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Everything posted by OCK

  1. OCK

    U23s & Academy

    If we can keep Ben Dawson, Liam Bramley and Neil Winskill together we'll have a great core of coaches focused on coach development as well as player development. They won't allow standards to drop.
  2. He jumped, won a header for a knockdown to Rondon. I mean... what is happening.
  3. OCK

    U23s & Academy

    You can imagine. Aye. Let's suppose it came to light the club had a horrible history of bullying and mishandling of internal grievances and cases of depression, I'm sure that's something they wouldn't want the FA, PFA, or any of the charity groups that work with the club's Foundation to know about.
  4. OCK

    U23s & Academy

    They talked about this briefly on talksport and SHOCK HORROR they were all in support of Beardsley, saying that "you can't talk to kids like you used to in this politically correct environment" "they've lost a great mind". Utter bollocks. If I was to guess. Club agreed to keep Beardsley's reputation intact, and not mention the investigations into discrimination/racist behaviour. Beardsley agreed not to publicly bring up any internal grievances or sue for unfair dismissal. All players involved have since been released by the club too, strangely. 'Both win' - Beardsley isn't a racist, club never employed a racist. Simply Beardsley no longer works for the club and is free to find work else where, with a glowing letter of recommendation on NUFC Letter head, signed by Lee Charnley himself.
  5. OCK

    U23s & Academy

    I can imagine he was paid off, with an NDA agreeing that neither party will comment further on the issue. I can imagine.
  6. Unreal. Agility and Balance. Switching from running to dribbling. Reminds me of a young Matty Pattison.
  7. If you airbrush the hands out, it clearly looks like a goalkeeping error.
  8. OCK

    Adam Armstrong

    Turned out it was within the next 5 months. of course. He'll be coaching Monkseaton Academy before moving on to North Shields then defecting to South Shields within the next 10 years! Seriously, £1.5m is a steal if there are no clauses based on sell on, performance, relegation/promotion of Blackburn.
  9. OCK


    I still can't get over the clip of that bloke giving Chris Coleman shit Jack Rodwell being a rod was class though. It probably has done his career any good coming across as a total twat, but it was a good watch.
  10. OCK

    U23s & Academy

    Game falls at a bad time between the Orient trophy game away and a big league game vs Darlington. Its too much to expect of part time players. Aye, Blyth are having a canny run from what I've see. They put out a message asking for more people to turn up and watch, if they can get 1000 each home game that should secure them financially going forward. Crazy to think how fine the margins are for most clubs.
  11. OCK

    Sean Longstaff

    Still waiting to see his trademark high wave coerver coaching special techniques.
  12. He'll be here until his contract runs out. He's settled and has outside business interests in the region. I mean granted he could run them away from the North-East. Another canny person that probably is playing above his level, but really isn't given how average (at best) Newcastle have been over the last decade.
  13. Mate, I drive a Nissan Note. What would you know about style.
  14. OCK


    Classy club, like.
  15. The one thing that keeps sticking in my mind is how quickly that weasel McKay came out to passively distance himself from any responsibility in Sala's accident. What a stain on the industry.
  16. If he went I wouldn't blame him. Imagine putting up with the blatant lies all the time.
  17. OCK


    If these mess up my acca, I'll be FUMING. £500 is on the line.
  18. As mental as Joe Kinnear was/is, he was a real nice bloke from what I experienced. He'd say hello to everyone and have a chat, but I think that's probably because he didn't know who was first team coach and who was a youth/community coach.
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