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Everything posted by Holmesy

  1. That’s harsh on Matty - he’s shown some promise. Bruce just doesn’t like him.
  2. Why do we seem to be fixated on Choudhary as if he's the next Messi. If the press are to be believed, we've been chasing him since last summer and from what i've seen of him, he's shite. What's the obsession?!
  3. Bear in mind he’s been performing under a 1990’s fitness and conditioning setup and he’s been rushed back a couple of times due to our complete reliance on him. Most clubs have proper medical, physio, sports science and conditioning departments and squads that can still function without one key player. I’m pretty sure his fitness is an issue because he’s here, not because he’s unfit or injury prone.
  4. I think that’s a really good point - it’s less a question of if he’s capable of doing it, but more whether he’d enjoy playing that sort of role. He’s clearly a player who loves playing and thrives on freedom - that’s one of the reasons he’s such a joy to watch. It would be a sad day seeing ASM cutting a dejected figure in a stifled role even in a much more successful team. Or a super-sub role at a club with a massive squad, like Chelsea - he’d absolutely hate that. His own ambition could be his own worst enemy in that respect. Having said that, Mahrez is thriving at Man City and he’s a similar sort of player. Time will no doubt tell.
  5. It’s not selfish-ness or individualism, it’s creative freedom that’s being referred to I think. Can he still be as effective under a manager who gives him tactical shackles and a very defined role? That’ll be what decides whether he can thrive at the very top level.
  6. I think we have a potentially world class player on our hands so it's only a matter of time before he moves on to a CL team. The only question mark is how will he perform in a more orchestrated role under a manager that actually has a system and coaches players to fit it. In some ways Bruce is the perfect manager for ASM because he's clueless - he just lets ASM do what he wants and it suits him.
  7. Still remember the feeling of desolation when we replaced Sir Bobby with that fucking melt, Souness. That has to go down as one of the worst decisions in the club's history (pre-Ashley of course)
  8. Jordan is a clever guy (and a total cunt). He knows how to play the game to keep himself relevant enough to be in the b-list limelight, which keeps his ego massaged. Water off a Duck’s back.
  9. Take a bow Matt Ritchie!! It wasn’t a perfect ball but it wasn’t far off. He’s been absolutely class since he got back in the team
  10. All the confidence and swagger of the first half gone within 5 minutes.
  11. Did you see Rodgers furiously taking notes in that first half?! They’re coming back out with a plan. were coming back out with ‘keep running around lads, tight at the back!’
  12. Krafth is genuinely one of the worst 1v1 defenders we’ve ever had. There’s only one way tonight is going to go
  13. Standard Bruceball defeat. Happens every time we come up against a progressive manager with half a brain.
  14. If it comes to light that the 'big 6' pressured the PL to block the takeover, and correspondence between the clubs and the PL are made public, that could cause some serious trouble for the cartel. Hopefully they shit themselves at today's news and pressure Masters to push the takeover through, to avoid being dragged even further through the shit.
  15. Maybe there’s a bit of paranoia in play here, but I’ve just watched coverage of our game on MOTD and there was no footage of the assault on ASM - nothing!! One of the biggest incidents in the game and they didn’t cover it at all, no mention. Yet they finish with a focus on Fernandes’ apparent elbow on a Liverpool player and chat about whether it should’ve been a red card. Something fucking stinks!
  16. I completely forgot he existed. Why the fuck were we persisting with Dwight Gayle and Andy Carroll when this guy is on our books ffs?!
  17. From what i heard there was very little they could actually do.
  18. This could just as easily work against us. The 'big 6' have just flexed their muscles and everyone shat themselves - there was lost of posturing about the leagues holding all the power but it didn't look like that. It was player and fan revolts that drove the clubs to withdraw, not any threats of legal action. There's no doubt they're coming back with other powerplay - first they wanted a bigger share of the Sky money, then the European SL came along, next? The PL will be shitting themselves and there's a chance it'll strengthen their resolve to not let our takeover through.
  19. Holmesy


    He might just be one of those players that needs crystal clear direction, ironically the kind of direction he would get under someone like Rafa. Being told to go out, run around a bit and make a nuisance of himself is not effective management for someone who is clearly struggling.
  20. Holmesy


    He’s nowhere near a £40m player....ever, but I’m still holding out hope there’s a better player than we’ve seen in there. Coming into a new league and being coached by the 3 Steves was never going to work out well. Get the takeover done, get a managers and some coaches with credentials in and then let’s judge him fairly. If he’s still as shit as he is now, send him to the glue factory. I’ve still got a sneaky suspicion he might prove us all wrong and become a bit of a fan favourite. But not under Bruce
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