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Everything posted by Interpolic

  1. Sounds like he'll be like a new signing.
  2. Where you hearing this from, some other daft cunt?
  3. Interpolic


    Hmm, unprofessional as fuck, that.
  4. Interpolic

    Alan Pardew

    So when will you judge the situation then?
  5. Interpolic


    I've checked him, definite moron.
  6. Oi, Cronky appears to be a bit owld but he deserves your respect.
  7. http://mlkshk.com/r/2U http://gifsoup.com/webroot/animatedgifs2/1365838_o.gif http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-mWUmgdtKKHc/TgzKA6OtzUI/AAAAAAAAi0Q/vckhazrpMYo/s1600/Ani+125.gif
  8. Interpolic


    Locals, would you miss them? Would miss (winning) the derbies but them getting humiliated would be worth not having them for a few seasons. Another few seasons like last season and I won't even care about them either way, that's how I felt about them when we were doing well under Keegan/Robson. Edit: just realised I'm technically as local as Ian Beale is.
  9. It's funny how we're not even being ironic when we say Shola is one of the best penalty takers around.
  10. It depends, I've made some amazing such jokes but I agree it's annoying when anyone else does it.
  11. So there's no point watching your letterbox.
  12. Interpolic

    NUFC Kits

    of course it's up to you. We'd be significantly worse off if everyone made that choice though. Well I bought a real one last year, I must say also that I'm not particularly impressed that we've jumped on the bandwagon of releasing one every year as it's a completely unnecessary rip-off. More for people with kids and stuff, aye the parents can say no but it's a bit naff that they'll spend a small fortune on something that's old hat in less than a year. If I buy one this year I won't be spending 40 quid on it.
  13. Interpolic

    NUFC Kits

    I've given the club plenty of my money over the years and will continue to do so, if I want to save 20 quid this year then it's up to me to be honest.
  14. Interpolic

    NUFC Kits

    Well I'm not sure your opinion counts then. I have, and it was literally a crude drawing of Brian Pinas on some fag paper. Course it counts, I've just said that I've bought other ones. Do the fake kit sites just have it in for NUFC like?
  15. Interpolic

    NUFC Kits

    Such rubbish. Wouldn't know the difference, in fact I'm pretty sure that most of them are the real thing but just off the back of a lorry. I've never bought a fake NUFC one like but might do so this year.
  16. Interpolic


    Can someone link me to the original "watch your letterbox" comment, not sure if I saw it actually.
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