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Everything posted by ExiledGeordie

  1. Definitely Ian, that's why I have this very strange feeling called optimism somewhere deep down With Cabaye our play is a lot better plus he offers a goal threat like the one he scored at the Mackems or free kicks
  2. Absolutely nowt from the wings then for entirely different reasons. It's going to come down to whether Marveaux or Cabaye can pull something out of their arses either for a goal or a chance for Cisse to put away. I still think we'll win this...........just, 2-1 maybe
  3. Ofcourse it doesn't mean he;s definitely leaving But would you honestly be surprised if someone like HBA started looking at his options in the summer if we have another farce again?
  4. Graham isn't the striker/forward I'd want ideally. The only reason I'd want him at all is in case we aren't able to get a genuine top forward through the door this month. Knowing the way we work that seems probable so in that case get him in. Agree with you on both counts there mate
  5. This summer is pivotal really in terms of the club showing what they're about. If we stay up and it's clear there's no ambition as we all quite rightly think/suspect then there'll be departures or at the very least a fairly disillusioned camp which is probably something we've already seen this season. Who would begrudge a huge talent like HBA looking at his options if it's clear that there's zero ambition to push the club on "again" next season?
  6. Say it again I think the lad would score goals but if we're not in for him we're not in for him. If he's desperate to return to the NE then he might have to swallow his stated hatred for Sunderland. Thing is he might be passing up a cup final and there'll be offers in the summer.
  7. ExiledGeordie

    Loïc Remy

    I don't fault the club at all on this one.........the real issue is what their backup plans are and have far along with some of those they are.
  8. ExiledGeordie

    Papiss Cissé

    With Marveaux and HBA either side I'm fairly confident with that attack. Problem is at the moment we're relying on or rather "hoping" for Obertan to do something because we don't have another option. This is exactly the game where he needs to show up but just no confidence he will at all.
  9. ExiledGeordie

    Papiss Cissé

    Cabaye will help Cisse on sat because he knits everything together better and has that ability to split defenders with a pass. Agree though we really need a signing to give everyone a lift.
  10. Graham would be greeted with an undoubted underwhelmed reception probably by me too but I think the lad would score goals thinking about it. He's a good finisher, seems to have have a knack for poaching goals and he'd be playing in front of his home crowd. Committment wouldn't be an issue either.
  11. Well said Interpolic, spot on. Love it when someone gets something out better than you could probably put it in your own words
  12. We have done well with those transfers but the squad is woefully illequipped to deal with a full premier league season and a european campaign in terms of numbers and quality. The whole Dekka "purples" comments about top squad members just showed how utterly clueless Llambias is in terms of understanding football. Fair enough a starting eleven might look excellent but there's things called injuries (which we got away with last season bar Taylor) and creating competition for places within the squad. They (the board) clearly fail to factor in those fairly obvious crucial factors when they sit down whenever it is to talk about building the side. I guess we'll see in a few weeks won't we but the folly is that I wouldn't be surprised if this board would rather save 10m now (striker and CB) and risk premier league survival in turn costing them fortunes and risking the clubs entire future.
  13. Give over ffs It's not like this is the first window where there's been serious question marks is it? Also past experience shows that this board will quite happily stick rather than twist re signing players, even in dire circumstances....remember jan window in 2008/9 season? We went down after that window. Even if we are halfway through this window people have every bloody right to be worried.
  14. Too much to lose by being relegated this season. Even the fat man himself must be slightly concerned at present
  15. Yeah that's a massive point for them. Teams like West Ham and Fulham really aren't in good form and are in danger of being dragged into it. Some interesting fixtures again this weekend. Just simply have to put Reading away and we've got the players to do it. Crowd will be a big factor on sat, need a massive atmosphere for this. I'm nervous but can't wait in a sick kind of way.
  16. I'm not that far behind the optimists like Ian W on here over some things but if this scenario develops do you think you'd come to the conclusion that the people running the club haven't got a clue what they're doing chancing it like this?
  17. If we haven't brought anyone in and we're staring down the barrel of a relegation shotgun wouldn't you say a "whinge" would be a fairly light response?
  18. "Jose" will go to Man City in the summer I reckon
  19. Can see Graham ending up at Sunderland.
  20. George Culkin is almost the best around. Can't stand Hickman of the Express. Tim Vickery is a good reporter though and usually has his finger on the pulse with most things in South America.
  21. Aren't fans treated pretty well with ticket prices etc in the Bundesliga?
  22. ExiledGeordie

    Loïc Remy

    Adrian Durham ready to lay into QPR over Remy signing on now on talkshite :lol:
  23. ExiledGeordie

    Loïc Remy

    True. The very fact we were interested shows he must have some talent otherwise we wouldn't have been prepared to go for him. Be interested to see how this one pans out.....................obviously I'd love nothing more than him being an abject failure and QPR going down
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