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Kevin Keegan


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Guest firetotheworks

KK can only comment on his own experience and I imagine working under Ashley has had enough of an affect on him to do so. It's good that he's only speculated using his own experience, but from the outside it's plain to see how complicit Pardew is.

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With all those latest KK talk ins and interviews and all that...


Could it really be that we'll see him back one day? Could it actually be that there is something going round with a group to buy the club in the summer or whatever? Would love it...

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Yeah, I'd like to hear more about it. Love hearing KK speak, about anything really. Interesting that he mentions Modric's agent was a big fan of his, it's easy to forget how much players want to play for him due to how bloody good he was.

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Can keep quoting this all day, everyday..


“Don’t ever give up on your club, keep supporting it, its your club and trust me one day you will get your club back and it will be everything you wanted it to be.


“Newcastle United is bigger than anyone. It hurts I know, but just keep going, he is only one man, we are a city, a whole population. Trust me.”


Do I think it would be a wise choice for him to come back? Depends on who is backing him I guess. Either way we bloody love you King Kev.

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Imagine Keegan owning the club with the right investment man. I think if he were to return that would probably be the most logical route for him to take, though I know for a fact if he came back for a 3rd run as manager under the right ownership, I wouldn't dispute it one bit. The hysteria his return 6 years ago conjured up was incredible. Made me feel like a kid again  :love:

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God how I hate Ian f***ing Woan and Graham f***ing Fenton  :(


They were both long journeys home...  :(


I'll never forget listening to that Fenton game, genuinely traumatic.


Ian, I was a young lad with a season ticket, but no sky tv.  I had a new lass though, who's dad had sky, so I went round there.  It was in Sunderland. The old man (god rest his soul) was out of his chair, screaming at both goals.  What a fucking night.  I was out like a shot at full time, me and the lass went to the local to pack as many drinks into an hour as was possible before the pub shut.  I couldnt look at him, fuming like.

Water under the bridge in the end, married his daughter, got on very well eventually.  That was a fucking awful night though.

That stupid cunt who lost his dog on youtube brought it all back a year or two ago, as well.

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Could listen to KK talk about any subject under the sun he would be so passionate,please please please someone come along and give Cashley what he wants and restore King Kev on his throne  :love:
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I don't think Pardew's anywhere near good enough but there's probably still a lot of truth in what KK says about the tossers that are running the show above him.


Having said that, any manager worth his salt would walk away from such a ludicrous state of affairs...

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When KK says, what happened to him might be happening to Pardew, that's where he's wrong. Pardew came into the job underhanded behind Hughton's back and knew exactly how things stood. KK was lied to and messed around that's the difference.




Exactly!  Keegan is a fantastic guy with unbridled enthusiasm for the game, and represents everything I love about football.  And when he speaks, I always take it very seriously.  But I fucking wish that he wouldn't defend the cocksucker in any capacity.  There may be truth in it, but Pardew knew the score, and has proven over and over what a horrible sack of shit he is.  I fucking detest Ashley, but that in no way should give his snake oil salesman servant a pass.  Jettison them both into the sun.

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Guest TruToon94

What I like about King Kev is his positivism. As somebody who has to battle depression, having Newcastle was one constant now I don't even have that as we've been gutted. But just watching Kev makes it better, the man is a bundle of positivism. Any interview and he just inspires you constantly. In an ideal world the man would be re-instated under a new chairman and make it third time lucky.


Annoys me when people say he was tactically naive as well. What tactics does Pardew have? Make you laugh really.

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I'm doing something which requires me to knock up a few pages of lesser known quotes from, and about, Keegan. I've posted a couple of these recently but here's a few more...


Rob Lee


To be honest, I wasn't so sure when we signed Ginola. He was a Frenchman who was supposed to be quite moody and a primadonna and at first I thought there would be problems. We trained a few times and had a few practice games and the rest of the players seemed to be doing all his running, especially fullback John Beresford. I started having a moan during the training session and after it, Keegan pulled me in. He left me in no doubt how he felt. "Look, I know he's got his faults and I understand what you're saying about his work rate but he could win us the league! So if you've got to do a bit extra, then you've got to do it."


Kevin really made me the player I hope I am today. I was probably an average first division player when I went to Newcastle - Kevin made me into an International player. He changed the position I played to benefit both myself and the team. After only a week at Newcastle, he said "You can play for England. If you want to then I believe you can". It was a wonderful thing to be told, a great boost, though at the time I thought "I bet he says that to everyone!"


