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Everything posted by Scotty66

  1. You've seen them all having a kick about on the pitch haven't you?
  2. To think of how we were holding on for our lives in that first 1-0 win over Burnley, to how we are and what we've achieved now is just incredible. Amazing work.
  3. Did anyone else think lascelles ignored him for a few minutes on the lap of honor from the sky footage? Everyone was hugging him and lascelles looked at him and walked next to him for a few minutes before shaking his hand, just seemed a bit strange. Anyway, what a player, those little toe tackles when he nicks the ball Kante style are so so important. And that header, wow what a moment. Stuff dreams are made of.
  4. Hopefully they can get a new manager bounce and swap places with Everton. They have an easier run in and 1 win with an Everton loss puts them right back in it
  5. First unread post was followed by talk of reevaluating Howe and possibly getting rid of him. Skip to last page and talk about getting top 6/top 8 next season. I love this place
  6. We are where we are Go again I've only been here eight (8) weeks What in the actual fuck What. A. Cunt.
  7. My non toon supporting mate was pissing himself last night when I said about relegation. He said from an outside point of view there's no chance of it happening. We're playing well, look well drilled, have a decent squad and a decent manager. On the pitch we don't look nothing like relegation fodder. We push teams high and keep our shape, along with a solid defence and (fret) in attack. Think he's bang on tbh, it's just the bruce/mcclaren/pardew eras that are making us shit ourselves for no reason.
  8. Can't believe I share the same initials as this cunt. Absolutely embarrassing.
  9. Bruce, West Brom and the championship are like a perfect combination of boredom and mediocrity.
  10. Has he started since he went off to France? Not sure what all that was about tbh, think he did it a few times under Bruce too?
  11. Holy shit that kettle story Perfect comeback in the next tweet from her too
  12. Jacobs doesn't half waffle without actually really saying anything. Wonder how masters is feeling right now the little budgie.
  13. Villa fan on twitter "good, he's not good enough for where we (villa) want to go" Look forward to seeing Villa battle it out in the top four next season.
  14. But he's a good manager, played at the top level, worked under brilliant managers, won major trophies, a real great bloke. Who needs tactics to win football matches when you have a reputation?!
  15. Isn't it an absolutely mental deal for Ali too? Something like 40 million has to be paid within 12 months. They're absolutely fucked if they go down.
  16. Thank god we avoided fwank lampard, strong rumours he was in the running here for a while, thank god we have competent owners who don't like to take a punt.
  17. Why on earth would we suddenly sanction KSA?! That would be the most random news announcement ever. The gov need KSA more than ever after brexit.
  18. Can't believe he's still slating his own players while banging on about giving them confidence. David Brent could tactically outclass this twat.
  19. To think of how nervous I was towards the end of that Burnley game, literally feeling like it was a champions league final in those last few minutes, really struggling to have the belief and relaxation of holding on to a win, now its seems a different world. He's installed an on-the-pitch organization that we haven't seen since Rafa. If we go a goal down I know 100% that we can get still turn it around, this must be how the players feel. He's done so much work in just a few months, just incredible. If anyone deserves to announce "judge me after 10 games" it's this fucking guy right here.
  20. Think they might actually improve now. He's defensive tactics have always been his weak point.
  21. Scotty66


    Just can't picture this guy as a Striker Love how he just gets on with it, no drama just using his strength and every now and then a bit of Brazilian tekkers.
  22. Still laughing about how it would have been a free kick to Brentford without VAR. What an enjoyable half that was. Need to keep that up in the second half, come on!
  23. Would love maxi to play obviously but an unfit maxi could be a massive problem if he starts. I certainly trust Howe a lot more with regards to player fitness. With Bruce you just know him and Manquillo would be thrown in regardless.
  24. That interview Shoulder shrugs as "its not my fault" Rolling those sleeves up Slagging off the players already saying not good enough and didn't take the chances, imagine being a player under him man, getting criticised for not performing well under his dinosaur tactics and then getting slated in public because of it Some beautiful man management at your new club there Steve, hope it all goes well for you pal.
  25. What are they singing in that video?
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