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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. Can't bear to think of the pointless back and forth between the usual suspects on whether or not Blanc is a good manager. Its a forum mate, it's all about discussion. It's not the discussion, it's the smug self-importance that oozes out. I was just doing the standard line that gets trotted out by people when others get fed up of listening to them.
  2. Fucking hell if you can't be confident of beating Iceland.
  3. Can't bear to think of the pointless back and forth between the usual suspects on whether or not Blanc is a good manager. Its a forum mate, it's all about discussion.
  4. Same in old format though right? Win opening 2 games, if there's a draw in the other game you are through top? Or was it based on GD? I just mean Italy's next opponents were known before the game kicked off. They win the group and play a second placed team no matter what.
  5. Ridiculous format where Italy literally had nothing to play for whatsoever.
  6. No, like most professional footballers he believes he's the centre of the universe. Vastly overrated, especially in his own head. We are all the centre of our universes.
  7. I admire the logic here flip but I really hope all the home nations go as far as possible.
  8. Brexit consequences aside it's no wonder the value of Sterling is dropping so dramatically.
  9. Candreva Italy looked great at times last night. They might just play a bit too open to go too far in the tournament but will be a problem for anyone.
  10. At that time the legal age of consent in Spain was 13.
  11. I recall quite a lengthy article about how Graham Carr spent weeks making sure players like Demba Ba were the 'right fit' for the club being bidding. Maybe they just stopped caring. Maybe our transfer dealings are dodgy as fuck and peddling lies about months of scouting and profiling players is just a cover.
  12. The guy must rattle through hookers.
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