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Everything posted by Pilko

  1. That's such a soft goal to concede FFS. Trippier at fault, what a fucking stinker he's having.
  2. Trippier needs to stop giving them the ball in our third like. It'll hurt us eventually.
  3. Correctly awarded that. No hint of a foul just piss poor keeping.
  4. Get in. Feel like VAR might check that though...
  5. Wilson needs to be a lot stronger, just getting bullied to fuck so far.
  6. Our U23s must be an absolute state if we can't muster any options better than sticking Gillespie and 5 full backs on the bench
  7. Pope Trippier Lascelles Dummett Burn Longstaff Bruno Schar Almiron Wilson Gordon
  8. Pilko

    Alexander Isak

    Willock or Anderson might have to play left if we need Gordon to fill in up front. Given the injury records of Isak and Wilson & Gordon looking so excellent wide left it does highlight that we're a striker light IMO. Not having someone from the U23s who can be relied on to play even minutes as a sub might haunt us.
  9. Pilko

    Joe Willock

    Delighted to see him back. Hope he can stay fit.
  10. Pilko

    Sean Longstaff

    I'm one of his biggest advocates but he was absolutely chod tonight, didn't look at the races whatsoever, seemed to have none of his usual energy. Then again, he normally plays 90+ mins three times a week so you'd expect him to look tired once in a while. He'll bounce back, he's vital to the midfield unit at the moment & with Tonali's impending break he'll get loads of minutes. I do think having Willock in there with him will improve things further as well.
  11. Pilko

    Kieran Trippier

    Not his finest hour tonight, I'd rather he had an off day in a league game against one of the fodder rather than tonight but sadly you can't pick and choose when someone dips below their usual excellent standard.
  12. Pilko

    Anthony Gordon

    Pick of the bunch for us along with Schar tonight. So unlucky.
  13. Just not our night hitting the crossbar like that and Wilson missing an absolute meat and drink chance that he'd usually bury. We weren't great but did enough to earn a point there 100%. Also, what a fucking prick the referee was letting them get away with fouls time and time again. The one on Wilson in the second half he was five yards away from looking straight at defied belief. Not the reason we lost but just wanted to make the point that he was fucking useless and a cunt to boot.
  14. This ref is a fucking joke. That's a foul on Wilson.
  15. I hope Willock is able to play 20-25 mins cos we sorely need him.
  16. Don't think we've been bad but they have definitely been better. Not sure how the scorer had so much space and I think there's a foul on Gordon before he's tackled. Also, anyone know why the Miggy pen shout wasn't even checked? Need to try and get some pressure on these second half. Test that sub CB out.
  17. That not a foul for the shirt pull on Gordon before the second lad tackles him? Been coming though tbf.
  18. Pilko


    Simple set piece as well. Future world superstar Jobe Bellingham outjumped by a mile at a corner.
  19. Pilko


    Sir Bob Murray must be the thickest cunt on the planet to get a knighthood.
  20. Pilko


    You can genuinely wander past the entrance to their city's train station without noticing, it's tied in with a metro stop and is about the size of a medium shop doorway.
  21. They seem to love a striker who never hits the net. Benteke had a few purple patches for them but I'm sure there was a point when he started most games in a season and got like 2 goals or something.
  22. Got to say, that Mateta is absolutely chod. 6 goals in 49 league appearances
  23. I see it took a one-in-a-thousand long ranger from a defender to bail out Man U's neckless fraud this week.
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