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Steve McClaren


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Few rumours of him going back to Boro. Would no doubt kybosh their promotion attempt.


Imagine if he took them up after all this and we went down. :lol:


That's a horrible thought :lol: 


As for that piece from Hardy.  Overloaded with wingers?!  Aarons, who has been injured most the season and is still a kid.  Townsend, who we just signed.  Obertan?  Does Sissoko count? 


I'd say we're overloaded with no.10's/attacking midfielders, personally.  We seem to have a shit load of midfielders, in general. 

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As for McClaren.  I hold no ill will towards him.  As I'm in agreement that he seems like a decent guy.  However, I think he is getting off lightly, as he wasn't here for long and he followed on from Pardew and Carver.  If he had come in after Hughton and then stuck around for a while longer.  We'd absolutely detest the bloke.   


IMO, he had a better team to work with, than Pardew and Carver did last season.  So I don't buy that excuse.  Going further back, Pardew had some really talented players and fucked it up, helped to get them sold, didn't play them etc.  But last year, the team was brutal.  We were in mid-table, playing the usual shite Pardew football and I think we would have finished there.  Then Carver had other ideas :lol:


When you look at some of the teams we were putting out.  I think we were definitely worse.  So I don't think McClaren can really have any excuses on that front.  The way he set us up away from home was just completely unacceptable.  As was the fact that in March, he still didn't know what his strongest team or set-up was.

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I didn't want him and didn't rate him but thought the treatment at the end was unprofessional from NUFC to say the least.


I've nowhere near the levels of hatred for him that I have for Pardew, Allardyce, Dagliesh, Carver etc.


Good luck to him in wherever he goes next.


You hate Dalglish more than McClaren? That's just plain fucking weird. We finished 2nd, played CL football and reached Wembley under the former. Under the latter we spent virtually an entire season in the bottom 3 - that's if he hasn't effectively relegated us with £80m worth of investment in a team even John Carver kept up.

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I didn't want him and didn't rate him but thought the treatment at the end was unprofessional from NUFC to say the least.


I've nowhere near the levels of hatred for him that I have for Pardew, Allardyce, Dagliesh, Carver etc.


Good luck to him in wherever he goes next.


You hate Dalglish more than McClaren? That's just plain fucking weird. We finished 2nd, played CL football and reached Wembley under the former. Under the latter we spent virtually an entire season in the bottom 3.


yeah - it's only weird if you take their relevant start points completely out of context though. SMc inherited a squad with major problems, an unambitious board and a club tarred by Alan Pardew's filthy stain and players only here as a stepping stone.


KD's situation couldn't have been more different. All we needed was better organisation at the back and we'd have been flying. He smashed KK's legacy and for that I've always hated him.


I attended many of those games watching some of the absolute toss he signed, wondering quite how he could dismantle such a fantastic side and, at the same time, find so many jobs for the boys.


I've heard lots of mitigation over the years (KK scapped the reserve team, PLC etc etc) but none of it is sufficient for the clusterfuck of a job he did imho.


Edit - What Ahmed said, more succinctly.

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Yeah well, we'll see if tunes change if we go down. Dalglish had no Shearer for the season and suffered the consequences.


My tune won't change. SMc was a minor symptom of the disease this club is fighting and, whether we're relegated or not, he'll never be the sole reason we're down.


KD had a far more damaging effect on NUFC given the respective circumstances.


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Yeah well, we'll see if tunes change if we go down. Dalglish had no Shearer for the season and suffered the consequences.


My tune won't change. SMc was a minor symptom of the disease this club is fighting and, whether we're relegated or not, he'll never be the sole reason we're down.



I agree with this.

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Easily dislike Dalglish more than McClaren tbh.


Dalglish may not have had Shearer but it was his choice to play ugly football and all but completely dismantle a very good team.


Yup. I've seen a bit of Dalglish revisionism from those who've been dulled by the wankers we've had in charge post-Bobby (Houghton excluded). Dalglish set this club back decades, that appointment to follow KK is something we never recovered from and got close to only under Bobby.

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Yeah well, we'll see if tunes change if we go down. Dalglish had no Shearer for the season and suffered the consequences.


My tune won't change. SMc was a minor symptom of the disease this club is fighting and, whether we're relegated or not, he'll never be the sole reason we're down.


KD had a far more damaging effect on NUFC given the respective circumstances.



Aye so damaging in fact that we were finishing and 4th and 3rd a few seasons later. Including players like Solano, Speed, Shay and Dabizas that he signed, by the way.


Dalglish's team were aging and on the way down. He had one bad season in which we finished 13th, beat Barcelona and reached a cup final. McClaren has quite possibly gotten us relegated with his cowardice and ineptitude.

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Dalglish was responsible for that aging team though by signing Barnes, Rush and Pearce


Pearce was a good signing for a couple of years, Barnes was a good signing for a season too. And I was talking about the cornerstones of Keegan's team, not the additions. Lee, Ferdinand, Ginola, Beresford, Albert etc all over 30 in Dalglish's first full season.


Bottom line: Dalglish did some good things here. McClaren didn't.

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