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Everything posted by geordiesteve710

  1. No wonder NUFC is in such a state if you believe that Bellamy was a symbol of the club's greatness - the only wonder is that you actually want Pardew out. As for you stupid comment about my view, that reflects more on you than it does on me - you can lick Bellamy's boots if you want but there are plenty that won't, including me ; his comment about the club was typical of him...small minded, wrong and petty. If I had my way, he would never be allowed back into SJP unless he was an opposition player. With his views about our club and fans he would have been an ideal signing for the current regime, and the likes of you would have licked his boots. Bellamy was a damn fine player, even if his constant moaning and whinging was embarrassing. The job a player like that does for the team cannot simply be measured in goal statistics I.e. Forcing errors from defenders, pulling them out of position to create space for others, providing a constant outlet when it needs to be hit long. BUT (and it's a fucking big but) the way he has carried on since leaving NUFC he has completely alienated himself imo. The texting to mock us getting beat in the semi was bad enough but his recent comments, and it's not the first time he has said it, are the worst. As correctly pointed out by Ronaldo hos time here coincided with the last time we were genuinely capable of challenging for honours. Given the well known extra curricular activities of Bellamy amongst others it is without doubt that these lads were not treating their bodies in a way which would enable them to fulfil their potential as athletes and maybe, you know, win something. To later hear that a factor in this behaviour was a 'its only Newcastle United they don't win trophies anyway' attitude should frankly leave everyone associated with the club feeling cheated. Not to mention that he once feigned injury to duck out of a game!! And this constant narrative he pushes of aligning himself with Bobby Robson as if they were kindred spirits brutally treated by the fickle baying mob together leaves a nasty taste as well. Two more different characters you could not wish to find. Sorry, going off topic. Isn't Pardew a cunt.
  2. That was it. Mind, I hate it because the ref never changes his mind, but all clubs should be charged. And will you lot f**k off with that photo. I know at least two people on there Anyone that's referenced above per chance?!? (come on, everyone is thinking it even if they're too polite to ask)
  3. Because he's a horrible, snide looking little c*** A nasty little cheat who is backed to the hilt by the London media. Couldn't believe it during the world cup think it was Hoddle or some other doylum wringing their hands over poor jack and genuinely said "he does fall over a lot when he gets contact from an opponent. It's either a physical issue or a mental one." IT'S NEITHER YOU FUCKING DIMWIT, HE'S CHEATING. HE DOES IT ALL THE TIME, SURELY YOU'VE NOTICED RIGHT?. ITS BECAUSE HE PLAYS FOR ARSENAL AND IS ENCOURAGED TO DIVE WHENEVER THE OPPORTUNITY ARISES. Still a better footballer than 'Hendo' mind.
  4. Colbacks Mam?? Camp Where's Wally at the back, 3 along from Willie Thorne tucking into his bait.
  5. Williamson and Taylor both tend to revert to type. If one or the other has been out of the team for a while and come back at the expense of the other one they normally start off quite solid, but then they both end up becoming a liability until the other one is ready to come in and take them out of the firing line. For me this has been the case for a couple of years now. It's like a mental fatigue/concentration issue with them two that Colo isn't AS susceptible to.
  6. The way he jogged off when subbed would suggest it's nothing too bad tbh. Off to see the mistress Suffering from a stiff groin then??
  7. He probably thinks- and worse is probably right- that pulling cheap shots is the way to launch a career for himself as a 'no-, tell it as it is, outrageously opinionated pundit in the mould of his idol and fellow flouncing wavey-haired Welsh bullshit-merchant Robbie Savage. The ultimate irony being if we'd been a bit stronger and pipped Liverpool for 4th in 2004, that money may well have enabled us to stabilise, break that top four and compete at the top end for a bit longer at Liverpool's expense. Unfortunately one of the team's key players was more interested in going out on the quayside, getting pissed up and slapping females (allegedly of course.) Remember who that was Craig??
  8. Good. Never been a fan of Fiats personally- horrible, ugly cars Imo.
  9. Might be giggs, but this cunt having the cheek to refer to himself in the same breath as sir bobby made me feel sick. "We've both had tough times here." You've broken club record after club record for being utterly shit you moron. Bobby Robson narrowly failed to qualify for the Champions League. A large section of the fans have absolutely tried to hound you out of the club, Sunderland fans for whatever reason like to pretend that we hounded Robson out. You couldn't be more different to Bobby Robson if you tried. How fucking dare you compare your situation or record to his. How dare you try to trivialise your 2014 form as if it was one of Robsons blips. Rant over.
  10. Anyone know what Taylor was booked for yesterday? (apart from not having a red shirt on obviously)? Thought you were allowed to walk/stand where you want when the ball is not in play? As long as you don't leave the pitch of course. Compare and contrast Balotelli obstructing Kruls kick and being cheerfully waved to play on. Also Noticed MOTD didn't even mention that one, going out of the way to highlight 2 of our fouls (but not Lovrens nasty kick at Cabellas Achilles) instead. Lovely double standards but got to feed the scousers sense of injustice after all.
  11. Stood at Piccadilly with about 150 citeh fans watching tram after tram come past either already full or extremely delayed, with the distinct feeling I've been epically 'whooshed'. Seen the teams and genuinely considering fucking it off and getting the next train back. Seriously, what's the fucking point??
  12. For my money Keegans team were always strong out the blocks so would win the first half comfortably. Robson's team however did have the knack of finishing games strongly and making a good fist of fighting back from losing position so would shade the second half. Keegan to win the game 5-3. With regards to the thread topic I've always loved a player with a low centre of gravity allowing them to make absolute mugs out of bigger, stronger, sometimes quicker players. Beardsley being the finest example. Made Paul McGrath look like a Sunday league player one game. Ben arfa and lualua very much in this mould too. Absolutely loved watching Tino play, probably most entertaining player I've seen in black and white, but don't think he fits into any 'type' as such- just a very unique individual.
  13. Do you think he knows what 'consistency' means??
  14. It's predictable as fuck but adding FTM onto the end of any word seems to be just about their favourite joke and always makes them giggle. Like the best-est ever banter about us all being 'horse-punchers' which didn't get old after about a week. They might as well just change the club's name to 'Sunderland FTM AFC' and be done with it imo.
  15. he panicked as we were totally under the cosh and threw on players he doesn't trust. Anyone else get the impression he had given up on the game and was trying to throw 2 flair players under the bus?? Had spurs gone on to win by 2 or 3, he would have blamed it on those 2 a la Ben arfa vs spurs, Everton, man utd last season. Would have been used to justify his signature negative mindset through to January.
  16. "the Geordie nation" The tone in which he says it man, like it's a preposterous idea that he might not be good at his job. Openly mocking us now. The cunt.
  17. He's gonna be fucking insufferable after this
  18. Ireland will be demanding we replay the 2010 World Cup... Or as Froggy would say, that they re-done the 2010 world cup. On a serious note. As if the Portugese team turned out to be bad losers... I for one am scandalised.
  19. Just the wake up call they needed. Bien joué indeed!!
  20. he's never a football manager in a million years this bloke like He is just a blagger, he has blagged his way through football. All he does is set a team up to "not lose" The main irony being that a cursory glance at 2014's form reveals that the useless spacktard can't even get the 'not lose' bit right the vast majority of the time. A truly joyless, dreary shitty individual.
  21. Serves the little b****** right. Polis knocking on his door soon, as well as some of the local mentalists. Win \o/ Lets hope the police get there second.
  22. you can't argue that the goalkeepers aren't unreasonably shit though. It's like they haven't got round to coaching that part of the game yet but they'll do it in a bit.
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