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Everything posted by Amir_9

  1. She’s alright. People need to get over their dislike of female commentators. I don't dislike them because they're female, I dislike them because they're awful. I look forward to the first decent female pundit/commentator. I rest my case Here man, i'm all for equality and female involvement in the sport. The current crop of female pundits/commentators on British TV just don't strike me as exceptional, and this isn't me saying males are automatically superior, there's a whole load of shit male pundits/commentators as well.
  2. She’s alright. People need to get over their dislike of female commentators. I don't dislike them because they're female, I dislike them because they're awful. I look forward to the first decent female pundit/commentator.
  3. Amir_9


    He has some decent aspects to his play but this guy is not a 20m player never mind 40m. See if he cost something like 10m you'd think okay you get what you pay for. Club record man. What a farce.
  4. This has really upset me. The first manager in charge when I started following the club back in 2006. Rest in Peace Glenn.
  5. I've given up on this takeover and thread a long time ago, it was too much of a fucking drag the first time around and even continues to be a series of that just now. There was enough cock tease tweets the first time around as well. Seriously, the only thing worth even considering with this topic is if the club comes out with an official statement of the outcome from court action. Everything else is just being led by desperate journo click-bait / unfounded tweets from mostly people who have no fucking idea - for a little bit of attention and mostly shit stirring. Its a vicious cycle man.
  6. How far being nice and British can fucking take you here....
  7. Please God bring Howe in or someone half competent, at least if we go down you want someone fucking capable of bringing us back up
  8. 6, with Wilson we might have a chance. Without Wilson I'd say its an 8 or a 9.
  9. 4.7m, what a steal. One of my favourite players, he was in red hot form when he left us for PSG Really should have never left, form and career went down the pan afterwards.
  10. We still play - Wolves / West Brom / Brighton / Burnley / Fulham / Sheffield United If we don't lose these games and pick up a mix of draws and wins we will be fine. Still probably finish 16th/17th. There's still a massive element of hoping Fulham not going on the run of their lives.
  11. Those two goals Alisson just gave away look like something on FIFA and by that point it would say connection has been lost with opponent...
  12. How the fuck is that a red. Player shorter than him going over him and he tries to wriggle out of the way and accidentally hits the face in the softest of manners Fuck off
  13. Amir_9

    Jeff Hendrick

    Pretty sure I called him Colback 2.0 many pages ago and was told nobody can be bad as Colback Step in this cunt
  14. Amir_9

    Jeff Hendrick

    How can you fucking tug and pull back an opponent's shirt when you're on a yellow Fucking brain basics man
  15. Amir_9

    Jeff Hendrick

    Horrendous fucking waste of space and dumb as fuck
  16. The time for a season saving Maxi patch of good form is now
  17. Did Gayle even do anything since coming on? Joke subs man
  18. His luck has well and truly run out, Leeds need a win and who better than us to play 1-0 to Leeds
  19. Fat odious cunt, can't wait to never see him in football ever again.
  20. Hard to see what else he could have been going for. Yeah, he definitely meant that. Great awareness. Reminded me of a cisse goal Good shout, Swansea away, orange kit.
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