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Everything posted by ExiledGeordie

  1. Has anyone seen this lad play in the French league then?
  2. Which says 6ft 0 Height 1.84 m (6 ft 0 in) Dear me, having a mare aren't you? I'm in the midst of writing an essay on "Discuss the skills and attributes required to be an effective lifelong learner" so popping in and out, but yeah total nightmare, hahahha ANyway i couldn't give a f*** what height he is as long as he signs! 1. Not relying on Wikipedia... Hahaha I'm not using wikipedia for my essay but true probs best not to use it for any sources of information
  3. Which says 6ft 0 Height 1.84 m (6 ft 0 in) Dear me, having a mare aren't you? I'm in the midst of writing an essay on "Discuss the skills and attributes required to be an effective lifelong learner" so popping in and out, but yeah total nightmare, hahahha ANyway i couldn't give a fuck what height he is as long as he signs!
  4. Fair I was only looking on Wiki at his profile
  5. That's exactly it Dave, when the final whistle went once the inital rage had eased there were a few people just looking at each other blankly thinking "what the hell have I just witnessed there?" A few had had enough and left early like
  6. Think someone wrote in one of the threads here that he was
  7. As shit as we are there's still ridiculous pressure on them at home. That said I still can't see us getting anything, maybe a draw at best. Krul Debuchy Taylor Colo Santon Perch Cabaye Anita Marv Cisse Obertan? Perch instead of Jonas as Jonas offers nowt currently, Obertan for his pace even though he does nowt with it - what are the alternatives?
  8. I love the Toon with a passion and will always follow them but I follow lots of other sports which helps to detract from things when things are going tits up like now or even just to get away from the whole nonsense of football sometimes. Tour de France, athletics, Brownlee brothers in the triathlon, 6 nations rugby, test cricket and my own running all helps to destress and provide escapism I've just come to the grim acceptance that while Ashley is here we'll never really go anywhere
  9. Next on sunday supplement, well the panel discussing him and the Toon
  10. Atrocious again. Please lets stick to him being an impact sub for 20-25 mins, he's not bad at that.
  11. Let me refresh your memory then. Second half against WBA in his first season here. We were 3-0 up and we ended up shipping 4 goals in 45 mins which cost us 4 places in the league and probably a few million quid. I can't remember the exact details but I'm pretty sure he made a few spastic changes in that game as well. Just in case anyone's under the illusion it was just bad luck yesterday. Good shout and yes he did
  12. Yeah that left side was fucking woeful wasn't it, combine Santon's in effectiveness with Jonas who does what exactly? No pace, doesn't run at defenders, can't cross the ball. Combination of the two of them was rubbish down the left.
  13. Starting to question how good this lad is. Thought he could've done a lot better for the equaliser and seems to get caught out of position a lot. Doesn't really offer anything attack wise down the wing either.
  14. God I hope so, we need this car crash of a defender out the side....no pace, wooden, christ, please just get him out of the side. s**** It's unbearable to watch ffs
  15. He didn't but that first goal wouldn't have come if we'd had a defender with anything approaching pace. Williamson got done, was always struggling to keep up and therefore failed to get into position to cut the ball out before the defender. In actual fact he just about got there but the ball went underneath neath ffs And did you see him trying to play offside for the second, marking nobody? I mean come on.
  16. In fairness it's hard to know whether someone does or doesn't have a knock from the stands. It doesn't have to be an obvious limp for there to be something going on. Even Ando on Radio Newcastle said he thought he was struggling a bit. That doesn't exonerate Pardew at all but I'm just saying in this case......
  17. His only hope if he is staying as it would seem is that he pulls his head out of his arse and does away with some of these ridiculous selections/tactics. Play people in their preferred positions ffs, Shola on the wing? :lol: I mean you couldn't make it up. If they were to sign Mbiwa (meaning Williamson is nowhere near the team), get HBA back in the fold and bring in another striker there's still enough dross in this league that might mean we stay up ridiculous as it may sound. But yeah I agree after watching that yesterday it just seems that this is a completely rudderless ship with a manager who a) seems to have been found out and b) whatever skills he had in sending the team out/setting them up have rotted away in the panic that is the increasing pressure thats getting to him. Like I said I've never seen anything like what happend in that second half yesterday .................
  18. Just seen his bbc interview. So the fans weren't up to the logic of taking Cabaye off................well yeah many didn't realise he was injured..........but the bulk of discontent was for quite frankly ludicrous formations, tactics and other substitutions. Seems the fans response has got hsi back up so it's even less likely that he's prepared to look at himself in the mirror now.
  19. I said to the bloke next to me in the Gallowgate just before half time "I just hope he doesn't do like he did against Norwich here and defend a 1-0 lead 2nd half".....................we both just looked at each other blankly when the true horror of the situation dawned on us
  20. Why is he still talking about Ba ffs? To be honest he has the look of someone who feels like it's slipping away from him, looks lost, without ideas and completely downbeat and maybe on the way out.
  21. He's definitely up there...............I felt sorry for him initially, now it's just turned to rage
  22. Yeah Shola on the wing has to be one of the most ridiculous things I've seen like.
  23. I just depresses me seeing Williamson stroll around out there. Sorry for the lad but it's embarrassing that he's still in the f***ing side. Desperately need a commanding centre half in to take his place.
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