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Everything posted by Scotty66

  1. Was wondering the other day about what we will do with our GK situation. Elliott is clearly and will always be happy being a back up (bet he can't believe his luck he made it to this level tbh) Darlow is young but seems to be getting more confident in every game. I think he will do really well in the Championship. Selling Krul could be a bit of a risk though as he would be a star player in that league,and seeing as we must come straight back up,it might be best to keep hold of him if we can. After the season he has had he doesn't seem like the sort of player that will be demanding to be sold.
  2. This blokes career record is just insane. A total of 971 games managed,winning 493,drawing 238 and losing just 240! With a GD of + 639. Win % of 50.77. We need this man to stay here for the next 10 years.
  3. I think once Carr leaves and rafa has full control of transfers, ashley will be reluctant to p*ss him off as he knows he can no longer bring in a mouthpiece manager after rafa due to the collapse in the transfer policy that the club has stuck too for so long. Before it was a case of "here's the players make it work and don't argue". However with rafa that's not the case and I just can't see ashley wanting to go back to that transfer policy ever again.
  4. I did the stadium tour of the Bernabeu and the Vicente Calderon a couple of weeks ago. Such a difference between the two. Bernabeu was full security,bags and clothes search before entering the stadium etc. Was absolutely rammed and just a constant flow of people. Felt like I couldn't stand and look at stuff for too long as I would hold up the people behind me. Was a good tour tbf,got a strange feeling walking down the tunnel knowing the players (and Rafa ) had walked down there... Vicente Calderon was completely different. No search before entering and there was only about 9 of us in total for the tour (including my party of 4) Had a tour guide this time and she was hot. Strangely didn't know what I was talking about though when I mentioned Simone and Beckham! The tour was great though,saw Simone's tactics board which still had his instructions on and also sat in the presidents seat which is obviously the best seat in the stadium,bang in line with the half way line and at the perfect hight in the stand. Was a real laugh and Athletico kind of made me feel like it was more of a club than Madrid. Love how the road goes underneath the stadium too. Also both clubs getting a new stadium soon,Real Madrid's looks pretty epic,like some huge silver bowl. Atheltico's I think will have a re-tractable tier. Topped it off by going to Real Madrid v Valencia and seeing Ronaldo score while filming it on my phone. Really love Spain and will hopefully be taking the missus back when conveniently both new stadiums are built
  5. Yeah I wouldn't be surprised if Fergie had a massive say in getting Jose in the managers chair.
  6. I think he will be there long term. Where else would he go? Won't be another English club,won't go back to Spain or Italy. Only step he takes after Man Utd is International football I would think.
  7. Jose will get them back to Fergie levels. Shame as they were slowly slipping away from the glory days.
  8. Street football = all out defensive every man behind the ball
  9. Matin Keown is the co-commentator
  10. That must be made up. Nah he just said in his interview, goes down to their ground to do dribbling, 'the kind of stuff we don't do at Palace'. Then proceeded to act as though he wanted to keep it quiet as Pards would give him a bollocking for doing it
  11. Scotty66

    LOL at Lolro

    Had to pick a country beginning with A on pointless.... Chooses Alaska :lol:
  12. They have more chance than Wigan did against man city so it could definitely happen
  13. Considering the looks I was getting from walking through the centre of Madrid I would say yes
  14. Somebody needs to remind Ashley what happened to Leeds though.
  15. Ashley is thinking about giving Rafa the overdraft budget?! Is he really starting to understand how football works? Good managers + money = a team that does not contain a load of fucktards.
  16. At least we aren't getting reports that Rafa and Ashley are still in "discussions" Just a matter of time untill the fine details are sorted and he puts pen to paper. Anyone remember how long it took for him to be officially announced when he first arrived? was a good few days iirc. If nothing is announced by middle of next week I'll definitely start getting nervous.
  17. Had my stag do recently and they dressed me up in QUAD denim,all womens clothes with a denim cowboy hat too. Along with Sandals and white socks Had to wear it for 24 hours and even did the Bernabeu tour wearing it
  18. Thought it was just me. It's absolutely shocking. crashes every time and I have to run task manager to close Firefox as nothing else will work Full of those crap "see how to make £80M in 2 months using this method" ads too. Without doubt the worst website in Cyber space. Just wish they would do a poll on how good it as seeing as they do a poll for every other fucking thing!
  19. Have the BBC ever actually broke a football story before anyone else? Considering the size of them they're usually slow in announcing breaking news.
  20. Will definitely get an STD which means he will be unable to play football for the next 19 months.
  21. Imagine him against Championship opposition every week. Will be like having our own Messi.
  22. 50k a week not enough for teenagers these days? Also just seen "he can leave" for offers over £10 MILLION :lol: He's 17!!
  23. He'll bring in experience first I think. Imagine us signing a player who is 30 years old. Someone will have to chain Ashley down for 3 days while the deal takes place.
  24. Patient counter attacking football I think you mean.
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