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Everything posted by Joelinton7

  1. That post is from last year
  2. Then why did they even try in the first place if they weren’t 100% convinced? Imo they never had any encouragement from the club or Trippier. They just thought they’d big club bully us into accepting (Plettenberg and Falk being part of that), get Kieran ‘round the table, offer him much higher wages than he’s on and that’d be that. I was of the opinion a few days ago it wasn’t happening but good to know they’ve officially been told to do one.
  3. Joelinton7

    Alfie Harrison

    We signed this stretchy c**t yet?
  4. Joelinton7

    Alfie Harrison

    Infinite torso deceptions
  5. Joelinton7


    Would explain Miggy’s right foot problems
  6. Joelinton7


    “Overseen by the club’s medical team”
  7. Joelinton7

    Alfie Harrison

    Wtf is going on in here? Yeah his legs detach when he kicks the ball, his head once came off and he only runs sideways like a crab but I think £80m is a bargain for such an exciting prospect.
  8. Joelinton7

    Alfie Harrison

    Yeah, ‘tis but a scratch to City
  9. Joelinton7

    Alfie Harrison

    He’s a confident player for sure so will fancy his chances.
  10. Joelinton7

    Alfie Harrison

    He’s right, does score and assist most games. Confident player. I can’t understand why they’re letting him go as well unless he’s pushed for it.
  11. Joelinton7

    Alfie Harrison

    Cm. Creative playmaker type. Good dribbler. Good finisher. Keeps the ball well, just a very positive forward thinking player. Typically stands out as one of City’s best players at 18 level.
  12. Hey, hey Benji. I wanna knoowww. ENJOY THE GAME!
  13. You’d still like them if you did 360. 180 shirley?
  14. If Rojas says it’s not happening then it’s not happening.
  15. Seriously. What the actual hell is going on?
  16. No, Bruno is happy in Newcastle my friend
  17. Should sell Bruno too so we can avoid the ban.
  18. Losing players to Soccer Saturday now are we? It’s like Ashley never left.
  19. There better be damn good reasoning for this, along with reinvestment. At least we already have his replacement.
  20. Is it not just because it’s Bayern Munich? I mean, they’re a world giant.
  21. It’s very easy for Edwards, Dope, etc to run these negative stories during the winter break when Eddie doesn’t have a chance to address them in a press conference. All I care about re this club is what comes out of his, the players and the owners mouths.
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