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Everything posted by Amir_9

  1. Amir_9

    Alexander Isak

    Gutted about his injury - him in any half vein of form for today's match we would have at least drawn imo
  2. Our atmosphere against PSG compared to our atmosphere today clearly noticeable.
  3. Would like for Murphy to come on. Gordon has been lively, shame about him losing the ball to what was a good tackle to lead up to their goal though. They could have been easily 2-0 up, so hope we regroup and come out stronger second half.
  4. This is Spurs were talking about, they will bottle things one way or another.
  5. Amir_9

    Anthony Gordon

    To be honest there is no argument where they have done one over us as even if say he was a flop - it's not like they've spent that money in any way that has imroved them from 17th place dogwank hopefuls. They are still the same level of shite. Same set of fans that argued Dyche was a good appointment at the time when literally anyone with an iota of sense knows he's just another 15th-17th average position manager who is still capable of getting a club relegated. So no change in their situation. These aren't called scouse mackems for no reason.
  6. Was actually there for this game. Think Harewood scored if memory serves. Was a lovely December that was.
  7. LOL - nah they can get fucked. Worst set of fans growing up with in the Fergie years, especially outside the UK. Plastic as fuck.
  8. Amir_9

    Jacob Murphy

    No better feeling than working hard to make it at your boyhood club. Had his critics in his early days and rightly so but has worked hard and stayed dedicated. Should be proud of himself.
  9. Fantastic from Murphy and he had Trippier as well. Quality.
  10. It will also mean a delay on his integration to the style of play with this team and in this country. Not good.
  11. I agree that its a problem that he needs professional support for and I am all for us sticking by him through this, however I find it hard to fully sympathise and relate him to the same level the average person with a gambling addiction who's regular income isn't anywhere near the same. These players earn a lifetime's worth of money in a single month. You'd think he would have been able to get top of the line help for this problem with the money he was earning. There are others out there that can't financially afford getting that help. Just stupidity man.
  12. Draw probably fair result with Villa, Brighton and Liverpool also drawing it doesn't look too bad with international break coming up to get some of our important players back from injury. Should have really put that to bed with 3-1 though before their equaliser. Would have shit had they scored their third at the end there.
  13. Hard disagree, his best game for us I think was against PSG. What made you think this was a good performance? His passing was mostly going backwards and his positioning to receive a ball was in areas that were far too tight to make a difference most of the time. Their second goal he should have closed down their man better. PS - before anyone gives me the "give him time" - please don't, you can scroll a few pages back where I say the same thing regarding needs time. Doesn't mean the lad is free from receiving criticism.
  14. Poor game, had a great game against PSG but he's had a bang average game here Keeps passing back, positions himself for a pass somewhere where the pressure won't be off the team and then another Brighton-esque style of close down there.
  15. Anderson needs off at half time, surprised Murphy didn't start
  16. Why are people gutted/ill/annoyed about this lol. You'd have predicted a dodgy home win before a ball was kicked anyway. I would rather this continues than them having a new manager bounce under someone else by the time we play them soon. He's hit his limits there.
  17. This is good, as others said keeps him in the job for longer He's clearly not the right manager for them
  18. Agreed. Been to Anfield away when we played them relegation season years back and drew 2-2 Atmosphere no different than anywhere else.
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