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Everything posted by ExiledGeordie

  1. Talk sport French bloke says he's super fast/good striker
  2. Talksport bloke says he's strong, good in the air and super quick Beat me to it above :lol:
  3. Yeah I haven't signed any players for a while so lets see how many I can sign in one window
  4. 6 months left on contract. WHat would he normall cost at a guess?
  5. Don't know anything about him but this lad looks pretty handy from clips, decent in the air too.
  6. It will be interesting to see what happens with Colo if indeed he is signing. Be great if Colo stayed until the summer too, we need him too
  7. Thought he could leave for a free in the summer so why would they make him wait until the summer? Surely they'd rather take some money now than lose him in the summer and keep a player that they don't want to keep anyway I've only skim read stuff though so I've probably missed something.
  8. basically what Remy would have done for us except of course Remy is a lot better. He is absolutely nothing like Ba or Cisse. The fact that he's also solid on the ball is also a big plus too. Far more potent and technically sound than Jonas and Shola. So is my Gran TBF.
  9. Thats what I like to hear. I remember watching a quality duel from the Gallowgate between Bellamy and Gallas in his prime at St James. Proper foot race between the two several times. Gallas was quality in that showing to be fair
  10. How fast is this guy? Been longing for us to have a defender that can stay with quick strikers
  11. Sounds like there's still a chance we might get him this window #haggling
  12. Can someone give me a brief update, just got back from Uni? Looking likely he'll sign this window then?
  13. Debuchy picks up a knock - Santon to right back, this lad in at left back Competition for Santon at left back
  14. What would this player go for normally if he wasn't out of contract in the summer? How well rated is he, 4-5m??
  15. Title change I see, where's the confirmation come from?
  16. Who was the last decent left footed left back we had before Enrique?
  17. We'll have mad some great signings if they come off, but will we have enough goals without Ba? That's a good question. Aside from Cisse and the odd spectacular goal from Cisse who else is going to chip in with some goals. Obviously I'd say HBA is a threat when he gets back too but we definitely need another option.
  18. Well lets just wait and see but haven't we been here before, slight delay in proceedings only for the player to go to London
  19. Cabaye is massive for us, him HBA and keeping Taylor fit/new centre half could still keep us up
  20. "with United facing up to the prospect of losing Fabricio Coloccini today" Am I reading that wrongly or is Ryder saying Colo has played his last game for NUFC. The meeting was today I think so I guess we'll know soon enough
  21. Definitely agree with that. Strengthening the back line is a must which it appears they're trying to do.
  22. Exactly this. It really does look like you're going to get at least two decent players in. The one big problem you still have is the awkward fixture list, and I think getting a win this weekend will mean you're safe. True. I think last season he set us up with negative tactics but the better players came through for us. If you stick a strong centre half in there eradicating the Williamson factor, Ben Arfa and another attacking option and for me thats a big factor irrespective of the nonsense of the manager. Better players creative chances/keep clean sheets. The other thing is we all know that football is a confidence sport like most I guess but especially football. If you get a result from somewhere and confidence builds a bit, teams play completely differently and that leads to wins. This is what I'm clinging onto anyway
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