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Everything posted by LV

  1. LV

    Nicolo Barella

    I thought exactly this
  2. LV

    Nicolo Barella

  3. LV

    Nicolo Barella

    Can someone summarise? He’s blocked me for once giving him some ‘journalistic advice’
  4. Gutted for the lad, seems a top character. Hopefully he can resurrect his career and be happy.
  5. Good servant. Wish him nothing but the best for the future.
  6. Shola might call up now and again and ask how the loan players are doing. Book a couple of flight/ train tickets and hotels. Arrange a welfare visit. That sort of thing.
  7. I’d be very surprised if Shola had any say in this whatsoever. His position is likely ceremonial
  8. LV

    Felix Nmecha

    I’m gonna wager Edwards was already on the wine before he hit the post button
  9. He gets the clicks in though doesn’t he
  10. Mount?? Where did he come into it. But Maddison all the way and I think Eddie would do the same.
  11. Hang on, isn’t he just saying there’s a stigma? He’s not saying it’s true but there’s a certain perception?
  12. And yet no one fought our corner. No restrictions on how Ashley operated us were imposed by any authorities, footballing or otherwise. Other clubs and their fans loved it. Funny how all the restrictions and wailing and gnashing of teeth come in now we are trying to be a proper club again and compete at the top.
  13. Was my first thought too. I love him.
  14. I might be mixing up my Mounts and my Maddisons here
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