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Ghandis Flip-Flop

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Everything posted by Ghandis Flip-Flop

  1. A few talking about Aarons and Ranger, the youngster I really thought would push on every time I saw him at reserve level was Callum Roberts. He just looked miles above everyone on the pitch at that level, even when the odd senior pro dropped down. He'll not be the first who failed to bridge that step up to men’s football, but given how good he looked at that level I do struggle to understand it.
  2. Jesper Blomqvist, not sure why with this one other than being a left winger myself, I just thought he moved with the ball well and could beat a man fairly easily when I saw him play. I remember us being linked with him before he moved to Man Utd, where it appears as if things stalled
  3. Ricardo Quaresma Was another one, I remember him playing for Porto and Portugal U21's alongside Rapist Ronaldo, when they were just breaking through and was convinced that Quaresma was the greater talent. He certainly looked technically better at that age
  4. Did we, when amortisation is taken into account? £25M on a 2.5 year contract, was at the club for a year, then loaned out with a fee and sold for £15M after 18 months of his contract. Pretty sure that at worst breaks even or possibly made a small amount depending on the loan fee
  5. You know that GDPR malarkey, that’s made loads of extra faff for everyone at work? It would also make us delving too deeply into someone’s personal life, seriously fucking illegal. I really don’t get what else our club could have done tbh. I am sure there will be extra questions around gambling etc, with relevant contract penalties inserted going forwards.
  6. Well let’s play this little hypothetical out shall we, if the majority of your workforce weren’t available for a significant period and you had to work your remaining team members like dogs to cover, would it be fair for your boss to chastise you for not being a fucking miracle worker? if those were your circumstances and you were threatened by the sack, I think any decent union rep would have your boss worried for his job personally.
  7. And yet he generally managed fine last season ??‍♂️ where we 'checks notes' played a high pressing system. The whole team isn’t functioning well at the minute rather than individuals. Hopefully that gets corrected in the coming weeks
  8. Please tell me you have no level of responsibility for juniors or safety, in whatever you do for a job. Maybe what needs to "just be fucking managed" is your fucking expectations
  9. Well do you think Dan Ashworth is whispering into their ears saying sack him? Or do you think anyone who is rational and dispassionate enough to look at the circumstances we find ourselves in, thinks there's a fair bit of mitigation to explain our current predicament. I mean you harp on about how successful they’ve been in investments etc, do you achieve that by being reactionary and trigger happy? Genuine question, what has this ownership done that suggests they’re going to throw out our current blueprint at the first sign of adversity?
  10. Well they better roll up their sleeves and start knitting new players then. If they’re as data driven and methodical as has been suggested, then I suspect they’re probably less reactionary than many on this forum
  11. I hate to say it but as much as he was targeted today, it was successful because Gordon wasn’t coming back to support him. We’ve seen in the past how critical a properly fit and firing Gordon or Joelinton is to securing that side defensively. I’d argue Miggy being shot on the other side has probably had some effect on Trippier being exposed in recent games too. The sooner Murphy and Barnes get back fit and Joelinton gets back to match sharpness, the sooner we'll start to regain some of that defensive solidity back. Our wingers being able to support defensively has been a massive factor in that since Howe came here.
  12. This 1000%, we got CL football probably 2 years and 4 windows too early. We are now victims of last season success, rather than actually still being relatively happy with sitting 7th or 8th in the league and able to actually compete in most matches. We didn’t have a squad capable of properly competing on all fronts, in terms of both actual numbers and certainly on genuine quality too. Factor in a ridiculous run of injuries and the whole Tonali situation; is it really any wonder we're hitting a period of bad form? I keep hearing lots of chat about how Howe needs to do x or y and that he might be getting replaced. If we do shift him on, it’ll be a few years down the line when he's got more quality to chose from and is still failing. Not due to our current situation when it’s basically the same 11 every game. Honest question, what is another manager going to change in that situation in reality? Park the bus hoping for draws? If this form continues when everyone is back fit, then that’s a different conversation. But if what we've seen since he arrived is anything to go by, I feel that is unlikely. Even if we don’t quite hit the heights of last year again this season.
  13. You ever heard of mental fatigue? I swear clearly there are a lot of people on here who don’t have to do a lot of thinking at work, given the way they go on in here. Has Trippier dropped a few clangers because he's ran too far, or is it more likely that he's having occasional brain farts due to being mentally exhausted? Factor in a bit of loss of confidence on top and is it any wonder we've seen a drop off. People love to bump there gums but basically since the Dortmund home game we've played the front 6 who have been fit every week. Only the last 2 games have we had genuine options off the bench. I get the idea of having multiple ways of playing, but given our recent schedule I'm not sure they’ve had the time to work on that. I imagine they’ve probably been worried about breaking the fit players they have at their disposal too tbh.
  14. Because it was a blatant two handed shove. How that wasn’t given as a free kick is beyond me
  15. They’ve literally announced that we are one of their Elite Clubs in early December
  16. They both lacked the drive and determination to adapt their games post injury. That for me is why a certain No9 we are all pretty enamoured with deserves every plaudit he continues to get. Fowler suffered one serious knee injury and didn’t have the drive to get back to his peak and the midget weasel had very little to his game after the pace deserted him.
  17. Aye I still find the idea that the Glazers despite being laisse faire owners are suddenly just going to hand over all control of football operations to Radcliffe with his 25%. The whole thing has a whiff of fantasist bullshit surrounding it
  18. Again as I said a few days ago, maybe give this some credence if and when Radcliffe is actually confirmed to have a 25% stake in the club. Until then it’s like everything that’s been said by Radcliffe in the press, pie in the sky ideas about what he would like to happen.
  19. And how many times has he saved us, it’s not like he’s the top assisted in the team either. I get that people are hurting currently, but a few on here have seriously short memories
  20. But I think it signifies everything that Man Utd are now, it’s all about the name and buying them in. Rather than being about trying to actually replicate a coherent structure. The politics and inertia in the boardroom at the club would surely make it a poisoned chalice, whereas he's currently in a relatively pressure less situation with us.
  21. Am I being overly blasé about this whole thing, but there’s an awful lot of pieces that have to fall into place for this to happen. Radcliffe actually has to have the 25% buy in ratified. The Glazers have to allow Radcliffe to have control of the football operation despite only owning 25% I keep hearing lots in the media about what Radcliffe is going to do, but his alleged takeover is yet to actually come to fruition. And I personally find the idea that the Glazers will give him free reign to call all the shots despite only owning 25% as being a bit fanciful tbh. Sounds like a lot of things are being played out in the media, which I tend to feel means it’s more hopes rather than plans. The continued media briefing makes me think Radcliffe is a rich Jay from the inbetweeners. Obviously I know wait for an official confirmation that’s it’s happening, just to make me look a mug ?
  22. Would you like to highlight these No8's that get 10 goals a season in the PL?
  23. You work on a production line or something? You do realise the fatigue will be as much mental as physical right?
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