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Ghandis Flip-Flop

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Everything posted by Ghandis Flip-Flop

  1. Would you like to highlight these No8's that get 10 goals a season in the PL?
  2. You work on a production line or something? You do realise the fatigue will be as much mental as physical right?
  3. Wankers. Little cunt who should’ve been knocked out for that snide kick on Dubravka
  4. This is the best I’ve seen Tielemans play in a good while mind
  5. This is the best I’ve seen Tielemans play in a good while mind
  6. I shouldn’t have started watching the Villa City match. I’m getting PTSD flashbacks of our game vs Villa last year. I’m convinced McGinn could’ve fallen over with no one within 20 yards and still have been given the free kick in that game. It’s been pretty similar in the first 25 minutes here ?
  7. His previous injury was his hamstring, his current injury is his Achilles. Howe has also already said it’s not expected to be long term
  8. Was that the fact it was Armstrong's fault we conceded for taking a shot at the wrong time, conveniently forgetting the entire midfield and defence that didn’t do their jobs after the shot? That bloke was an utter fraud and the fact some are using the fact things got even worse after him, to kind of give him a free pass, still boils my piss
  9. They’ve had a hardcore cadre of fans that stuck by them even when they fell into the third tier. The inference by some they’ve got no fans is the kind of brain dead observation made by their brain dead neighbours who play in red
  10. Amazing what happens when the place isn’t plastered with Sh#te D1r@ct and the club isn’t considered a toxic brand anymore. Almost like an allegedly intelligent businessman didn’t realise the licence to print money he had
  11. I’m still awaiting the FA to invite Real Madrid to this years FA cup and us to be drawn away there ?
  12. This last page has read like a prime era Finbar Saunders story ?
  13. Chronicle website article so get the adblocker ready, but thought the article itself said a great deal about what a few ex-Bournemouth players clearly already knew https://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/andy-carroll-reveals-truth-over-28182028
  14. Wet casers were one thing, but I always remember those moulded Mitre balls that every school seemed to have, would be instant an dead leg if you were foolish to even attempt cusioning it with your thigh. Made even worse if said game happened to be in January or February ?
  15. Sorry if that came across as having a go, really wasn’t my intention. I was trying to say that even amongst the lads in my peer group who should’ve gone on to bigger and better things, they all say that Jamie was the best they’d ever stepped on a pitch with.
  16. Well as much as i think some of my peers were daft not to apply themselves for a bit, at least none of them went the route of Jamie Burt. Who every one of them say is the best player they ever played with by a country mile.
  17. Must be about five or so years older than Moi then, I was still at West Sleekburn in 1990. Bedlington's vintage around 1994 wasnt bad either. Definitely two or three who should've gone on to bigger and better things, if theyd had a better head on their shoulders, as the technical ability was there; clearly not the application
  18. I was just a speed merchant, who due to an eye condition had cracking finishing one week out of three. I used to hold my own with the lads who ended up at academies (Mainly by applying the Hard work beats talent, when talent doesn’t work hard), but none of them made it Pro. The main notable one having the nickname Disco Lawson in the Northern League, may have suggested why he didn’t make it ?
  19. I mean 4 of them were against a 9 man Spurs team who persisted playing a comically high line, but yeah it’s not the home banker we all anticipated a month or so ago.
  20. But that surely is where FFP and its aims are fundamentally wrong. Why is it the clubs and fans who end up dealing with the consequences, whilst the owners who cause the issues walk off into the sunset. Surely a rule change to make the Owners legally responsible for any issues, would make the actual claimed rationale for FFP far more effective?
  21. You do you fella, I think I’ll allow the majority of women, including trans women to speak on that. I think more middle aged men would do well to do the same
  22. Trans exclusionary radical feminist. Basically someone who doesn’t think Trans people have a right to exist and be safe. think JK Rowling for a famous example
  23. Well I think we can clearly tell that whatever job you do, you’re certainly not paid to do much in the way of thinking
  24. I enjoy the Longstaff hate, several instances of him falling over should’ve been free kicks like. But aye berate the lad for being fouled ??
  25. Beautiful assist by Willock that like, the way he’s playing today you can guarantee he wouldn’t be able to play that pass in their box
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