One thing I will never forget is Kevin telling me when I signed "The fans bought you. The fans coming through the gate have generated the money and managed to buy you, Rob"


Les Ferdinand


Gerry Francis is the best tactician I've ever worked with, he worries about the opposition and how to stop them. Kevin was only worried from a tactical point of view about his own team. He felt if we played the way he wanted us to play, there wasn't a side in the country who could touch us. He never specifically sat us down in pre season to tell us this, it was just at his team talks and general chats that his philosophy and way of approaching things came across


Kevin always made us feel a million dollars every time we went out. He was just how I imagined him to be. He got me really motivated and when he spoke, you just wanted to play football. Out on the training ground he was the same, his enthusiasm came shining through. He had Terry McDermott with him and he was a terrific sidekick for him. They would laugh and joke with the players and join in the training sessions and that made it really enjoyable and created a great atmosphere


Peter Beardsley


He put forward the deal and said "I'll understand if you feel we're not offering you enough and that you decide you want to go elsewhere but obviously we want you to come to us".


I knew straight away that there was no other club for me. We parted company without any final decision as I wanted to talk to my wife before committing myself. I had a lot of respect for Kevin as a player but you could multiply that by a hundred when you measure the regard I have for him now as a man and a boss. I wanted to play for him. I knew he had pushed the boat out to spend so much money on someone nearer 33 than 32. I knew there were doubters not only at Newcastle but within football in general. A few eyebrows were raised when the deal went public.


But I felt inspired by the challenge. I wanted to respond to the faith the boss was putting in me, not only for my own ambitions, but because I felt that exciting times were just around the corner at Newcastle and I wanted to be part of them


David Ginola


Keegan was the main reason I signed for the club. For a year and a half it was great in training every day. It was a joy. He really was the man for the job, because the people are so passionate.


"From the kids to the grandmas. I learned a lot from him about how to respect the fans and everyone at the club which is why he was so loved and appreciated by so many people


"We should have won the championship and deserved to. The whole of the country wanted us to be crowned champions because of the brand of football we played. We were refreshing, a team brimming with great attacking players under a manager obsessed with playing in the right manner. We were almost like Brazil at times. It was scary. We didn't mind how many we conceded because we always felt we could score one more than we let in"


Keegan On Signing Asprilla


"I've seen what other people say about him. They think he's a good player and warn about his temperament. But if I had signed players on the basis of what I heard about them, David Ginola and Andy Cole wouldn't have come to this club and the fans would have missed some great players."


"You've got to have the courage to look at what you need and get the very best available. That's what I did. What other people think of players has never worried me. You listen to the talk, but you've got to make your own decisions. It's on the field where it really matters."


"The crowd will love him. He's a match-winner, he's a goalscorer and he's an entertainer. He's a real Newcastle player - quick, works hard and has flair. Faustino's the sort of player that Geordies love. The players they talk about are just like him. They should sit back and watch this fellow."


Steven Gerrard








John Burridge




Robbie Fowler



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Guest thenorthumbrian

It might be happening to Pardew also, but Pardew is complicit in it. Without a doubt.


That is the point, Pardew isn't at mercy of events at Newcastle he helps shapes them.

He is as guilty as "Mike".

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One of the things that shines through reading all those quotes about him was how loyal he was to his players, how players wanted to play for him and his philosophy of not worrying about the opposition and letting them worry about us instead.


Basically the polar opposite to the fraud we've got in the dugout now.

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I'm doing something which requires me to knock up a few pages of lesser known quotes from, and about, Keegan. I've posted a couple of these recently but here's a few more...


Rob Lee


To be honest, I wasn't so sure when we signed Ginola. He was a Frenchman who was supposed to be quite moody and a primadonna and at first I thought there would be problems. We trained a few times and had a few practice games and the rest of the players seemed to be doing all his running, especially fullback John Beresford. I started having a moan during the training session and after it, Keegan pulled me in. He left me in no doubt how he felt. "Look, I know he's got his faults and I understand what you're saying about his work rate but he could win us the league! So if you've got to do a bit extra, then you've got to do it."


Kevin really made me the player I hope I am today. I was probably an average first division player when I went to Newcastle - Kevin made me into an International player. He changed the position I played to benefit both myself and the team. After only a week at Newcastle, he said "You can play for England. If you want to then I believe you can". It was a wonderful thing to be told, a great boost, though at the time I thought "I bet he says that to everyone!"


One thing I will never forget is Kevin telling me when I signed "The fans bought you. The fans coming through the gate have generated the money and managed to buy you, Rob"


Les Ferdinand


Gerry Francis is the best tactician I've ever worked with, he worries about the opposition and how to stop them. Kevin was only worried from a tactical point of view about his own team. He felt if we played the way he wanted us to play, there wasn't a side in the country who could touch us. He never specifically sat us down in pre season to tell us this, it was just at his team talks and general chats that his philosophy and way of approaching things came across


Kevin always made us feel a million dollars every time we went out. He was just how I imagined him to be. He got me really motivated and when he spoke, you just wanted to play football. Out on the training ground he was the same, his enthusiasm came shining through. He had Terry McDermott with him and he was a terrific sidekick for him. They would laugh and joke with the players and join in the training sessions and that made it really enjoyable and created a great atmosphere


Peter Beardsley


He put forward the deal and said "I'll understand if you feel we're not offering you enough and that you decide you want to go elsewhere but obviously we want you to come to us".


