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🗡️ 2025 Loser
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Everything posted by Interpolic

  1. Enjoyed this reply on reddit First comment was referring to this:
  2. Firstly Secondly, we brought in £179m last season and won't cover the wages of a squad player from a club who probably made around half of that. Can't wait to hear in the next set of accounts how we still managed to make a loss or small profit this season despite refusing to spend owt. And that we somehow still owe Ashley £150m or whatever. It was beyond f***ing tedious after about 6 years, it's just impossible to follow and care at this stage. It's a passing interest for me, in every sense now.
  3. What do you want from him? It’s not how it used to be, he’s taken my life away. Ruining everything. :lol: Sha la la, la la la la Nice.
  4. Interpolic

    Gelson Martins

    Sounds like we tried there mind
  5. Interpolic

    Antonio Barreca

    If Townsend Bamford NUFC released a solo album after leaving The Verve it would be called "A loan, with everybody".
  6. Why isn't it? Similar to Sarri, they're both very revered coaches for their style of play, but neither have really won anything of note. Neither did KK but still love him and wish he was my dad No I understand the admiration for both of them, I'm just saying that there's no reason to not note that Biesla hasn't won anything. Yeah fair enough, I don't feel like its a reason to denigrate him though, can still have a big influence over football without the trophies. Tbh I think he's just a bit mad and ends up blowing up the jobs he has. See this sort of thing: ... and told them he'd had an altercation with every builder he'd ever met.
  7. That's what SSN are saying. He's just showing off now tbh.
  8. Don't lock the thread.
  9. Honestly why do the commentators keep saying how dominant Chelsea have been, they really haven't done anything special overall and have been the worse side for almost half of the game.
  10. Been the better side for the last 15 minutes and the commentators just noticed. And there you go, get in.
  11. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/av/football/46799358
  12. Deadline extended to the end of January by any chance?! Fuck off.
  13. What a game this is at Forest. Very often more entertained by the Championship than the PL when I bother watching it.
  14. If he has any sense, he'll take a break from the game. At least until the end of the season but should be longer. Has totally lost it over the last couple of years and regularly sounds like a total nutcase. Any charm he had has disappeared. The situation with the Chelsea physio showed him up and he's just got worse since then, any time the pressure's on. That Man Utd team hasn't been playing for him for quite a while, they're clearly as fed up with him as the general public is. Shame, when you recall how he used to sometimes carry himself with a bit of class at least, but all the goodwill towards him has gone.
  15. Absolutely ridiculous how many vital decisions go against us like. Takes the piss.
  16. Are Spurs going to be allowed to move into their new ground mid-season then? On what planet is that fair? Should absolutely be forced to play the whole season at Wembley, so the other 19 teams all play them at the same stadium. Why is there not more being made of this, because it's Spurs?
  17. Newcastle would 100% turn down Messi on loan unless Barca were willing to pay the vast majority of his wages.
  18. Haha nah, not when you realise you'd be in the gutter within hours. Would probably grab one of these to wear around the flat for a few days instead: https://www.findmeagift.co.uk/gifts/inflatable-mexican-wrestler-costume.html
  19. Caught some of it myself and he was so defensive it was unreal. Just constant whining in response to reasonable questions. Interpolic in "new page shocker", responds "get fucked"
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