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Everything posted by LFEE

  1. For 5 years? Yep... I think the combination of the first season expenditure on players and compensation opened his eyes to footballs true cost and the lack of due diligence with regards to the debt etc... As I'm a Freeman of Newcastle I can personally confirm he didn't realise he didn't own the land the ground is built on and that he had to pay us rent... Definitely got his fingers burnt badly...
  2. Shame... Looked more promising than many of the others at his level... Thought he'd get 12 more month at least...
  3. Same challenge... No free kick... Football eh?...
  4. Never a free kick ... Lawrenson talking rubbish as usual...
  5. Just thinking back to my early memories of watching international football... Seem to remember England beating Turkey in a qualifier 0-8 away in 1984... So there is hope for TAH yet...
  6. Lets hope we are safe before we reach April...
  7. LFEE

    Graham Carr

    Not liking all these rumours... Hopefully it's much to do about nothing...
  8. Joey Barton passing comment on it all shortly on TS...
  9. Did'nt he get racially abused by a west ham fan at an awards dinner or something? He got abused by a couple of fans at an awards dinner but i don't remember it being racially...
  10. Word is they are getting Demba Ba also... Not sure if on loan or not...
  11. Imagine if thats the reason why Cabaye, (Sorry, Kebab) decides to leave, You couldn't help but laugh, and I can see it happenng I wouldnt put it past some on here using that excuse tbh Id rather let him go, he seemed like a good idea last night but now Im sobered up and can see daylight, I dont want any part of him...
  12. Great character reference and summary of the situation from Graham Hunter of JFK... Wish he was our DOF instead...
  13. Club are going to confirm this is going ahead according to TS... Statement expected after JFK meets AP for lunch...
  14. LFEE


    @steveharper37: Just listened to the amazing interview that you're all tweeting about from last night....#canspeakopenlyonapril1sorryjuly1
  15. @steveharper37: Just listened to the amazing interview that you're all tweeting about from last night....#canspeakopenlyonapril1sorryjuly1
  16. I think he's actually concerned he's got mental/health issues... Honestly this club...
  17. Richard Offiong speaking well on TS...
  18. I see they've got Odemwingie in the studio... So that trip to Sherperds Bush wasn't a waste after all...
  19. This is how I feel, end of the line, phoning up today to see what my options are in cancelling season ticket, put up with so much s*** but can't bare this anymore, bairn on the way and prefer to spend my money and time on that than this s*** Let me know how you get on please... Thinking of cancelling my ST... Reckon they must've have already had around £120 towards it... Next payment is on the 1st... Just rang myself as still fuming... In a nutshell if you cancel you will not be refunded the 4 payments took so far (mine being 4x £43)... If you decided to restart payments then previous pavements will be taken into account and still taken from balance... But more interestingly I asked if the money could be left and used for a end of season part season ticket if one is brought out and they said yes... So I'm thinking cancel now... Miss the first two thirds of season and then if they release a mini season ticket try and claw back some value out of the £172 back...
  20. This is how I feel, end of the line, phoning up today to see what my options are in cancelling season ticket, put up with so much s*** but can't bare this anymore, bairn on the way and prefer to spend my money and time on that than this s*** Let me know how you get on please... Thinking of cancelling my ST... Reckon they must've have already had around £120 towards it... Next payment is on the 1st...
  21. Commentators so badly wrong over the Balotelli penalty claim (dive)... Makes you wonder why people argue for video evidence when you still have the problem of people not understanding what a foul is and what a dive is...
  22. Thinking of cancelling my season ticket... I think this could be the final straw for me...
  23. LFEE

    Kevin Keegan

    I was at that match... Would normally being with our lot but due a bizarre situation with my brother's then girlfriend (Man City fan) I ended up watching it in amongst the City fans along with my Dad and brother... Great game with "Kinki" in superb form that day for them and Tino & Albert having great games for us... He never spat on Curle.... Just an elbow and head butt... As for footage I'm pretty sure its on that seasons review VHS... or you can find it on YT of an Asprilla compilation (The one with the Chemical Brothers "Setting Sun" track...)
  24. Canny read from Caulkin... http://blogs.thetimes.co.uk/section/the-game/103205/football-over-the-summer-bullst-as-far-as-the-eye-can-see-or-nose-can-smell/?shareToken=f63dbca918153e247ef3390c937950b9
  25. He was nowhere near the level of the other players, but he still scored goals in Brazil. He wasn't AWFUL, he just wasn't as good maybe as the rest. But yeah Careca was a very good player. He was in that World Cup, believe me. And yet he kept being selected, much as France did with Guivarch in 98, except Guivarch's performances were 20 times better than Serginho's. The Justin Fashanu comparison really wasn't a joke. Fair enough. Careca was due to play in 82 but got injured and was replaced by Roberto Dinamite!...
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