I knew straight away that there was no other club for me. We parted company without any final decision as I wanted to talk to my wife before committing myself. I had a lot of respect for Kevin as a player but you could multiply that by a hundred when you measure the regard I have for him now as a man and a boss. I wanted to play for him. I knew he had pushed the boat out to spend so much money on someone nearer 33 than 32. I knew there were doubters not only at Newcastle but within football in general. A few eyebrows were raised when the deal went public.


But I felt inspired by the challenge. I wanted to respond to the faith the boss was putting in me, not only for my own ambitions, but because I felt that exciting times were just around the corner at Newcastle and I wanted to be part of them


David Ginola


Keegan was the main reason I signed for the club. For a year and a half it was great in training every day. It was a joy. He really was the man for the job, because the people are so passionate.


"From the kids to the grandmas. I learned a lot from him about how to respect the fans and everyone at the club which is why he was so loved and appreciated by so many people


"We should have won the championship and deserved to. The whole of the country wanted us to be crowned champions because of the brand of football we played. We were refreshing, a team brimming with great attacking players under a manager obsessed with playing in the right manner. We were almost like Brazil at times. It was scary. We didn't mind how many we conceded because we always felt we could score one more than we let in"


Keegan On Signing Asprilla


"I've seen what other people say about him. They think he's a good player and warn about his temperament. But if I had signed players on the basis of what I heard about them, David Ginola and Andy Cole wouldn't have come to this club and the fans would have missed some great players."


"You've got to have the courage to look at what you need and get the very best available. That's what I did. What other people think of players has never worried me. You listen to the talk, but you've got to make your own decisions. It's on the field where it really matters."


"The crowd will love him. He's a match-winner, he's a goalscorer and he's an entertainer. He's a real Newcastle player - quick, works hard and has flair. Faustino's the sort of player that Geordies love. The players they talk about are just like him. They should sit back and watch this fellow."


Steven Gerrard








John Burridge




Robbie Fowler




I've done the same for Pardew;

























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Guest Howaythetoon

KK's whole philosophy stemmed from his dad who when KK was a bairn playing, never shouted at him to do this or that, he simply encouraged him to enjoy himself. KK transferred that kind of mentality into his own coaching RE players. Anelka said he was the best man manager he has ever worked with and that training and football was such a joy under him. This from a known misery guts.


To KK football is a simple game and it really is. Its 11 players vs another with the object to score enough goals to win the game. His sides were set up to score goals and to win games with his players given absolute freedom to express themselves. With KK plying them with confidence and boundless self belief even some of the less talented players would perform wonders and excel.


Second time around here, we were losing game after game, but he didn't change from his philosophy, he knew if they kept trying to pass it around, get at the opposition and expressed themselves, things would change and it did, we started to play some really nice stuff with the likes of Owen excelling in an unorthodox position/role.


KK did the same with Lee, he didn't have the pace or crossing ability to be a winger, so he converted him into a box to box attacking midfielder.


KK should be head of grassroots football in this country because kids playing the game at 6 and 7 or so on don't need coaching, the game is the greatest coach. They just need to be allowed to express themselves more than anything. Maybe then we would start producing capable players at the highest level.

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Guest firetotheworks

KK's whole philosophy stemmed from his dad who when KK was a bairn playing, never shouted at him to do this or that, he simply encouraged him to enjoy himself. KK transferred that kind of mentality into his own coaching RE players. Anelka said he was the best man manager he has ever worked with and that training and football was such a joy under him. This from a known misery guts.


To KK football is a simple game and it really is. Its 11 players vs another with the object to score enough goals to win the game. His sides were set up to score goals and to win games with his players given absolute freedom to express themselves. With KK plying them with confidence and boundless self belief even some of the less talented players would perform wonders and excel.


Second time around here, we were losing game after game, but he didn't change from his philosophy, he knew if they kept trying to pass it around, get at the opposition and expressed themselves, things would change and it did, we started to play some really nice stuff with the likes of Owen excelling in an unorthodox position/role.


KK did the same with Lee, he didn't have the pace or crossing ability to be a winger, so he converted him into a box to box attacking midfielder.


KK should be head of grassroots football in this country because kids playing the game at 6 and 7 or so on don't need coaching, the game is the greatest coach. They just need to be allowed to express themselves more than anything. Maybe then we would start producing capable players at the highest level.


Woah woah woah, slow down.

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