christian Poulsen and Thomas Kahlenberg, Bendtner, Tomasson, Larsen, Rommedahl and Daniel Jensen. They have more than enough potential to shock on the worlds stage. Rommedahl. Howay man, he's a danish Alan O'Brien. anyway we'll see in the summer how well they do, i'd be surprised to see them get past the group stages. Are you serious mate? Has O'brien played in the Champions League like? I don't think so, clearly you have a thing against danes. I'm feel for you Andy Griffin scored past Buffon in the champions league doesn't mean he's a good player. Why are you even bothered i thought you were Italian anyway ? Part, the name or old username was my last name which is Danish as is the father. I think they get no respect even when they achieve s***, and you have the likes of Holland who internationally have done sweet f*** all but play "Nice football" in the 70's yet they are still considered a world powerhouse. It's like saying Newcastle are a world powerhouse despite never winning the premier league or even the FA Cup in like 60 years, its daft. They also get sorely undervalued in the transfer market, has Sneijder, Robben or even VDV done anything to justify their massive transfer fees ? No, if Agger was Dutch he'd have gone for 15m at least, not the 5m pool paid. Rommedhal was in the CL consistently and despite some horrific injuries Gronkjaer played intermittently. Tomasson for all his s*** with us was pretty lethal for all his other clubs, when actually given a chance like he was at milan were he was a 1 in 3 striker mixed in with a good whack of sub appearances. The recently retired Laursen would have been massive for Denmark next year. The Dutch are considered a world powerhouse due to their history of producing free-flowing attacking football. Don't get me wrong Denmark have produced some brilliant players over the years, Schmeichel being far the best goal keeper I have ever seen. I would also rank Michael Laudrup as one of the greatest players of all time, his vision was something to laud over time and time again. He was absolutely brilliant. But the likes of Rommedhal and Gronkjaer were never any great shakes even when both at PSV and Chelsea. Most I know also rate Tommason and all agree it just wasn't the right time for him here with Shearer getting injured, Asprilla and Ferdinand also getting sold. Which meant he had to shoulder far too much of the burden of responsibility and playing too advanced. If Shearer had never got injured I think he would have made it for us. Plus I don't think it's something you need to be overreacting about like you are. I think most people rate Danish footballers like any other, if they are of sufficient quality people will always rate them. It doesn't matter what their nationality is. I'm sure if you ask anyone who saw the likes of Simonsen, the Laudrup Brothers and Schmeichel play they will all tell you how good they were. Just the likes of Rommedhal and Gronkjaer are not on the same radar as those. Yet the Dutch since the 70's have produced players of that quality consistently time and time again, which is another reason as to why they are called a powerhouse of world football. Fair argument. I just find it weird that a country that produced great players 40 years ago won nothing then, wins nothing now is still considered strong. Rommedahl was goood at PSV though, his role was a lot simpler than want Charlton wanted he was more in a 3 like what Keegan did with Martins. I'm not over-reacting per se, I just find annoying/weird that people think Denmark are average and won't do a thing, when they are top of a very difficult qualifier group. It's easy to just produce good players, but if those players win nothing then it's pointless, Holland have produced some fantastic players, but they've not won an international tournament, how they are considered strong I have no idea, when you consider the two best midfielders they have right now Sneijder and VDV are currently the red headed stepchildren at Real. To be fair mate, it's 2 countries. Apart from the European championships in 1988 Remember Van Bastens wonder goal?
  15. Elbel1

    RIP sale thread.

    Is the bit in bold not what SP are doing at the moment?
  16. Elbel1

    RIP sale thread.

    might take the kids out for their dinner somewhere. I expect to take my family out for dinner some time in the next two weeks. Got at least two firm bookings and I'm just waiting for proof of funds to come through. I put the funds into the holding account last week but I'm having a problem because you spent all your overdraft and Barclays want to lower it. Do you have anything you can sell before this transaction can go through? If i was barclays i woud insist one of his children are sold to reduce the over draft and the cost of the meal He can always get a replacement child on loan tbh. Yes, or bring one of his sperm up through the ranks. I don't claim to be ITK but I my brothers girlfriends next door neighbours milkman has heard that the preferred restaurant is Taybarns
  17. Don't forget Guillit, Van Basten, Koeman and the Dutch master Johan Cruyff
  18. Elbel1

    RIP sale thread.

    What's in it for the Yanks/Canadian's though? They get to watch Derek Lambarse streak across the pitch on the last tuesday in every month
  19. Elbel1

    RIP sale thread.

    You don't reply to PMs anyway Not true He replied to me All he said was to wait for the ronny hill to come out though
  20. Elbel1

    RIP sale thread.

    Once the sale is completed we could be good for 1000 pages Can I be the first to say '(Whoever is the new owner) OUT!!' Howay Man keep up Daves already said he will start a new thread Boo!! Keep this one alive If this thread closes it will feel like a family member has died
  21. Elbel1

    RIP sale thread.

    Once the sale is completed we could be good for 1000 pages Can I be the first to say '(Whoever is the new owner) OUT!!'
  22. Elbel1

    RIP sale thread.

    If Ashley is planning to watch the game tomorrow the only way for him to safely get to his seat would be to enter the ground now and spend the night there The people with him are possibly taking his Domino, KFC and Pizza Hut orders
  23. I'm sure he was interviewed by an Irish paper ages ago where he claimed to be fit to return to work Yet here he is saying he knocked back a job cos of health reasons Lying twat
  24. Elbel1

    RIP sale thread.

    Welcome to last September
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