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Everything posted by Scotty66

  1. If drugs and human trafficking are based on shirt sales I think we can iradicate the problem fairly quickly.
  2. Prices have gone mental but you have to remember the club receiving the money will be getting crazy quotes on anyone they want to buy. It's just a domino effect until one club banks the money. Going by those prices above Liverpool could sell Salah then have to spend nearly half of that on a relatively unproven player. You simply can't afford to buy any duds.
  3. They look great. Wasn't keen on Sela logo at first but it's slowly looking better. I think the fact it's black and white makes a massive positive difference to any future kits.
  4. Over it already tbh. We've got a nice run of games coming up soon so we'll be fine. Liverpool really aren't great though, and unless they make some big signings they're a shadow of what they were. That Endo looks absolutely shite. Really hope Botman will be ok and Gordon was brilliant. We just need a player like him on the right and that would make us so much stronger.
  5. Subs weren't great but if Barnes passes to Wilson and we win 2-0 then Howe's subs barely get a mention tbh and probably gets applauded for bringing on fresh legs down that side. They had 2 shots on target in that second half and scored them both. Miggy hit the post on what would have been a Worldie. Thin thin margins but we blew it ourselves today, something that will very very rarely happen under Howe. We're not playing out best and still getting very close to getting results against Man City and Liverpool. Think of where we were 3 years ago and think of where we'll be in 3 years. We're in good hands!
  6. Darren Eales appointment was such a smart move. He's got a very good persona for good PR but he absolutely knows his shit. Building up Atlanta United is some feat. I think many fans of other clubs don't realise just how fucking good we've been at staff recruitment. Quality all over the club.
  7. Same. Mainly to laugh at Stevie meee and cheer on Maxi though.
  8. Scotty66

    Ryan Fraser

    Longstaff ain't it?
  9. Scotty66

    Players in public

    Thought Gordon was on twitter? He definitely was when he joined us.
  10. Mitro has to be up there? Bloke would just keep getting up over and over again the mad bastard.
  11. Absolutely love this. The blue trim goes so well with the stripes.
  12. Hope he doesn't have his own twitter account.
  13. Can't see any club wanting him let alone signing him. As soon as the rumours start that club x will sign/loan him the rightful backlash will start and they'll have to pull out. He really thought he was untouchable didn't he the ****
  14. It was a pen but it gave Spain no disadvantage at all. If anything the hand helped move the ball to her foot allowing her to control it.
  15. Not a great performance last night but we could have easily came away with a draw. Wilson should have made a better pass in the 2 on 1,lots of sloppy passing which then took us 5/10 mins to get the ball back wasting a lot of energy. Botman was absolutely superb. We're getting there.
  16. Someone said they have appealed it? If true I'm sure it will get revoked
  17. How long was the Sela deal for shirt sponsor? They definitely going to be on next season shirt?
  18. Downloaded the episodes and I could still watch them for about an hour after they were pulled. Unfortunately now though they blocked them so I can't watch them. Gutted was going to watch both tonight after the game.
  19. Just downloaded the final 2 episodes on amazon in case they pull them, not sure if they would stay but might be worth a try if you can't watch them now.
  20. Great episode. I'm really enjoying the boardroom stuff even if some of it is staged it's stuff they we have no idea about. Everything else is fully in the public eye, games, signings, training, but the boardroom conversations are usually locked away so to get a glimpse on what they talk about and how they go about it is interesting. Did find it amusing with the part about "Castore need to know the sponsor by next week so they can get production of the shirts in time" .... That went well
  21. Scotty66

    Lewis Hall

    They could have put a clause in and stated that it must remain valid regardless of any new contracts between the player and club.
  22. Scotty66

    Lewis Hall

    Didn't watch Chelsea a lot last season but I remember a few times (even against us I think) seeing him play and thinking to myself wow he looks a real talent. Same vibes as seeing Lewis Miley, Evan Feguson and Rico Lewis play. Kids who just slot straight in at the highest level and make it look effortless. True Football Manager "Wonderkid" status. Hope this gets done real soon.
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