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Everything posted by christ

  1. This would be my preference too, for purely selfish reasons.
  2. christ


    Basically that their trust fund saviour is either a) a bit of an idiot who is being taken for a ride or b) in on the grift.
  3. christ


    Grumpy probably should’ve called it a day when he spent a fortnight getting them all excited about Companies House rules he totally misunderstood.
  4. christ


    To be fair from the bits I’ve seen they appear to have collectively twigged that a subscription to QuickBooks doesn’t make you a football finance expert. He’s had a bad day.
  5. christ


    If the roles were reversed I’m sure we’d have a number who were beside themselves in much the same way but it’s absolutely fucking relentless at the moment. Even during the deepest, darkest days of Ashley when their results had a direct impact on our ability to stay in the league I don’t think I gave as much of a shit as some of that lot do. You do wonder about the well-being of some of those behind the keyboard.
  6. christ


    You wonder how they ended up here and you read absolutely unhinged shite like that. Rather argue about us and the Chronicle’s reporting than do anything about the shysters running their club. Lunatics.
  7. christ


    Imagine spending so much energy focusing on our takeover, hoping it was some sort of gigantic fraud, that you completely miss the shit show at your own club. Alanis Morrisette could have a field day.
  8. christ


    It appears they’re starting to realise that Grumpy Old Man is a complete knacker too. What a day.
  9. christ


    No set of fans deserve shit owners, but they really don’t do themselves any favours by refusing to put any pressure on because protesting is ‘Mag behaviour’.
  10. christ


    I’m shocked the spoilt little rich kid has been taken for a ride like.
  11. We’ve picked up six points out of six man. It’s a ridiculous point of discussion. I don’t know what you expect people to say?
  12. I’ve got more faith in Eddie Howe than I have a bloke on a football forum tbh.
  13. It’s crap man management to drop someone who is playing well and doing the job asked of him in a team that’s just picked up 6 points in the last week. Willock has been really good recently. Bruno will get a chance. Calm the fuck down.
  14. christ

    Emil Krafth

    He got so lucky with their ‘goal’. Gave the ball away and almost played Watkins onside.
  15. Absolutely buzzing. I fucking love this club. Fair play to them all but I reckon it’s a different second half if the fullbacks stay on. I reckon we win that by two or three.
  16. christ


    Almost certainly horse shit. They excel in myth making. The stakes of absolutely everything they’ve ever been involved in have to be raised to ridiculous levels to justify their histrionics. It’s the reason they’re cock-in-hand at any sort of minor crowd trouble. It can’t just be some over excited kids being dickheads - the type of thing you see at most matches - it has to be some near existential threat they manage to fight off. They’ve watched one too many Nick Love films. They’re not on nodding terms with reality. If you want to break their brains just point out that NUFC and SAFC fans are the same - from the same places, went to the same schools, work the same jobs, subject to the same socio-economic forces. They end up one step away from phrenology trying to justify they’re utterly deranged positions. It’s class.
  17. I think “I don’t give a fuck, I just want us to be good” is an entirely reasonable opinion to have. We ultimately have no say in who runs the club, as was apparent when we were trying to shift the last bloke, and football fans shouldn’t be elevated to moral arbiters of the sport. However I do think if you hold that opinion you don’t get to piss and moan when others raise legitimate concerns about our owners.
  18. Because the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has never been the subject of any protest in the UK? I’m not going to second guess the motivations of people involved. If a well established LGBTQ+ fan group wants to use our match to raise awareness of rights in Saudi then fair fucks. It’s a very real problem, and we can’t complain that we’re the focal point of that protest because we’re now intrinsically linked with SA.
  19. Aye, and I’m sure we’d be talking about how dreadful it all was. Football fans are selfish wankers. LGBTQ+ rights in Saudi are non-existent. I don’t think it’s particularly hypocritical for a gay supporters group to protest. We’ve had plenty of our fuckwits cutting about the place waving Saudi flags. The club went to Saudi very recently. The club is now closely linked to the country and like it or not we’re fair game.
  20. It’s easy to get defensive about these protests but they’re justified tbh.
  21. To be fair education about the history has to come from the club, and for the last decade we’ve been owned by a bloke who had zero love for NUFC. It’s understandable that people’s knowledge begins and ends at what they can remember or find on YouTube.
  22. christ


    The worst thing about the Nazis? Definitely their self entitlement.
  23. SJH was a businessman at the end of the day. This wasn’t a charitable endeavour. He had a group of people around him who could see the commercial potential of the Premier League and he made sure we were able to ride the crest of that wave. He also made sure he was well remunerated for his work. I don’t begrudge him that because without it this club doesn’t exist as it does today. We had an owner who “never took a penny “ out of the club and it was the most miserable, soul crushing period imaginable.
  24. The next few months are massive for him. He hasn’t progressed in any regard since we signed him. If he can’t elbow his way into the team between now and the end of the season and we manage to stay up then get rid.
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