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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. http://s22.postimg.org/w1renrd7l/59017844_apprenticechampionship02.jpg http://s28.postimg.org/tsosc8w7h/bigi.jpg http://s29.postimg.org/9qlhpf9kn/bigii.jpg http://s18.postimg.org/vi4ohxyft/nufcfans_gael_bigirimana_newcastle_united_aston.gif http://s27.postimg.org/qkr8pcgs3/pardew_hails_bigirimana_Image.jpg http://s3.postimg.org/ykfoglldv/yeovil.jpg http://s1.postimg.org/h7z72cftb/gael_bigirimana_newcastle_united_3004989.jpg
  2. Yeah it's harsh. More of a principle thing than equating him to the same level of player.
  3. Colback is the death of ambition. He will play and play well, but it's all relative. The type of player that will clog up the side for years because he works hard. See: Gouffran, Gutierrez, Tiote.
  4. I fucking love players who can cross. Seasons on end of fucking floated balls toward the back post.
  5. This. Massively. It's like he sees him as a peer. Utter cunt.
  6. Watching Robert's compilations, the guy was just insanely talented.
  7. He's like Papa Lazarou 'You're my club now Dave'
  8. The owner's at City are building a proper infrastructure for success though aren't they?
  9. Sounds like they are going to kill them. What a relentlessly thick cunt.
  10. Probably includes a fair few non-playing days too. It's not really the point, like.
  11. Took me too long to realise the Logo wasn't a fighter jet.
  12. I look forward to this being cited as Mike Ashley's continuing investment in Newcastle. Ignoring the fact it will have been paid for by the club rather than Ashley, whilst advertising his business of course. From an aesthetic point of view it makes the stadium look worse.
  13. http://weknowmemes.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/nobody-has-seen-this-but.jpg
  14. Getting to the point where I'd rather a league without Man City, Chelsea, Liverpool, Arsenal and Man Utd.
  15. Even if we beat Leicester our fixture list leaves him little hope for a sustained improvement.
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