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Everything posted by ExiledGeordie

  1. Quick and has been getting a few goals for Bordeaux, certainly gives us another option anyway. Straight in against Villa!
  2. It's like this board is willing the signing on in Uri Geller style :lol: Come on lets all focus our minds at once
  3. West Ham aren't exactly pulling up any trees at the moment, they could struggle second half of the season. Well I suppose they already are really
  4. Routledge has done more in this game than I've seen Obertan do since he arrived at NUFC
  5. I agree I'm just saying I could see Pardew starting Taylor and Colo if Taylor is over his injury as they've played together before, have a good understanding and its a huge game.
  6. If Ameobi or Williamson start I'm calling it quits I'm not far behind, especially if Gouffran signs. This is not the game for Williamson to be ANYWHERE near the starting lineup and saturday proved that. If there are any question marks over Taylor then Mbiwa should go straight in with Colo. I actually think Pardew will start with Taylor and Colo if Taylor is fit with Gouffran playing too.
  7. And making him train with the youth team
  8. Christ if we come away with 3 points I couldn't give two fucks how we get them
  9. Fingers crossed, just over a week to go so still decent bit of time
  10. The signing of Mbiwa is massive. The combination of him coming into the fold to add steel, Cabaye playing regularly again and getting HBA back into action could be the deciding factors in staying up. Sissoko coming in would just be one hell of an extra bonus. We're still in the shit but atleast the squad has had a much needed lift.
  11. Been watching some of his goals in the French league from this season and the lad looks like he can finish. Alright the prem is much tougher but he definitely looks like he's got good technique (thats my scouting report anyway :lol:)
  12. Knuckle down and play the season out ffs then look at things again in the summer maybe. It's 4 months until the end of the season.
  13. Santon should've been much closer to Kebe for that cross too, poor defending
  14. Wow, hope you're right, best two CBs I've ever seen play for us. He's good on the ball and reads the game well from those clips/reports but he's got the look of a hard no nonsense fucker too. Means business. The very fact it looks like he can match pacey strikers is something we haven't had for a long time.
  15. Think I'm going to go into town to watch this somewhere where there's a bit of an atmosphere
  16. Independent reporting today that he's had a medical. That would leave plenty of time to negotiate a fee because you'd think that personal terms would've been agree as well so this could run right up until the last day regarding fee haggling. But the player wouldn't then have to fly in in time to get things signed.
  17. Why? Just why? Have to agree, just a completely pointless player for me. Never imposes himself on a game and never utilises his pace. Ian Harte is 35 and was never that quick anyway and yet not once did he have a proper run at him against Reading when he came on. Never does against anyone so whats the point in having any pace?
  18. The fact that a name like Mbiwa has just signed won't harm our chances of him signing
  19. Mate of mine sat next to him at St James on saturday. He just spent the whole match playing on his phone
  20. That looks very much like Sissoko to me
  21. I've looked out of the window and can confirm that it is 'this winter' So they'll force him to sit on the bench until summer and then lose him for free. Hmmm clearly just trying to piss the player off then and if we were to offer something for him then surely they'd accept and swallow their pride. Get rid of a player they don't want and get some money rather than nowt - seems like the most sensible option once they've calmed down.
  22. I see what you mean but it's not like the entire side will be changed. Mbiwa (assuming he plays) will be an instant upgrade on Williamson and Gouffran if he starts will be an unknown entity both for us and them. But lets be honest he surely can't do any worse than Shola "out wide" or Obertan running around like a headless chicken. I'm certainly still not that confident but the new signings plus Villa's absolutely hideous result last night definitely gives me a bit more confidence.
  23. Yeah there's a two week break after the Spurs game so that seems the most likely situation. Be great if he made the bench for Spurs though
  24. Well the Mail did report that he was flying in tomorrow for a medical but I'm not reading too much into that really
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