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Everything posted by ExiledGeordie

  1. We need another "leader" type character out there on the pitch to be fair. Someone who inspires confidence in others
  2. I mean as ludicrous as some of the things Pardew is doing players like Williamson at the back are costing us points. Take someone like him out of the equation (Taylor/new signing) and thats a positive start. Throw in Cabaye and HBA and the team has much more impetus going forward. Just seems like with the players coming back plus potential new signings even Pardew should be able to do enough to get us to fucking 17th
  3. 7 1/2 for me. After seeing saturday the prospect of relegation is VERY real However if you look at it like this......from an eternal optimists angle We're not in the bottom 3, we're two points clear There's plenty of shit sides down there HBA is still to come back Cabaye is back "If" we sign a new centre half/striker There's still 45 points to play for Surely even Pardew has a "small" chance of staying up?
  4. You would have been wrong even if you did go, at least you would have understood the context of watching the team throw 3 points down the drain, 3 points which were ours for the taking as we were crusing through the game. People were getting frustrated because they knew what the manager was doing and most knew what the expected outcome was going to be. Probably everybody except for you and Pardew, that is. isn't he saying that cabaye was injured and the crowd reacted as if it was tactical and the marveaux sub was a mystery to him aswell ? That's pretty much it. To boo the change sends the message "What's he doing bringing Cabaye off!?" when in fact it was 100% clear In actual fact a few around me including myself suspected that Cabaye probably had an issue but were still p*ssed off because then the question became "well why the hell did you take Marveaux first if Cabaye had an issue?" Then to learn that he knew about this issue at half time makes it even more ridiculous.
  5. I'll tell you what, why don't you try sitting in the freezing cold watching the manager throw the game, do that and I might take you seriously. Well said
  6. Might see him on the bench at Spurs the earliest. Be very surprised if he was involved at all for Chelsea
  7. This place is building to a crescendo again :lol:
  8. Yeah this is what makes the Marv sub even more ridiculous. If Cabaye had told Pardew at half time that he was struggling a bit why would you bring Marveaux off before Cabaye?
  9. Was it not just that our passing game wasn't as fluent without Cabaye running it? Before the Marveaux sub we started punting it over his head a little too often. To no effect whatsoever. Yeah I don't understand after playing it around 1st half that we just started knocking long balls forward bypassing the midfield. Bonkers stuff
  10. What you have to consider is that taking Cabaye off just highlighted even further how ridiculous the Marveaux decision was because Marv had already been taken off. It just incensed the crowd even further. He can't have any complaints with the derision that greeted his decisions and tactics on saturday given how patient fans have been this season. He 100% bottled that match and shot himself in the foot. Car crashi decision making
  11. As well as their keeper did I still think Cisse should've buried atleast one in the first half. It's clear the lack of goal scoring options we have aside from Cisse and moments of brilliance from Cabaye. That left side was weak as p*ss on saturday and is made even more disappointing given that we;ve just got a decent attacking right back in who looks like he'll create stuff. What the hell has happened to Jonas?
  12. Get Rob Lee in :lol: Jokes aside god you'd love a player like that in our midfield at the moment given the situation we're in. The General was my favourite player
  13. Regarding Colo, the end of the season isn't years away is it, it's basically 4 months. Unless he's gone mentally to the point where he can't offer anything to the team and is becoming a disruptive factor in the dressing room then surely he could stay til the end of the season.
  14. Ashley won't get rid of him but in that case he needs to give him every chance to keep this side up by backing him. That means a new CB and striker/attacking player at the very least. It was scandalous that despite his negativity on sat the player he brought on as an attacking option was Obertan ffs
  15. I was more of a sit on the fence and wait and see what happens and Oldtype summed up why Pardew has been unlucky but that was just an abomination in the second half on saturday. I was thinking to myself he's not going to do the same as he did against Norwich is he? (defend a 1-0 lead) And that carry on with Ameobi on the wing, ffs. I think he's been found out to a certain extent but the pressure which he's helped bring on himself is making him behave even more bizarrely.
  16. When was the last time we had a centre half with real pace at the back who could match pacey strikers?
  17. It's pointless believing anything, it's just blind guesswork when dealing with Ashley. Think it's pretty apparent that he's feeling the heat this window. I think this is about as close as we'll ever get to "total panic buy anything that moves" with Ashley. Yeah I'd say even he is start to get a few fat sweats coming on at night looking at the table and the way Pardew ensured complete capitulation second half against Reading which I believe he saw with his own eyes
  18. That's exactly what I was thinking havign seen the youtube clips. Pace would've got the defender well in front of the attacker and the pass in would've been cut out. Someone made the point in the Pardew thread that despite his mad decisions/tactics we're playing ok in parts and individual mistakes are costing us. Removing Williamson from the lineup is absolutely crucial if we're to stand any chance in staying up.
  19. He's very definitely on the edge. Has that grey look about him. I remember Keegan looked similar before he walked. A bad loss at Villa with a limp performance and that'll be it really
  20. As utterly dire as it is the fact that there's plenty of dross still down there I still have this ridiculous idea that we might somehow get out of it. If HBA/Cabaye and the main players stay fit and if we get a couple of signings I think we might have enough to finish 15-17th.
  21. Taylor should be in for this one I'd say, it's over a week until the Villa game. We need that car crash of a defender out of the side.
  22. Which says 6ft 0 Height 1.84 m (6 ft 0 in) Dear me, having a mare aren't you? I'm in the midst of writing an essay on "Discuss the skills and attributes required to be an effective lifelong learner" so popping in and out, but yeah total nightmare, hahahha ANyway i couldn't give a f*** what height he is as long as he signs! 1. Not relying on Wikipedia... Hahaha I'm not using wikipedia for my essay but true probs best not to use it for any sources of information Which discipline are you writing that essay for? Physiotherapy degree at Northumbria Uni :-)
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