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Everything posted by Froggy

  1. Hojlund has 13 goals this season as a 21 year old in a new league. And he's still joint top scorer in the Champions League. And he just broke the record for the youngest player to score in 6 consecutive league games. Aye that Hojlund. It was clear from the beginning he's an excellent player. Just needs the service. Unfortunately our wingers are some of the greediest fuckers in world football. I agree there are more attractive options right now, but we're certainly not way behind like you suggest. A lot of players would still choose to join us over some of the teams mentioned IMO.
  2. What about Hojlund? Considered a top talent. Just turned 21. Lots of clubs after him including PSG who you mentioned. He's on a modest wage. Bad mindset? It's never as far away as you think. Two or three good windows with the right personel and you can challenge.
  3. It seems a lot of people had TheKnowledge on ignore instantly.
  4. I would say most up and coming players would still be very happy to play for Manchester United. If we can sign Hojlund, I'm sure we'd have no issues signing Todibo. It's the Theatre of Dreams, bobbydazzla. Where we make the impossible come to life.
  5. It'll be repaid in full when you come for McSauce.
  6. The word is that Todibo is one of our top targets anyway. This was before INEOS. Apparently has a very reasonable release clause. Probably just chase De Jong all summer again.
  7. You're a Lucky Man having those contacts.
  8. Not you Venkman. You're supposed to be one my allies.
  9. I've actually just realised that's lost on you Mike.
  10. They'll be supporting you then though.
  11. We can see the accounts. We know what the transfer fees are. Some are undisclosed but widely reported. The experts aren't getting these wrong by £30/40m.
  12. I've overestimated on every player based on the most reliable sources, and included all add-ons. It's just flat out wrong. It's over £300m out.
  13. Why? I've included every player that was part of both squads in 22/23. I've included Diallo, Bailly and Phil bloody Jones in ours. Aye I know where the figure came from, I'm just saying it's wrong. Unless I've made a glaring error.
  14. I did see the report, and I still can't understand where the total came from to be honest. Even still, I've added up all the fees, assuming add-ons have been maxed out, which a lot of them haven't been. No idea where the total of £1.2b for last years squad is coming from. £880m is what I got, and that includes some players from a decade ago and others who haven't played games in years or were at other clubs. Trying to suggest Jones and Bailly were part of our squad is stretching the agenda extremely thin. Had a look at your squad. I'll use the same rules as above and include all loans and add ons. I'm maybe making a massive error somewhere, but I certainly don't see where our squad cost nearly a billion pounds more than yours. It cost double yours, and we have a much higher wage bill, but we have triple your revenue. From what I can see, it's in proportion. We've also pretty much spent the same since the Saudi's came in, and the wage bill and squad cost will start to close and quickly. Please tell me where I'm wrong, as I'm usually baffled by these squad cost claims as they're always miles off the mark and seem to be taken at face value by everyone.
  15. But if you're a Man United fan, not very shocking.
  16. Extremely short term thinking.
  17. I thought Bruno was on near £200k? Casemiro is our highest paid on £350k. Of course not, and thankfully there are rules in place to stop football being ruined entirely.
  18. Why am I reading on here that Newcastle fans want Howe out and Isak sold as he's too injury prone? Are they that dense? You see the issue with your blanket statement?
  19. It's the same amount as us and we're maxed on FFP. So who's being protected from who exactly? You could have done what Chelsea did. The reason you didn't is nothing to do with the PL rules. It's because you want to be a well run, sustainable club.
  20. No stirring. I just always find it funny when opposition fans try to tell us how we will react. I know how we will react. £400m in two years is fairly accelerated no?
  21. I'm telling you that won't happen. Especially if he's on gardening leave for the time suggested. He'll slip into the background as soon as he starts with us. The media attention at the minute is a bit silly. Bringing in Omar Berrada as CEO is arguably a bigger coup and very little was made of it.
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