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Ghandis Flip-Flop

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Everything posted by Ghandis Flip-Flop

  1. As you’d need in order to have a bonny face
  2. Bah that private court hearing must have walls that look like cheese graters. FFS wait until official announcements are made, the Italian press make the Sun and Mail look like bastions of truth and integrity, so stop turning Chicken little over which bollocks story they’ve printed in the last 10 minutes. Honestly there’s plenty on this forum that would benefit from some "Mentalisation Based Therapy", given the instances of catastrophising and clairvoyance on show.
  3. You can add Steve Watson to Villa to that list too. Genuinely just seemed to be done out of spite. In a similar vein to Aaron Hughes, he could cover multiple positions, never let the team down and their replacements were pretty pish.
  4. Not only that what kind of Robot overlords is that kind of request going to train? ?
  5. I'd have Glen Roeder ahead of him personally
  6. With the exception of Man City I weirdly don’t feel threatened by any other PL clubs in regards to Bruno. If one of the Spanish Giants come in for him though I suspect he might be off
  7. Chelsea are hilarious like. I’ve said it before but spending a billion on potential is mental. Especially given the fact they’ve sold potential with PL experience to fund it. I couldn’t help but think watching Tomori on Tuesday that he'd instantly walk into their starting 11. The same for the likes of Abraham too. They’ve not had a coherent plan for ages tbh
  8. I dunno either I’ve not been since I had a trial for Newcastle Gosforth as a 17 year old (I joined the RAF at 18) ? I’d imagine so though as my sister takes my nephew to watch the Falcons quite regularly and has to drive from Ashghanistan
  9. Aye hopefully a few players given the manager some nice difficult decisions to make in the coming weeks. It’s mental to see all levels of the club actually performing well and acting like a professional, competent organisation
  10. Literally scored their 8th as I was typing my last post
  11. They’re not doing too bad today, they’ve just scored their seventh without reply away to Bradford. Still about ten minutes to go for more too
  12. GTFI, was nervy at times and I nearly punched the telly every time Don Goodman showed his bias, but it’s three points in the bag and hopefully a little bit of pressure off the lads
  13. Watch it again then I suppose. They nearly scored from a break where Norgard stands on Trippier's foot. The off the ball blocking they’ve been getting away all game isn’t even subtle either. it’s a big reason we've been struggling in the final third, every time we've looked to run in behind we've been body checked off the ball
  14. Craig Pawson has been utterly lifting mind. some of the stuff happening off the ball is blatant
  15. Would you like to tell me which one of our starting midfielders played well at Brighton? Bit odd to single out Longstaff in this context
  16. Could it also be a case of because he's a local lad who's come through the academy, rather than a £40M signing that his actual ability and contribution is under-rated?
  17. Clark was a regular starter for the first 2.5 years in the PL, until he fell out with KK after Batty was signed. When ironically we stopped creating as many chances and allowed Man Utd to chase us down
  18. Sort of agree with the point, but I’d argue it was right wing bell ends who get annoyed by Gen-Z hat he was trying to get on board, if anything he’s alienated the kids since a king over.
  19. were we not actually better off for points 94/95 until we sold Cole?
  20. To be fair he's on my ignore list, but people keep quoting his "hot takes". I’ve also just done my last pre GNR long run whilst affected by sciatica, so I might be more angry than normal
  21. Incessantly shit posting doesn’t actually mean you have any insight either tbf
  22. Well I'm glad everyone else is confident regarding Brentford, I have a recollection of Schade pulling us all over the place last season. Let’s just hope we have our first choice CB pairing back, or I dread to think what he'd do to Burn and Lascelles
  23. Made a joke on Twitter about 15 minutes in that I’m wondering if a Paul McCartney type conspiracy about Bruno might take hold. He looks a different player from the one in his first year here at the minute
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