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Everything posted by christ

  1. I think Darlow and Woodman are more likely to move on than Dubs. They’re definitely looking to increase competition.
  2. I remember him being outstanding for Sheffield United, so much so that Ramsdale looked a bit shit when he followed him the year afterwards. Haven’t seen him much since then. Feel like his return to Man United coincided with De Gea remembering he was meant to be the best in the world.
  3. Don’t rate Bamford. Championship striker who hit a bit of form last season. I think Toney would be a fantastic addition.
  4. Absolutely dreadful. Rabbits in the headlights from minute one. We got the gameplan bang on tonight. Never let them settle. By rights we should have won by a few more.
  5. christ


    All this money sloshing around in the club and we still get the POTY trophy from Timpson’s.
  6. Oh aye, this thread is proof positive that no one would kick off if the Trust started striking off their suggested charities Each charity is different. Different projects, different scale, different charitable spend. You could conceivably spread this money around in the wrong places or provide it to the wrong organisations - best of intentions - and make much less of an impact than if some thought was put into where it was sent. That’s why the Trust’s approach is better than what you’ve outlined.
  7. Sorry, but you’re talking complete bollocks. Collaboration and consultation is a great idea but entirely inappropriate in this instance. You could end up with the entire pot spread across dozens of different charities in quantities that are too small to make a difference in most cases, alternatively you could end up with a massive lump sum going to an organisation that isn’t set up to deal with that influx of money.
  8. 4 months isn’t particularly long like. It’s entirely reasonable to do due diligence when you’re donating other people’s money that was given to you in completely different circumstances for a different purpose.
  9. If they’d dished the cash out people on here still would’ve complained.
  10. Everton are backloading deals out of necessity. They haven’t paid a penny for Dele Alli yet.
  11. It’s very easy to understand, if you’ve got a comprehension level above that of a 4 year old.
  12. Thing is we don’t really have backups under Howe. If you deserve your spot you’re in the starting XI. Look at how long Bruno had to wait to get a kick. Tarkowski has been very keen to break into the England squad - it’s why he’s leaving Burnley - so I don’t think it’s a hard sell. It’s a meritocracy. If he earns it he’ll start.
  13. Don’t understand the bed wetting. If we’re expecting to lose Lascelles, Fernandez and Clark then we need a couple of centre backs. Tarkowski on a free makes sense.
  14. I just find the kit stuff funny. It’s not revealing anything we didn’t already know. I assume those that are really pissed off are annoyed because it’s an ever present reminder of the reality of the situation when all they want is to pretend we’re not bankrolled by a Bond villain.
  15. Likely to only be another year. I imagine there are pretty punitive clauses if either party decides they want out midway through, but changes to legislation will mean a clean break and less financial impact. I think the new rules around market rate sponsorship means the club won’t be in a rush. Commercial operations across the club need a huge amount of attention, and by boosting those (and demonstrating an improvement on the pitch) over the next 12 months they could likely argue the worth our shirt sponsorship is more than they could this summer.
  16. I agree. Seem to be a bit of an odd operation. Got a load of major contracts but doesn’t feel massively professional at this stage. The stuff of theirs I have seen I don’t mind tbf. The pricing strategy is all over the shop like.
  17. Signed a long term deal with them about 18 months ago. They’ll hang around until the proposed ban on gambling sponsors comes in IMO.
  18. Castore offer very favourable terms to the clubs they work with iirc. As far as commercial agreements go it’s probably pretty low down the list of ones they want/need to renegotiate.
  19. Baby blue accent is a sure sign Fun88 are sticking around for another year.
  20. Clever bastards, causing a delay. Jimmy Hill would be proud.
  21. I fucked it off after the Carver debacle. Planning to try and get one but it sounds like it’s going to be carnage.
  22. You can understand why they might take their time over picking a charity. I’m sure there’ll be no shortage of people lining up to hammer them for donating to the wrong one.
  23. christ

    Fabian Schär

    Tremendous news. I think he’s a criminally underrated player, even among our fans who like him. Very rare you find CB’s like him who can do a bit of everything.
  24. Very unedifying. Preferred it when he was brown nosing Bruce and slagging off our fans. This is just sad.
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