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Everything posted by Pandamninator

  1. That panting sound you hear in the background is Luke Edwards wishing he was that bottle.
  2. Fine. I just want this club out of the coma its been in for 13years first. Besides we've got a lot of natural potential to be re unleashed. At best, without ‘doing a City’ we’d become a 5th-8th placed club with the odd top 4 finish and cup run. I know we’d die for that given the last 13 years but that’s not competition. You can’t organically become a title contender. Spurs have been the closest to do it but even if they won one title, they were hardly going to be regular contenders. It’ll just be Liverpool, Man Utd, Arsenal, then the rest. The fact that Liverpool haven't won the league for 30 years kind of disputes your entire argument. Liverpool still had that built in fan base both domestically and internationally thanks to the 70s/80s, plus those trophy winning teams under Houllier and Rafa. The Americans they have currently were just the first ones who had the nouse and the ability to tap into that properly and get the commercial side of things in order, but even when they were run by morons they were still among the richest clubs. We could've been one of the clubs benefiting from FFP as well - we had a 15 year head start on Spurs, but the latter stages of the Halls/Sheppards hobbled us and Ashley put a bullet in the head of that ever happening.
  3. f*** off, so it was ok for nufc to spend way beyond their means because no one else was doing it and you're a nufc fan? God, you are gormless at times. In 6 months nufc had spent £31m. When our turnover was £32m. Wrong! Must be right, you haven't provided an essay. Do you think NUFC actually paid out 31m in full in 6 months with an annual turnover of 32m? Really? Under SJH and KK we were self sufficient and every piece of spending was totally in line with the club’s revenues, profits and profitability. The most SJH put in of his own money outside of buying up shares and legal fees, was 50k. We didn’t spend way beyond our means are any point. We spent less for example in 92-93 than West Ham. Jesus. We would never have to become a plc if it was all sustainable. We became a PLC because that was the plan from day dot - for the Halls and their fellow investors to make a killing from the new Premier League. Any reason why you've chosen to ignore the fact we were still being outspent by other clubs?
  4. Biesla teams are the most predictable in the world at this, you can set your clock each season for when they are going to tire out and they hit the wall. Same thing happened in Marseille when they blew the French title and with Bilbao when they lost those finals at the end of the season. Guy is an amazing brain, but also an absolute mad man who will run his players into the ground. Klopp was similar, but has learnt how manage a team over a full season.
  5. He didn't oversee (I doubt he's even allowed to order at the team cafeteria without Mikes permission), but he spent two weeks after the transfer window on his hands and knees shilling what an amazing transfer window it was and how happy he was with the squad. He has zero right to bitch about depth.
  6. Don't know what I was expecting from the Mirror, but can't think of a better visual representation of the Managerial Merry-go-round in the press. Gonna be a hell of a job share going on with the new co-co managers system.
  7. Timing makes sense now, decided to turf Potch at the start of the break, but took them 10 days to haggle it out with Jose and Mendes.
  8. Oceania would like to say hi, and Asia is packed with junk as well.
  9. Exaggerated things a bit but I just find Pep so frustrating He does definitely get a bit too cute for his own good sometimes - I remember at Bayern he went through a phase of trying out a some formation that went out of fashion in the 1940's. Think he is paranoid about getting too predictable and "found out" - sometimes there is nothing wrong with the KISS principle when you're at the phase of the season where you just need to keep grinding out wins to maintain your position.
  10. At least we were in the doldrums back than because of poor decision making and incompetence - 10x better than our current situation which is by deliberate design.
  11. Plz stop. As CEO, he would've been knee deep in the drama when Mourinho was forced out of Chelsea the first time as well.
  12. Next week : "50 Reasons why Steve Bruce is sexual dynamite, by Luke Edwards"
  13. World Athletics Champs in Doha are apparently an utter disaster so far - empty stadiums and competitors openly slating the conditions and atmosphere. Current excuses are the local strife between Qatar and their neighbors and events starting too late, so people can't come because they have to go to work (Pardew-esque) Now while it is the poor cousin of the Olympics and small compared to the World Cup, it is still a reasonably big international event so be interesting to see if this is a precursor of what we should expect to see in 2022.
  14. The thing you have to remember with this scenario is that this is Mike Ashley. If he is willing to offer that, no doubt there will be a League One club offering me twice as much to do it as well.
  15. Troll - he has literally dozens of alts he cycles through. It's actually quite depressing when you think about it.
  16. Ashley supposedly paid for Joelinton from his own money, this loan could pay him back Where is this seriously stated? Straight from fatty's own PR release, sorry, "interview" with Martin Samuel earlier this season. Said he told Rafa that he'd put 20 million of his own money in for the transfer because of the difference in how much they valued the player.
  17. 83% of all game sales are now digital, and even major releases are beginning to get the majority of their sales through digital rather than physical media. Another great purchase for his collection. In 5 years time he will be in his empty mega store running around ranting about how high street isn't dead like that episode of South Park where Randy buys a Blockbuster Video franchise.
  18. Hayden and Schar both down clutching their legs. Double the laps in training this week than. Toughen them up.
  19. 2004 UEFA Cup as well - tied after the first leg of the semi with Woodgate shutting down Drogba. If Woodgate was fit for the second leg, a single away goal would've done it for us.
  20. It's not aimed at us, it's aimed as muddying the waters with the rest of the football world and setting the narrative against the fanbase - "It's not my fault, it's dem deluded Geordies angry because I won't buy Messi and Pele rofl amirite?
  21. Meanwhile the Sharks won the Premiership despite being knee deep in the same stuff from the same quack. As a Bombers and Storm fan, not a good double whammy of a scandal.
  22. So today's random example of people thinking Mike Ashley is a twat. https://www.foxsports.com.au/afl/james-hird-becomes-football-deal-wizard-in-stunning-career-change/news-story/9b47e35070b7d62b717337baa114627e Context is a former AFL legend who apparently brokers sports deals now has heard this about us. Wonder if it's Staveley still lurking or someone else.
  23. What am I missing? Former Newcastle midfielder Mohamed Diame has expressed his dislike of Michael Owen by tweeting "Fuck Michael Owen". What a time to be alive.
  24. I don’t think he’ll ‘ruin’ anyone. He didn’t do Maguire & Robertson any harm for instance. If a player is good enough they can still shine through his shit. Maguire only broke into the team when Bruce packed the pip and bailed on the eve of the season after they were promoted - before that Bruce had him firmly on the bench even in the Championship.
  25. Best part is reading his replies, he doesn't even go to the games himself because he "can't afford it" but calls out people for not spending hundreds on season tickets. Also thinks he can call himself a journalist because he just got a degree in journalism and writes for a blog. What a weapon.
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