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Everything posted by Heake

  1. Heake

    Loïc Remy

    How can you say that about a case you know f*** all about unless you were the one raped To be fair, there is a popular conception that conviction rates in rape cases are low. Basically of reported rapes (i.e. someone complains to the police) about 13% will result in a conviction. That being said when a rape is actually charged (ie the CPS decide there is sufficient evidence to prosecute) the conviction rate is actually around 60%. Note Remy has not, and may not be charged. What does this mean? Well it's difficult to form a clear opinion on the figures. That being said that 60% conviction rate includes cases where people plead guilty. So the conviction rate after a trial is placed at about 50%. In Remy's case on the face of it there are 3 people accused. If they all have the same story then it's likely a jury couldn't be sure. But until we know what the evidence is (I.e. what is actually said in the Courtroom) it is difficult to predict. Does your figures take into account yo-yo knickered chancers & intellectually challenged millionaire lotharios? Not that I`m suggesting this case involves any of these, but as far as footballers are concerned, it tends to go with the territory
  2. Heake

    George Caulkin

    Could really be that naïve to assume that, should Partridge walk & he gets the gig, he`ll be given anything other than dogs abuse from all ends of the ground? We`re doomed Surely he's not THAT fucking thick?
  3. What intrigues me is the tacit approach to transfer activity at the moment by our slack jawed buffoon of a DOF. Am I on my own in being baffled that he hasn't been spouting shite to anyone prepared to listen about what he`s up to? or has his early brush with the media sent him to the hills as far as that's concerned? I know we`re all looking to be inspired but I`ve never felt so pessimistic about the coming season as I have lately.
  4. Heake

    Darren Bent

    You can form your own opinion on Bent without needed Villa fans to tell you about him. You know what you're going to get with him. The problem isnt us signing Bent, its creating chances for him. My opinions are formulated not only by what I witness, but also by the opinions of others whom I value. I see him as a poacher with little else to offer with performances relative to his level of confidence.
  5. Heake

    Darren Bent

    In my opinion, he`s a plank. He was no threat at all to us at Villa Park last season & lads I know who are Villa fans don't rate the bloke. Perhaps the most salient point, however, is why a club so desperately in need of goals last season, chose to use him as a bit-part player. Please, we must be able to do better than this.
  6. I wouldn't expect that kind of "fault" on a half decent snide! What the fucks going on!!?
  7. Heake

    Papiss Cissé

    The issue, as I see it, isn't his chosen "beliefs", its at what point those beliefs trump his employment duties? As I see it, he`s bound by a contract which, if he cannot honour, he should resign from & face the consequences. It is the clubs prerogative to offer lenience as it sees fit.
  8. Heake

    Papiss Cissé

    Herein lies the problem: He can cherry pick his "beliefs" & still align himself to Islam. Most religions are pretty subjective in terms of their ideology, hence the reason we have the kind of zealots & frauds that we do. wear the shirt, or resign
  9. Heake


    Alan Brazil no?
  10. Our first home game is on the 10th August. My money`s on it being released the Thursday / Friday beforehand.
  11. I suspect that around 55% of the fans - at least - share your views. Ashley is in for a shock when the 3 year ST period runs out unless he pulls off something spectacular before the season starts because I can see another wasted season if this squad is what the club intend to rely on until Christmas......MINUS Cabaye, of course.... This Without sound investment in the first team, what will change? We were shite all last season & the back end of the season before. As I see it, you input the same variables into the same equation, you get the same outcome. What frustrates me is the line of thought that we were an outstanding team the season before. We were not. We were a decent team much of whose wins involved world class strikes & fortuitous defending. As it stands, the only addition to the club that stands to have a tangible effect on the field is JFK. Top Fucking banana eh!? I accept that our biggest challenge for next season we will be to survive. It is, however, soul destroying to know that, even before pre-season, we have no chance of winning a cup. I`m fucking sick of it me.
  12. If, & its a big IF, JFK has got an ounce of anything in his nappa, he`ll be going all guns to get a / some decent names in before pre-season games. He knows his stock is low & even though he pretends not to give a f*** this is a massive opportunity to get some points on the boards, so to speak. Unfortunately, I cant see him being the kind of bloke to bring much to the table given the length of time he`s been out the game & the simple fact that he comes across as a f*ckwit. My biggest worry is the kind of nick we`ll be in after a few rounds of jousting & rows between Carr / Partridge / JFK over potential signings & the kind of fall out when Partridge gets over-ruled & has to fit in Marcus Gayle in the starting 11
  13. Heake

    Arouna Koné

    Aye. So would I in his position. Unless we offer him double the money. Which we won't. Sadly...This
  14. Heake

    Arouna Koné

    If we get him it would be a cracking signing but we need at least TWO decent goal scorers / centre forwards. If we go & sign a quality Owen / Bellamy type of player, I might have to revise my opinion on JFK (possibly)
  15. Looked a decent player every time I`ve seen him play
  16. I was told that we made enquiries about Bent in January & couldn't agree a fee. I also posted as much at the time. Please god no!
  17. Heake

    Alan Shearer

    It would have been physically impossible with a camel
  18. Heake

    Alan Shearer

    If its what I`ve heard, its all true bar the bit involving the horse.
  19. 50 sheets is taking the piss mind.
  20. Colours of the Northumberland Flag
  21. It isnt as if we sold them a duff motor & refused to give them their money back when it conked out though is it? I agree its turned out pretty bad for them but Jordan Henderson £15m ffs? besides, when your talking this kind of dough I cant believe that they wont adopt anything other than a pragmatic approach - should we table an offer. The Independant report he`s stalling for a move back to the N.E. & for my money, I reckon he`ll be a Newcastle player by September. Possibly I'm pretty sure he wants to come back here as well, even for less money...although obviously not whole lot less. I doubt even West ham are going to offer him anywhere near to what he was earning at Liverpool. Be interesting to see, if he does come back, what kind of hit he takes on his wages. 90kpw at the moment!!...90fkin grand!!!...I would imagine though, even if you took a 30% hit on that your still rich beyond your wildest dreams. I would say a lot will depend on the greed & persuasiveness of his agent
  22. I`m sure this has probably been touted before, but that Kone lad looks a bit of a handfull, assuming you could get him at a price.
  23. It isnt as if we sold them a duff motor & refused to give them their money back when it conked out though is it? I agree its turned out pretty bad for them but Jordan Henderson £15m ffs? besides, when your talking this kind of dough I cant believe that they wont adopt anything other than a pragmatic approach - should we table an offer. The Independant report he`s stalling for a move back to the N.E. & for my money, I reckon he`ll be a Newcastle player by September. Possibly
  24. Heake

    Alan Pardew

    I have doubts about where his "strengths" actually lie. - His man-management is open to question if you give any creedence to the rumours of dressing room unrest throughout the season. - Tactically found to be way short of the mark on a number of occasions. - That his input on player procurement appears to be dictated by Graham Carr`s scouting suggesting his input on identifying new talent is largely nominal? - Theres nothing to suggest, in fact there is evidence to the contrary, that his coaching structure has the ability to improve the talent currently on the books. My ambivalence towards him as a manager has been soured by some of the shocking performances he`s turned out this season. He`s neither a young, up & comming manager, nor an experienced head. A firebrand that wears his heart on his sleeve & can lift a team, or a shrewd, stoical dependable tactition. Sadly, I think he`s out of his depth to the point where he must arrive at work every day & wonder how long it will be before he`s rumbled. ...Oh, & he`s ours for another 7 years
  25. Yeh, I`ll go with that He does loads of work for charity
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