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Ghandis Flip-Flop

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Everything posted by Ghandis Flip-Flop

  1. You can afford to do that when the government massively subsidise your rent
  2. Would imagine that Leazes Park or similar would be explored again too. Never really got the massive uproar against it the last time. It’s not as if access to green space is an issue for anyone in the North East of England full stop.
  3. Well obviously not, but there will be further player trading alongside the increases in commercial revenue, which for the next few years the club can be fairly sure of, given the low base Ashley left us at. Remember the club are actually employing competent people now to manage this stuff.
  4. seem to recall him looking good for Bradford and in his first few appearances. Not in comparison to the players he replaced obviously, but did he not suffer a horrific ankle ligament injury soon after arriving (some things never change eh!), which completely ruined him, rather than him not actually having any talent at all. Probably a shame for the lad as if his career had been ten years later, it probably wouldn’t have affected him so greatly.
  5. A combination of all of the above and as others have suggested I think there is a significant amount of debt held against the club too. Just for clarification I’m not having a go, or diminishing their achievement at all. Just rebalancing some of the narrative out there surrounding them, that it’s been done without any significant financial investment, which is factually incorrect.
  6. This is always brought up as a model to follow and in some aspects I'd agree. It is worth noting that it’s not quite as investment free as is often portrayed however. Tony Bloom has invested over half a billion in Brighton to get them to where they are now. As others have also said I don’t see them actually trying to go for cups or titles yet either, so are they happy to stay where they are? Or are they going to invest heavily again to try and push on?
  7. TBF in the league game vs Chelsea their midfield didn’t get a kick, almost as if there’s something in the fatigue claims
  8. Everybody says this, is it not possible that he turned us down?
  9. WASP - White Anglo-Saxon Protestant is the acronym you’re looking for. I think you’d be shocked if you searched BBW and expected to see people like Howe and Ashworth like
  10. And he's definitely not going to be first choice at Atlético either
  11. This 100%, I mean it’s literally the reason Kane went there in the summer too. Although Leverkusen seem to be throwing a spanner in the works currently
  12. jonjo definitely would've played at Chelsea and given how many players were clearly playing through injury, I suspect a few more games too. I will concede Wood was unlikely to play outside of further injuries
  13. The club has some form of doing exactly that in allowing Wood and Shelvey to go last January, when theoretically much more was on the line (top 4 qualification).
  14. I said this anges ago, even if he does want to go to there, there’s no way we are allowing him to take up position until mid September given his knowledge of our plans for next summer. So do Man Utd want to have another summer with very little direction, in order to appoint the "right man" for the long term. Or do they need to appoint someone who can start work immediately? i.d be absolutely incredulous if the club have insulated themselves in the same way, Brighton did before he was allowed to join us.
  15. the majority of the physio and medical team predate the takeover, no?
  16. Really, often a club can get more money for players in January as often the buying club is even more desperate and the selling club can take advantage of that. Or in simple terms "there’s less value in January" which are the words the club themselves use. i am absolutely sure that we will have to sell players to balance at some point in the future. However you are deeming the current situation as incompetence, because you’ve insinuated that they’ve gambled on us definitely qualifying for Europe again. And to answer the last point, have any of these players actually been sold yet? Or is it all speculation at this point with all reports suggesting the club have rebuffed all offers? they are contracted without release clauses, so even if Trippier or Wilson's head has been turned, it’s down to the club as to whether that move happens or not. If they do indeed decide to move these players on, it’ will be because they feel it’s in the best interests of the club. Be that not wanting players here who want to be elsewhere, or because they are both ageing players who it may be the optimal time to get fees for, and who the club owe very little on, so it would represent actual profit. Rather than because they’ve messed their calculations up and are fearing a points deduction as you have insinuated
  17. Not if you’re a rational human being no ??
  18. And is entirely predictable as it’s happened to virtually every club that has qualified for European football for the first time in a decade. FFS West Ham were nearly relegated last year. they will not be selling players now because they fear a points deduction, it will be because they feel it’s the optimal time to do so. FFS they’re not fucking amateurs and they’re more clued up than people who spend 90% off their life shit posting on forums. Have those running the club not earned a bit of trust over the past two years? Maybe trust them instead of catastrophising at every turn
  19. Fella if your mate knew the reception staff or the cleaners it would be more believable, the idea that the person who owns the fucking thing has any idea of what happens in that place day to day, beyond the books is fucking laughable. But you do you. You've played your ITK card in this thread, whereas others have done the same saying it’s bollocks. It might come as a shock to you, but you’re a faceless poster on an internet forum thread to me, so why should I believe you any more than the other faceless posters on the forum exactly? You also didn’t address the underlying point I made either, that people are far too eager to believe everything negative associated with the club at the minute, despite now having two and a bit years of evidence to the contrary.
  20. Aye and so was Mason Greenwood, sadly the justice system in this country really falls short in protecting women from pricks like Barton. And before anyone pipes up, it’s worth pondering that men in this country are 230 times more likely to be raped, than be falsely accused of rape
  21. Was a fairly big story at the time https://news.sky.com/story/joey-barton-bristol-rovers-manager-kicked-wife-in-head-and-grabbed-her-by-throat-in-drunken-row-court-hears-12569356 the bloke is a detestable prick
  22. 14 years of Ashley really has done a psychological number on a massive amount of our fan base like. Why is everyone always so quick to assume everything negative is true?
  23. Not sure, just the Newcastle NewsNow page is full of articles which reference it
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