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Everything posted by christ

  1. christ


    The amount of joy I derive from the aimless, stream of conscious abuse they post in that thread is ridiculous. You can see them in real time losing their tiny little minds
  2. Twitter auto locks accounts if they get enough copyright reports IIRC.
  3. Delighted with the result but that was a horrible game. Apart from that ten minutes immediately after our first goal when we were the better side I thought we were really sloppy. Too many loose passes. Our defensive organisation saved us today. Bound to happen some time like, and I suppose it’s a good sign we can claw our way to results when we don’t turn up.
  4. I don’t have an issue with Krafth over Manq or Shelvey over Bruno right now. I think it’s great management.
  5. He’s such a fucking cunt. Trying to attach it to the food bank too to avoid criticism. Could’ve easily got in touch with the kid and asked if he wanted involved but it might’ve taken the spotlight of the Tory bellend.
  6. Always thought Moshiri’s wealth was a bit unclear. He’s a billionaire on paper but a lot is tied up in USM.
  7. Moshiri is Usmanov’s business partner.
  8. Hang on, has he been in France to howk his card game at a convention?
  9. Big asterisk next to yesterday as a result of the early red card, but when was the last time we had the most possession in two consecutive games? EDIT: Two consecutive games away from home too.
  10. Targett, Burn and Wood have addressed gaps in the squad and improved us, but they’re still playing alongside 8 players who were already here. 8 players who were viewed as being not PL standard the other side of Christmas. The turnaround is really impressive, and that’s all on Howe. Just take the defence. We’ve been told for years - even by Benitez - we can’t play a back four. Bruce spent two seasons complaining they couldn’t do it. Yes, we’ve added a couple of players but not at great cost and at no point did I believe Schar and Krafth could do the job they managed yesterday, or at West Ham last week. I’ve no doubt that if Burn or Targett do get injured that Lascelles and Dummett could come in and do a decent job too. The midfield went from a porous mess to being one of our strongest areas, to the point Bruno is still sitting on the bench. I don’t think Howe is a managerial mastermind (not yet anyway) but fuck me is it nice to have someone in charge who knows what he’s doing on the training ground, on the touch line and has the nous to implement it. A little bit of competence gets you a long way.
  11. Not really. I think it was evident to everyone that we needed a striker yesterday and we found one with a release clause. It wasn’t a normal situation. Our need was urgent and we didn’t have to negotiate.
  12. I’m not an administrator. Can I call you?
  13. I was hyper critical of them over the Emery farce - go back far enough and the evidence is on here - but I don’t think they’ve put a foot wrong after that. They’re good advocates for the club and can articulate the vision for it pretty well. They’re not from the Garry Cook school of chatting absolute shite to try and gee up the fans. It’s just jarring to have people in charge who actually talk to the media.
  14. christ


    I definitely did like.
  15. Staggers me that there’s young, hungry coaches that are being passed over so this work-shy dickhead can get himself another lucrative payday. Of all the PFM that still get jobs despite being 15 years behind the times he’s got to be the most loathsome.
  16. I think everyone up to Villa will be looking over their shoulder now. The teams behind are for the most part in better form that those being chased and you’ve got some pretty inexperienced managers among that group. I wouldn’t want to put money on the bottom three at the end of the season.
  17. I think he’s been alright but I’d be looking to replace him with Bruno after 20 mins.
  18. Crying shame ASM is injured. They can’t cope when any of our lot carry the ball.
  19. I hope not. I think Murphy is a much better option.
  20. Yeah, that’s not my point. I think we’re much better balanced with a winger in place or ASM that shunting Joe to accommodate Bruno.
  21. That requires rejigging the midfield at pretty short notice. Joe will have trained all week to start in the middle. Like for like makes much more sense IMO.
  22. Murphy in for ASM. I’d leave the rest unchanged.
  23. Have you seen what happens when you try and move an image about in a Word document?
  24. It’s something Staveley was interested in when she first wanted to buy the club. Had meetings with some architects about it iirc.
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