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Everything posted by Chrisjraby

  1. How anyone can be content with Dummett is absolutely beyond me
  2. How the fuck did we not beat Watford
  3. New face for the website banner
  4. Apparently Norwich have an "exciting forward line". Must be why they've scored so many goals this year
  5. He said it was a report from Italy, so doesn't necessarily mean it's us, if there's Italian clubs also interested I guess
  6. Now saying he's writing a transfer request
  7. Officially asked to leave now according to the sky sports pillocks
  8. If Lewis isn't 100% fit for the next game, we need to sign a left back as soon as possible, then pay whatever the fuck it costs to get Lascelles out of the team for good.
  9. Dummett absolutely stealing a fucking living for years
  10. Is there a worse central midfield pairing than Shelvey and Longstaff in the league?
  11. SSN presenter just said 25 million twice, hopefully that's his fuck up and not an updated fee
  12. Better than nobody, but 20 million seems desperate. Hope Burnley don't use that to strengthen too much
  13. What a fucking nonsense that is then, Wood it is
  14. Wouldn't surprise me, but he's out of contract in the summer I think. Surely they'd take 17 million rather than see him walk? Although I guess if he gets them into the Premier league next season all bets are off
  15. How much was being reported from Brereton Diaz? Surely not substantially more than 17 million?
  16. As shit as our midfield is, I'd say that not even having a competent backup to Wilson is of more critical concern right now, especially as we never know when he's going to go down. From the description of the game today, we still managed to get the ball into the box, we just had literally nobody to finish it.
  17. We should be on the phone bidding for new strikers right now
  18. Chrisjraby


    Still refusing to take the knee I see. Sewper Kev having a dig before the game saying that it's credit to them for making the game and not getting it called off like other teams. Bore off.
  19. Rafa confirming Digne has asked to leave. Howay bonny lad, get yourself up here
  20. A lot of my mates are Norwich fans and they're rubbing their hands together to get rid of Cantwell; said he's regressed massively over the past couple of years. Just doesn't seem like a player we really need right now, we have so many more important gaps to fill first.
  21. Absolute shithousery from rodri there
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