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Everything posted by christ

  1. Testify brother. I find him infinitely more loathsome than most of the other PFM chancers that stink up the game, simply because he’s absolutely phoning it in. It’s one thing being shit, but being shit and lazy - especially when you keep falling arse backwards into plum managerial roles - boils my piss.
  2. Best thing about the club hands down. Knock it out of the park every single match.
  3. We’re about two weeks out from “Newcastle’s budget for the summer will only be in the high tens of millions” followed in the next paragraph by “extra funds will be made available for marquee signings.”
  4. Statistically they’re virtually identical, and HBA had plenty of shockers. The fact there’s a thread dedicated to him that rarely drops off the front page a decade after he buggered off is deeply weird.
  5. Nowt confuses me more than the tremendous hard on certain posters have for HBA coupled with the criticism of ASM. They’re virtually the same player.
  6. It really isn’t like you wet blanket.
  7. We’ve been horse shit since that speccy cunt tied himself to the goal.
  8. Said that to wor kid. Absolute cunt and I’d love him here.
  9. I don’t rate our chances like, but it’s a good opportunity for Miggy and Longstaff in particular to try and demonstrate they deserve to be here. Appreciate the changes have been enforced but I’d probably have looked to do something similar if I was Howe.
  10. Get out of my head. Burnley look a weaker proposition than in previous years but should still Burnley their way to enough points. I think it’s a straight shootout between Everton and Leeds, and I’m leaning towards Leeds.
  11. The superficiality of the ‘support’ doesn’t matter. Having people who are able and willing to argue back, to repeat propaganda and talking points, to muddy the water is what matters. So that when people who know the square root of fuck all about what’s going on do have cause to think or research Saudi they don’t think “religious fanaticism and murderous despot”, they think “it’s complicated”.
  12. That’s part of what sportswashing is. Saudi didn’t just buy a football club, they bought legions of fans who’ll “ah yes but” any criticism because they’ll view it is an attack on them personally. You read this thread? Because that’s exactly the case. A load of people trying to sidestep the issue, just under the auspices of asking questions instead of what you might get on Twitter. It’s the same thing.
  13. Someone literally posted the words “it’s not as simplistic as you’re presenting” in response. That’s in among people asking what they were executed for, and trying to draw equivalences with capital punishment elsewhere. Wriggle wriggle.
  14. Nowt wrong with the original post. It was a statement of fact. We can’t try and wriggle our way out of it. This is the sort of shit our new owners get up to. If your reaction when it’s brought up is to accuse someone of acting in bad faith then you’re a fuckwit.
  15. I do find the recent handwringing over Abramovich faintly ridiculous given I don’t think being mates with Putin is by any order of measure comparable with funding illegal Israeli settlements to the tune of millions of pounds. One is financing the breaking of international law, and the other is a bit tasteless. Pilger has, unfortunately, went a bit odd in recent years like. I don’t see a lot to disagree with in his comments on Brexit though.
  16. I think Pilger’s assessment of Trump is pretty accurate, and I’m anything but pro-Trump.
  17. He shouts “genius” as it goes in ffs
  18. Dictionary definition of a free hit this. Go out and play our game and we could get a result, but there’s no shame in losing.
  19. christ

    Dan Burn

    Only Brighton’s third best centre back they said
  20. Had absolutely no expectation we’d get a result today so that second half was unusually chill from my POV
  21. When are STs for next season likely to go on sale? Been ages since I jacked mine in and can’t remember the usual timescales.
  22. Not even his best goal for us.
  23. christ


    As far as abuse goes it’s a massive downgrade on Poocastle Ushited.
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