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Everything posted by Smal

  1. Respect that kind of thing, if talent's coming through, get started early. Germany know how to do it. England sure as helll don't We don't really have the same level of talent coming through though. The biggest talent we've had in recent years is Jack Wilshere and he was slotted in early enough. Need to watch Clasie play sometime. First name is Jordy as well, which the mackems will love
  2. Tyneside has more people than Amsterdam Newcastle's got way less though
  3. Smal

    Alan Pardew

    convinced this German girl is some sort of persona one of the forum members has created. Can't see how it can be real
  4. He does need replacing, like. Pretty hopeless for a whole year now.
  5. Need to swap Obertan and Marveaux over if we're going to continue using our right side as much. Need someone else in Gosling's role as well as he's done absolutely nothing.
  6. Smal

    Other clubs' transfers

    their team is literally full of mercenaries, man. They'll get relegated for sure
  7. Smal

    Steven Taylor

    He seems a lot more professional nowadays, and he's one of the more senior players we have, so it's nice to see him helping out the youngsters in whichever way he can .
  8. Smal

    Other clubs' transfers

    He's a bit old and injury prone to be handing £220k p/w to, isn't he? Big risk if true.
  9. Can't get my head round why we'd want to pay so much for Anita when Debuchy's position should be higher in our priorities.
  10. Pretty sure Jonás played behind the striker at least once last season as well.
  11. Never thought we'd see Simpson, Raylor and Obertan in the same team like. :anguish:
  12. He really is. It doesn't mean he's good, but there isn't anyone better than him on those two channels. Southgate is ok when he's on, but that's about it.
  13. Yet he's still the best football pundit on BBC or ITV
  14. by far the best game Obertan's played for us. Actually made the right pass a couple of times
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