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Ghandis Flip-Flop

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Everything posted by Ghandis Flip-Flop

  1. This becomes even more of a problem when you factor in the noise generated by the social media wallopers, who clearly don’t know the rules. If I hear one more influencer mention that they didn’t check for handball for our goal. I mean it’s not like the accidental handball rules have been in place for ages. likewise that AFTV windowlicker Lee trying to say that the gaol had to be offside because there always has to be two players behind the ball if a pass is made. He must’ve been really confused watching Chelsea spring the offside trap and beating the keeper with 2v1 last night FFS ?? And what ends up happening is despite them not knowing the rules, they berate the officials and start building conspiracy narratives.
  2. He's definitely been out injured a bit like https://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/ex-newcastle-united-winger-allan-27963593
  3. I'd forgotten about Tiote getting sent off for a similar tackle in a cup game a while ago, when he was a good meter in front of the player and nowhere near making contact. The rationale being there was excessive force and it was out of control. So how is it less of an issue when Havertz does the same but just lands a glancing blow on Longstaff's shin?
  4. What else could the intent be? He wasn’t trying to get the ball, it had already gone and he attempted to make contact high on the shin with both feet of the ground? Thankfully his attempts to do Longstaff were as successful as everything else the useless twat tries on a football pitch
  5. I'm still raging about the assaults they dished out to Ginola in '95. It’s what made me laugh about their reaction to the 0-0 at their place their literal identity was about defensive solidity for decades. Then again they’re that silent as a fanbase now I doubt half of the current lot have ever heard 1-0 to the Arsenal be sung
  6. Well the daft twat couldn’t even be bothered to research which defender Joelinton was challenging, but aside from that
  7. The one in the second half, it wasn’t in the throat it was a push in the chest to get away after a turn and Jorginho went down holding his face. Neville was playing it up as usual, half paused when you clearly saw there was no contact with his face made and then attempted to double down
  8. No and despite clearly seeing in the replay that contact was on his chest, Gary Neville continued describing it as though he had hit his face. Was absolutely fizzing at the time
  9. That will come as the quality in the squad increases. Not just because there'll be more trust in the subs to continue Plan A, but also because we'll be more accustomed to playing two games a week and rotating as a squad
  10. Id argue it’s worse than that. After the 0-0 at their place last season they have twice come up to St James' and changed the way they play to a more physical style to try make a point. They got away with it last season but didn’t yesterday. It was them who tried to make it a physical contest yesterday, even before the Havertz tackle. Bigger the fool them if you ask me
  11. You are conflating breaking sporting regulations with actual criminal law. And why what you’re suggesting is wrong if you wish to use that poor analogy. Is because he is already banned from football activity, it would be like having someone spend years on remand in custody and then not taking that into consideration when deciding their custodial sentence after their trial. (Which just for clarity it does, eg if they’re sentenced for 18 months, but have spent 12 months on remand. Their actual sentence is 6 months in prison)
  12. Because the question should be what is the purpose of any ban/punishment? Is it to highlight something and allow people to learn from it or is it just to be punitive and scare others suffering from similar into utter silence, rather than seeking help? let’s be real about this here, he isn’t murdering anyone. The way some people go on you’d think he was the reincarnation of Jeffrey Dahmer. These gambling bans have really highlighted the inconsistencies or biases which the footballing authorities have. Shorter bans for missing drugs tests, racist abuse or assaulting fans/ officials.
  13. But Chelsea overpay for everyone, also Benfica anre notoriously hard negotiators and Caicedo only went for over £100M due to a daft bidding war. For context Fernandez's fellow World Cup winning midfielder went for £35M to Liverpool
  14. It’s literally the record fee for an Italian player. It really is true that some people want to see conspiracies everywhere
  15. Was beautiful watching that from start to finish. I was fearing the worst after seeing the line up and after Targett’s injury I started to groan. But have to say that most of my pessimism comes from following this previously cursed club for over 3 decades, rather than any lack of faith in the lads of Howe. Honestly don’t think you can underestimate the psychological boost that coming to Old Trafford and winning so easily (despite how bad they are atm) will give the whole club. They are really starting to believe how good they are. What’s hopefully exciting is that things appear set up for continued success rather than the foundations of sand the last few times we started to build momentum
  16. You have to question the warm up, to have a hamstring pull that early on under no contact
  17. id imagine it would be fine if we had a week to prepare, can imagine that schedule would make it tough to get players to Old Trafford on Wednesday though
  18. This is so frustrating as everybody could see that we needed fresh legs, I know the bench is light but Livramento, Willock and Targett should’ve been introduced much earlier
  19. The significantly faster and not played 3 games in 8 days Tino Livramento, for Trippier maybe?
  20. It’s soft, but there was no clear and obvious error so why did it take so long to clarify. VAR in this league is just horrific man
  21. Well the commentary team are certainly determined for Wolves to win today!
  22. No it’s just Wolves and their fans are utter bellends. I lived near there for 6 years, honestly second only to Stoke in terms of Neanderthal wallopers
  23. Eric Cantona got a month less for kung fu kicking a fan. I was a Human Factors/ Health and Safety gimp for a bit towards the end of my RAF career and as a consequence can’t help but think the authorities are going to make this big issue remain hidden, if they continue throwing out such long bans. Why is it in most other walks of life including safety critical professions, it is understood that being punitive makes people hide their mistakes. But football thinks it’s the only way to prevent an already big issue from getting worse? If you want to educate and learn from mistakes and issues, you have to show understanding and address the underlying causes. Punishing people without accepting and changing footballs relationship with the betting industry, simply isn’t going to work.
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