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Ghandis Flip-Flop

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Everything posted by Ghandis Flip-Flop

  1. https://x.com/thesecretscout_/status/1697724191452078176?s=61&t=WnClsvSdaSTVODBPOIOFZg
  2. https://x.com/nufc/status/1697708479413211605?s=61&t=WnClsvSdaSTVODBPOIOFZg
  3. Sounds good to me, now we haven’t got an utter fraud in the dugout
  4. What am I reading in here sometimes man? ??. Man Utd finished above us last season despite their record against the top 9 sides. Did anyone seriously expect us to challenge for the title this year? I certainly didn’t, but I hoped we'd improve on last years results. However, apparently unlike a few on here, I expected that improvement to come from beating the likes of Palace, Bournemouth and the other smaller teams that parked the bus at St James'. Yes it would’ve been nice to beat Liverpool and City, but those results do not define how our season is going to pan out. And anyone trying to make any significant judgement on the team's ability or our managers potential based on such a small sample of results, needs their heads read. I'm honestly not sure if some posters genuinely believe what they’re writing, or if they genuinely think it’s the done thing to come out with ridiculous hot takes for hipster kudos or something. I mean I didn’t think I’d ever beat some of the bullshit takes on the likes of Pitchside YouTube and then I read this thread.
  5. FFS how many times, the whole squad was largely pish when Cabbagehead was boss. The squad has turned it around very quickly. I don’t think it’s rocket science to suggest that there are major reasons why multiple players have experienced massive changes in fortune post takeover. For example why are those so sure that the REAL Miggy is the Bruce era one; not expecting Joelinton to revert to the player he was under Bruce? After all there’s two and an half seasons worth of stats to back up that he can't kick a ball. Its the same rationale and evidence ias suggesting that last seasons Miggy was a total fluke. Its not like the whole club, coaching staff and just general level of professionalism has been transformed, since these players MIRACULOUSLY (apparently) experienced upturns in form.
  6. Honestly when you look at the youth prospects they’ve let leave (Guehi, Tomori, Abraham et al…) to go out and buy other team's prospects. Yes they MIGHT have higher ceilings, but given what they’ve spent you’d expect their team to be full of ready and proven winners already. i just find it utterly baffling myself.
  7. Wonder if this makes it finally hit home for some people; that the argument about young women being attacked shouldn’t have been out and about, or been dressed more modestly etc etc…it’s not their job to police other knackers behaviour
  8. Yes this is all true but using his output from 2.5 seasons of Bruceball and half a season where Eddie didn't play him skews those stats massively. For what it's worth I don't think he’ll get the same return as last year, but I don't expect him to go another season without scoring either. Not least because as this season has shown so far, we aren't solely attacking down the right this year.
  9. He played on the left early on under Rafa if my memory isn't playing tricks. Basically the same position and role as Kenedy
  10. Draw this and we are +2 GD, people getting their knickers in a twist over the last few results maybe should be thinking, where is an improvement likely? Against Man City away of the likes of Palace at home ??‍♂️ just my thoughts obviously
  11. You could also just not be daft enough to look at those social media comments ??‍♂️ I mean it’s not like we've had a decade of comments sections being full of rampant incel misogyny, racism and other such utter fuckwits to give us a heads up to give them a solid swerve
  12. I tell you one thing I can only imagine how many piss stained sheets would’ve been out on the line, after the Coventry defeat in Keegan's second PL game in charge for us, were the modern internet fan a thing back then. ?? Seriously anybody reading too much into any team's performances before about ten games have been played, needs to give their heads a serious wobble. Is this the first year you started watching football or something?
  13. Saw this and found it interesting, do think that switching our wingers to be non inverted might’ve helped yesterday.
  14. Fuck, wish the commentary team could hide their joy like, the wankers
  15. Think Schar needs to start using a shorter club, been a few overhit switches so far
  16. Neville there, Liverpool are going to have to slow the game down. How much slower can they make it FFS ??
  17. It looked good but it was horrifically made, I think ASICS ended up offering refunds or replacements to everyone who bought it if my memory serves me right. I was but a nipper back then after all, but ended up with a replacement McEwans lager home shirt instead after it destroyed itself by clicks
  18. I mean I know this stuff is all relative, but I can’t imagine owning a Blyth based taxi business is really that lucrative in the grand scheme of things. He’s hardly Elon musk like ??‍♂️
  19. No self respecting Geordie should be getting Edison and Swann mixed up like. Edison’s light bulbs were produced under licence
  20. I’ve been all over the world when I was in the RAF and like the song goes, us Geordies do indeed get everywhere. You’d be surprised how much global reach we already have.
  21. ‘What had we recently won at the time of them initially signing the deal with us in 95? They know how much stuff they can sell to us when the fan base is engaged, regardless of our trophy haul or lack of.
  22. Even better without everyone's "favourite vegetarian gammon"
  23. That’s what my wife who is completely disinterested in football (And from Moray so no skin in the NUFC game, other than being daft enough to marry me), keeps reiterating. The muppet never realised what he had and how it could’ve been a goldmine, with even a modicum of interest and fan engagement during his tenure. look at the interest in retro adidas kits, and to think he apparently was an expert in that field, the useless fat w⚓️
  24. Scared of Gordon? They’re deliberately targeting getting Walker one on one against him. But I guess that wouldn’t fit the Miggy scapegoat agenda ??
  25. Given his reluctance to get involved they might have more luck, trying to get the Honey Monster back on board. Would reignite the cereal based fewm on Wearyside too
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